This doesn't surprise me.When I was entering Villa Park many years ago, and my manbag was searched, I was asked why I was carrying 3 pairs of sunnies. He seemed to think I'd stolen them.
Man bag, really.

This doesn't surprise me.When I was entering Villa Park many years ago, and my manbag was searched, I was asked why I was carrying 3 pairs of sunnies. He seemed to think I'd stolen them.
I bought my Oakley's nearly 20 years ago for £120, at the time I thought that was a bit of a rip-off but they're still going strong even with original lenses. Best thing is when the lenses finally go, you can just pop them out and get some new onesI bought two pairs of Oakley Gascan’s when I was in the States and the exchange rate was amazing, this was about 15 years ago, and they’ve served me brilliantly since having looked after them. Think I paid about $150 for both, which worked out then as around £80.
Different times.
Good point about feeling a tit. This reminds me of a wedding I went to in Greece around 25 years ago. I was sporting a light grey pink-pinstripped suit and white rimmed and black lensed aviators....think of Miami Vice meets Richard Fairbrass and you're there. I thought I looked the business. Sadly this look did not age age I am talking about 2 or 3 months when I saw the wedding snaps and was quite horrified. I kept the suit but the wife was given the shades.I don't really like wearing sunglasses - I find them uncomfortable and annoying (I don't wear glasses, so haven't got used to something on my face). I find they give me a headache when perched on top of my head, so can't just leave them up there when not actually wearing them and I really can't be arsed to carry them around in a case.
I have a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers for when it's so bright I have no choice but to wear them - usually on holiday. I like a polarized lense so I can spot fish if I'm near water. I'm on my 3rd pair in about 15 years, having lost the first 2 pairs. I think the latest pair was somewhere around £140-160.
My wife bought me a pair of Persols 6 or 7 years ago, but I just don't like them - even more uncomfortable and I feel like a tit in them. They are in a drawer somewhere, virtually unworn. I should probably get her to stick them on Vinted.
I bought a lovely pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers from the duty-free in Gatwick on the way to Gran Canaria last year, which cost me £140 (apparently reduced from £180), and they were very much excellent. Sadly, on a drunken wobble home from the pub last autumn, I fell off my bike. Scuffed up my arms, my chin and my eye socket, and then amongst my trauma as I hobbled home, must have left my sunglasses in the gutter. No doubt dutifully scooped up by some deformed degenerate urban pustule who's gums I would not piss on if they were on fire.
Anyhoo. During the festive period, I've had a bit of LUCK on the old accas, creaming in around £268 from Ladbrokes. So I went into BOLLOCKS mode, went down to Sunglass Hut (despite knowing they the biggest rip-off merchants), to have a mince round and buy some new ones. The long and short of it - they had a 50% sale on many brands, so I've sloped off with a pair of Ray-Bans polaroid, priced at £215, but for £107.50. And visually, they really are the biz. Delighted. They're Ferrari (with the logo). And I drive a Honda. But they just "sat right" on my boat, so I went with it.
Being as I was only spending winnings (ie free money), I'd probably have gone up to about £180, but didn't need to due to the January sales.
So I put it to the class. What would, or have, YOU spend on sunglasses ?
Oakleys …around £200
i bought my current pair on Crete for around €180 they threw in one of those metal straps that mean you can a) look like LARRY GRAYSON
Tad harsh. Probably picked up by a lovely old dear and put on a nearby wall.No doubt dutifully scooped up by some deformed degenerate urban pustule who's gums I would not piss on if they were on fire.
You’ve answered your own question with that link.Always less that £10. Why on earth would you spend more? I currently have these, they're excellent.
@Herr Tubthumper you're missing out dear.