Please tell me that you don't use the Ad Blocker on NSC ?
Ukrainian bints ..![]()
Why not?
I'm a journalist - ads pay my salary (and for NSC too)
If everyone ran an ad blocker on NSC there would be no NSC. The same for many, many sites.
If you are logged in to NSC the ads are not intrusive at all, and intentionally so. I use NSC a lot, and see all the ads. As a result, I wouldn't make the site shit to use like so many sites.
This has reminded me to check how many people are blocking ads - I've not checked for a few months - and see if it is now the time to block the site from the ad-blockers. Thanks for the reminder.
Rather than block the ad-blocker users immediately maybe just publish their usernames in a thread ? Gives them a chance to rectify their naughtiness.
If everyone ran an ad blocker on NSC there would be no NSC. The same for many, many sites.
If you are logged in to NSC the ads are not intrusive at all, and intentionally so. I use NSC a lot, and see all the ads. As a result, I wouldn't make the site shit to use like so many sites.
This has reminded me to check how many people are blocking ads - I've not checked for a few months - and see if it is now the time to block the site from the ad-blockers. Thanks for the reminder.
Rather than block the ad-blocker users immediately maybe just publish their usernames in a thread ? Gives them a chance to rectify their naughtiness.
If everyone ran an ad blocker on NSC there would be no NSC. The same for many, many sites.
If you are logged in to NSC the ads are not intrusive at all, and intentionally so. I use NSC a lot, and see all the ads. As a result, I wouldn't make the site shit to use like so many sites.
This has reminded me to check how many people are blocking ads - I've not checked for a few months - and see if it is now the time to block the site from the ad-blockers. Thanks for the reminder.
It doesn't quite work like that.
Ad-blcoker software detects common ad-serving technologies on sites and doesn't load those bits of a page when a browser loads the site.
So I deploy a piece of code on the site that detects ad-blocker software and doesn't load any of the site at all.
It's a ridiculous digital arms race, which is why I would hop that by keeping ads on NSC to a low level, most decent people would whitelist the site. Unfortunately, there are a fair few people out there who aren't decent in the slightest.
These days, do you get anything from just showing the ads or is it just clicks that matter?
I occasionally use my iPhone to look at NSC, I haven’t installed an ad block on the phone, I’m currently seeing an advert for investing in Whiskey, WTAF?
I hate Whiskey and I’m not someone that gets involved in investments.
I occasionally use my iPhone to look at NSC, I haven’t installed an ad block on the phone, I’m currently seeing an advert for investing in Whiskey, WTAF?
I hate Whiskey and I’m not someone that gets involved in investments.
But there's been relatively long thread on whisk(e)y on NSC recently
Don't you only get revenue if the ads are clicked on?
Why are most of the ads that I'm getting on NSC this past week in French? I'm not based in France and haven't been looking at any French sites lately.
Is it because of the links about Dia that have been posted? Does that mean we're going to get loads of ads in Polish later in the week, thanks to our latest signing?
C'est drôle, n'est ce pas?
CPC, CPM? What!? You should define your acronyms.
CPC = cost-per-click (= NSC getting money from people clicking the ads)
CPM = cost per... something (= NSC getting money from thousand people seeing the ad)
CPE = cost-per-engagement (= NSC getting money from people first clicking the ad and then buying something from that company within x hours/days)
Think NSC could be a really good CPE market and grow as a forum with some increased/modernized SEO. Bozza is probably aware of it but perhaps hard to do much about it, I dont know much about vBulletin forums.