Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Brexit Hard man Steve Baker calls for him to be sacked
He also retweeted this.
12 out of 24 complied, so maybe Johnson doesn't have complete support in his cabinet.
Brexit Hard man Steve Baker calls for him to be sacked
I think you are on the money, Cummings has taken a massive sh!t on the graves of the 30,000 plus dead.
Stay at home was a simple message, anyone who didn’t do this should immediately lose their job.
We need a lesson, and a hard one at that to prevent the covidiots thinking they can take the p!ss........lockdown is lockdown,
Those Herberts that crossed the channel in dinghies or arrived in the U.K. during lockdown should be sent back where they came from too in exactly the same manner that they arrived, STAY AT HOME MEANS STAY AT HOME.
Cummings should be forced to read out the names of the dead on the empty plinth in Trafalgar Sq and say sorry after every one.
Once he’s done that any one that wants to should form a socially distanced queue and hit him over the head with a special 3m long cane, but if that’s not essential travel every town and village should do it by proxy with another designated “Cummings” that has also transgressed.
By all accounts there has been hundreds of covidiot imbeciles paced into dinghies crossing the channel and taking a sh!t on the 30,000 dead so there will be plenty to go round.
Thinking about it, maybe that wouldn’t be a good look for the black ones, so we should only do it with whites.
Job done.
Mouldy would like some proof.This is going to be as interesting to watch over the next couple of days as catching up with those posts was from last night on this thread with the usual cheerleaders defending their hero 'Boris' and his right hand man. The Sunday Times is a particularly difficult read for 'Boris' and his sycophants today. This little snippet on the front page article was quite succinct in regards to Cummings:
“This could get very sticky next week,” said one irate cabinet minister who would like to see Cummings forced out. “He clearly did a lot wrong. He has such contempt for us all, he doesn’t think rules apply to him.” Another senior Tory said: “If this was someone else he would be the first person saying it is an example of an out-of-touch elite in Westminster.”
They just need to come up with a few 3 word soundbites with zero substance, preferably consisting of words of one syllable, repeat them constantly and everything will be fine. It's what their best at and the pup will always get sold:
Rules. Not. Breached.
Stayed. In. London.
Witness. Was. Lying.
Durham. Police. Wrong.
etc etc
I am only asking for the evidence of all these other trips.
Fair enough question, I reckon?
But if he and his wife could have ended up bedridden I would say it was quite a sensible thing to do, if the kid was 15 I would have said what a twot.
Guess what mate, I have seen neighbours walking their dogs twice a day, every day.
It's just another which hunt from the leftie activists as far as I can see, unless I see some evidence.
You can Feck off **** face.
I have children and I would protect them to the death.
Leaving a child to fend for themself, eating, drinking, and watching them get into everything at 4 years old would hold many dangers.
If you left a 4-year-old to fend for themself all day at home, you would lose them to social and rightly so.
Covid 19 has not been hard on the very young and kids can not fend for himself, you must be mental.
In the meantime has anyone come up with any evidence at all of all these other so-called trips![]()
As far as I am concerned, this lockdown is over if that Meacon, Robocop crossover doesn't get sacked.
If he can do whatever the **** he wants so can I.
This resonates for me. I too visited my Dad early March. We spent a happy hour or so playing dominoes - I'm taking comfort that it was a happy meeting - and also that I know that the staff are very kind. Thoughts with you.(its not as bad for me - there is no terminal diagnosis but he has plenty of highly significant health issues - and apparently there is a virus going around - which some of us are trying to beat by our actions)Thank you. I as lucky enough to visit him at home At the start of March. Had no idea that was very likely the last time I’ll ever see him. Heart breaking.
This resonates for me. I too visited my Dad early March. We spent a happy hour or so playing dominoes - I'm taking comfort that it was a happy meeting - and also that I know that the staff are very kind. Thoughts with you.(its not as bad for me - there is no terminal diagnosis but he has plenty of highly significant health issues - and apparently there is a virus going around - which some of us are trying to beat by our actions)
Aaaaand a third Tory MP now calling for Cummings to go - Damian Collins, MP for Folkestone & Hythe.
Think we might be smelling blood here.
Sorry, maybe to those plotting behind the scenes this has something to do with Brexit, but to the average man this is just another example of a politician (I know Cummings isn’t an actual politician, but he does pretty much run the country), sticking two fingers up and saying “rules are for the little people, ordinary people, I am above those rules and can count on my mates (for now) to help me worm my way out of it...”
It’s a disgrace that no one in government has the balls to say it was wrong!
Like the charging non British workers NHS scandal, you can only defend the indefensible for so long!
Aaaaand a third Tory MP now calling for Cummings to go - Damian Collins, MP for Folkestone & Hythe.
Think we might be smelling blood here.
I imagine they have opened the inbox on the email accounts....
I assume you mean Mekon, but who is the Dan Dare who will come to the rescue?