i'm sure the figures you are interested in are available somewhere on line should you be keen to confirm the numbers , in the 70's mates of my dads to pulled dead Vietnamese immigrants up in their fishing nets of the Sussex coast , illegal immigration has been going on for years , but not at...
yes i think there is a correlation between right wing views and education , there is also correlation between fundamentalism and radicalism and education , trouble is there is so much hatred in the world currently , people are far more prepared to lash out , injure and attack each other...
i would personally give her some shrooms or dmt , broaden her horizons, perhaps her comments on SM could be deemed punishable by law and she could be made to do community service in the migrant community
or you could tar and feather her.
well mate , if everybody had 7 or 8 kids how do you think that would affect things in general .....schooling , housing , medical facilities...?? which is my major point so you shouldn't feel obliged to ignore it.
im sorry , i work with Africans and Afghans , they all have huge families , my daughter plays sport with African girls , one Somali family has 11 kids one family from Liberia also 11 kids , Indians generally have fewer kids in my experience , we cannot confuse the gradual immigration of the...
well i would say she'll be supported by some , reviled by others and probably end up on tv at some point.....posting your opinion on social media is not a crime.....tens of thousands do it every day.
what would you like to do to her , tar and feathered , make her sweep the streets naked...
well that is the key to it all isn't it ......the indoctrinated morons on both sides , would you say the % is fairly equal or would you way one side outweighs the other..? uneducated folk are far easier to indoctrinate , certain religions base their entire foundation on this.
if she is 59 she will have seen the country of her birth change remarkably in her lifetime .....you think that 5 , 6 , 7 children families is a good thing ???
what a cringeworthy response , if you count parents of friends visiting from sussex and elsewhere , expat visitors to England and Ireland returning to Australia and friends and relatives who use social media as friends i should change then you obviously are beyond help ,if you think gangs of...
The general consensus seems to be that people joining the protests are not far right at all , more likely concerned citizens who have had enough , in Ireland Catholics and Protestants have protested together , something unheard of until now , the police have apparently provoked reactions...
i have nothing to add to what has already been said , can only imagine the grief of the families involved , terrible , terrible state of affairs.....poor little girls ffs :down:
yes mate ....unfortunately all monies given to the Indigenous are received and administered by third parties and corruption is , frankly , rife.......such is life , we'll get there eventually..x