Another American Paradox is the fact that while 35% of Americans own a gun… they are not all for protection nor sport- it’s not evenly distributed between handguns and hunting rifles… and with wide variation between rural and urban households. Of those that own a gun, 18% have it with them (what we call “carry”) but not constantly. So, 18% of 35% is 6.3% (if they carry their weapon all the time). My guess would be that it’s probably less than half the time- so approximately 3%. Then, I would say it’s triple that rate (~10%) in places like Texas, Alaska, Oklahoma, etc. and a fraction of that rate in other states.Had this conversation with my daughter recently. She despairs in that she calls it "the country that has it all" in terms of natural beauty but she simply has no urge to go because of the thought that just about every other person there is "packing heat".
Of course, the numbers that cannot be honestly discussed- especially with liberals in the US- are the staggering crimes in the Democratic-run cities where we have passed every possible law restricting guns- yet African Americans rob, rape, and murder each other at 200% to 500% the rates of whites and Asians. (I am a moderate - which may come from a Latin word meaning “hated by both sides”

If you are concerned about guns, it depends on where you visit in the US. There are far more guns per capita in Oklahoma than inner city Washington DC- but I can tell you which is MUCH safer- especially if your skin is black.
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