Still nothing official, the Mods don't actually write " banned" under an avatar, they just ban. Sadly he's probably just dipped out for a while before he slimes his way back in again.
Why don’t you say something if it bothers you that much?
Still nothing official, the Mods don't actually write " banned" under an avatar, they just ban. Sadly he's probably just dipped out for a while before he slimes his way back in again.
Why don’t you say something if it bothers you that much?
I'm not that bothered, its more the fact that people are talking of a ban but there does not seem to be one. I used to interact with him when he used to go off on one such as the hilarious " Defund the Police " rants he went on. It took some time for him to admit that yes, the way the UK police are funded renders " defunding " ridiculous. His new, regular obsession with his right hand made me realise that there was nowt to be gained by reasoning with him anymore so he went on Ignore about 10 days ago.
Since then he seems to have been spraying around allegations for worse than his normal fantasy's and quickly disappeared. I will usually try to debate logically with most posters on here, without resorting to insults or abuse, because no matter what our beliefs are as almost all of us have things we can agree on, however, some posters just have to be oppositional whatever.
Not bothered [emoji23] Look at what you’ve just typed [emoji23]
I just explained, why I am not bothered. You asked the question.
if you say so ....![]()
Not just me, it's one of them, there, consensus thingys
consensus reached on on an internet forum ..... ok mate ....whatever .
What else could we judge him on?
Just the stuff he bangs on about ad nauseam, like racists tend to. Alright mate?
One of the most annoying (OK, obnoxious) things about Johnson - and the charge sheet is not underpopulated in this respect - is that, despite his frequent references to the 'innate common sense of the British people, he takes us for mugs.
He showed this during the Brexit campaign (the bus) and he's showing it now. I refer to the 'Australian style deal' . To all intents and purposes there is no Australian style deal any more than there is an Afghanistan style deal. It's bad enough wrecking the country and breaking international law.................
.......but does he have to insult our intelligence in the process?
And then he has the gall to state the old 'I have to level with you' line.
yeah ....ok kid ...
masive leap in judgement as far as im concerned but i suppose you chaps are bang on , as usual ..![]()
yeah ....ok kid ...
masive leap in judgement as far as im concerned but i suppose you chaps are bang on , as usual ..![]()
One of the most annoying (OK, obnoxious) things about Johnson - and the charge sheet is not underpopulated in this respect - is that, despite his frequent references to the 'innate common sense of the British people, he takes us for mugs.
He showed this during the Brexit campaign (the bus) and he's showing it now. I refer to the 'Australian style deal' . To all intents and purposes there is no Australian style deal any more than there is an Afghanistan style deal. It's bad enough wrecking the country and breaking international law.................
.......but does he have to insult our intelligence in the process?
And then he has the gall to state the old 'I have to level with you' line.
One of the most annoying (OK, obnoxious) things about Johnson - and the charge sheet is not underpopulated in this respect - is that, despite his frequent references to the 'innate common sense of the British people, he takes us for mugs.
He showed this during the Brexit campaign (the bus) and he's showing it now. I refer to the 'Australian style deal' . To all intents and purposes there is no Australian style deal any more than there is an Afghanistan style deal. It's bad enough wrecking the country and breaking international law.................
.......but does he have to insult our intelligence in the process?
And then he has the gall to state the old 'I have to level with you' line.
He's not taking us all for mugs though because it's not pitched at you or me, is it ?
It's pitched at [MENTION=11191]Pretty pink fairy[/MENTION], [MENTION=2719]Mouldy Boots[/MENTION], [MENTION=534]Chicken Run[/MENTION], [MENTION=35196]Is it PotG?[/MENTION] etc and they'll all be saying 'Australia Deal' within days the same way they loved the bus, Brexit means Brexit, Oven ready Deal etc etc.
To be fair, he knows his market and that's who he is very successfully targeting, and who the message is tailored to appeal to. (Well Dom's targeting for him, but let's not be pedantic)
28% of the electorate gave him an 80 seat majority at the last election and, given that just under 50% of the electorate are more stupid than the average person he only needs to target a very small percentage of the most gullible. The great shame is that the majority of those he targets will be the same people who will suffer most from it, but what can you do ?
One of the most annoying (OK, obnoxious) things about Johnson - and the charge sheet is not underpopulated in this respect - is that, despite his frequent references to the 'innate common sense of the British people, he takes us for mugs.
He showed this during the Brexit campaign (the bus) and he's showing it now. I refer to the 'Australian style deal' . To all intents and purposes there is no Australian style deal any more than there is an Afghanistan style deal. It's bad enough wrecking the country and breaking international law.................
.......but does he have to insult our intelligence in the process?
And then he has the gall to state the old 'I have to level with you' line.