Well, they're both on my Christmas list anyway.
This year, I can understand it. Next year, however....

Well, they're both on my Christmas list anyway.
Sadly, good riddance.
It's going to happen. The money men will keep chipping away until they get it.
I won't be watching any games featuring these teams (outside of Albion games).
TBH, the Champions League hasn't meant anything to me for a few years now. Meh!
FIFA should ban any players taking part from international competitions - they won't - but that would pull part of the rug from under them.
Perhaps the other 14 should be holding a meeting to determine what action they can take collectively? Maybe vote the 6 out of the PL and shunt another 6 up from the championship and so on. If the 6 want a competition that has no qualification requirement then give them plenty of time to practice next season.
The champions' league will improve, because the numpty pirates won't be in it.
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It’s been some time since we’ve had any real need for a good protest.
Whistles, top 20 singles, poems, letters and marches* at the ready everybody.
... before these get banned.
The big growth area in broadcast deals is in Asia.
In any case consumer threats will come to nothing. I won’t be cancelling my subscriptions as I pay mainly to watch BHA on tv. I am also happy to see the back of the big 6. I won’t be the only one.
That link is about the EPL, not the CL. I am talking about pre-emptive threat, not actual cancellation. If the big six go, the EPL will be diminished, not through the loss of the actual clubs, but through the loss of money.
A glance at the very sweary Spurs forum shows 95% against it and some fans very unhappy at the prospect. I hope this backfires horribly for the owners of all the clubs involved.
And what's the common denominator for those top 6 clubs? Probably the greatest number of plastic fans who just watch the game from their armchair and have no concept of wet windy Tuesday night away to Stockport County stood on a terrace.
Sadly fans seem to be an irrelevance in this greed guided look after themselves escapade
Those defending it on R5 phone-in are complete morons. Some think that the breakaway teams will continue playing in the EPL.