A broken clock (you know the rest)It's not what they say, but who's saying it - that's what it boils down to sometimes. Yes, that awful little woman is apparently barnstorming the country in support of Trump (though why anybody, left, right or stupid should campaign for the **** in this country is beyond me) s is worthy of any amount of scorn or derision. Believe me, I can sneer at Ms. Trump - sorry, Truss - with the sneeriest of the sneeriest on here, bur sometimes even she says some things I agree with.
1). Clamp down on speeding? Yes, I'm in favour of that - does everybody left of Kenneth Clark suddenly think speeders are victims and their civil rights should be respected?
2). She's supported a campaign of her constituents to keep a traveller site out of their village. Well, I'd damn well hope my MP would do the same!
3). And as for concern about our inability to remove people who come here illegally (providing they're not genuine refugees, of course) - well, yes, it is a problem, is it not? Should we be saying, oh that's alright, let 'em all in and welcome?
Now, that's three things the awful woman has put up on her newsletter. I broadly agree with them - so does that make me a right wing MAGA supporting fascist who thinks Liz Truss was/is great? I think not; it's just a bad choice of things with which to berate her.
Good sticks to beat her with:-
Supporting Trump? - despicable.
Lettuce banner? - hilarious and most apposite.
Constituency newsletter? - not so much!