Not awoke
It’s not even the weekend and all these people with time on their hands...can’t think why 
The right wing media have been putting in the boot for longer than some realise. I'd say it goes back to the mid-80s. Since we stopped being a kiss-me-quick seaside town.
Not bothered about such coverage except the blatant lies that are spread. They are only writing for their own audiences plus the few PPFs that exist here.
PS- It will always be a town to me.
It's quite simple: the right-wing press have organised a conflict between the provinces (where their readership is largely based) and the metropoles, home of 'the elite' of which Brighton is one of the most exemplary exponents (and where their readership is far lower).
Within this crude divide, NSC is quite an interesting test case as there are representatives of both amongst B&HA fans, although I suspect there are more of the latter than the former (it might be that the latter are more vociferous -- "the chattering classes" against "the silent majority"). This also explains how so many of the political arguments/debates/discussions are structured on NSC.
Oh and is there a mod who can change the OP's description of Brighton as a town to a city![]()
Interesting this morning that every site you click on has a photo of Brighton in with people "enjoying the sun" and "defying lockdown".
(pubs have been doing takeaway from the start via delivery services, also seafront office have been in contact with seafront businesses to advise they can serve takeaway)
And as the main MSN banner photo.
Then, in the football, we are the main enemy of Project Restart despite Deeney not training and Watford having three confirmed virus cases.
Does anyone else think it's weird that the spotlight is on a town that has had only 409 cases, only 5 new ones in the last week and that has repeatedly asked people NOT to travel or gather here?
anything changed out of interest ??
anything changed out of interest ??
so that's OK thenBrighton streets have been filthy since forever.
Interesting this morning that every site you click on has a photo of Brighton in with people "enjoying the sun" and "defying lockdown".
(pubs have been doing takeaway from the start via delivery services, also seafront office have been in contact with seafront businesses to advise they can serve takeaway)
And as the main MSN banner photo.
Then, in the football, we are the main enemy of Project Restart despite Deeney not training and Watford having three confirmed virus cases.
Does anyone else think it's weird that the spotlight is on a town that has had only 409 cases, only 5 new ones in the last week and that has repeatedly asked people NOT to travel or gather here?
This “silent majority” you talk of continually frustrate the chattering classes in anything that resembles putting a X on a bit of paper in a booth, and it must be extremely irritating.
Maybe the chattering classes would do better by stop chattering?
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another clueless responseWhy don't you pop down when it's safe and find out for yourself. When it's really safe you should even be able to have a beer in a pub and go and watch the team you claim to support play football.
another clueless responsei've worked in Brighton for around 10 years
i feel sorry for you, no one likes to see their home town/city go down the pan, that post is a fair and honest one imhoBrighton has always been a satellite of London, ‘ London by the sea’ .It’s excellent commuter links have meant a lot of trendy luvvies have made it their home, like London it has become an echo chamber. The Greens have turned My Town into a shanty town, the place is a haven for scruffy,smelly students and FBPE loons, sneering down their noses at people that had the nerve to vote to leave the busted flush of the EU.
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In the Daily Mail many coastal resorts get a mention:
Brighton has always been a satellite of London, ‘ London by the sea’ .It’s excellent commuter links have meant a lot of trendy luvvies have made it their home, like London it has become an echo chamber. The Greens have turned My Town into a shanty town, the place is a haven for scruffy,smelly students and FBPE loons, sneering down their noses at people that had the nerve to vote to leave the busted flush of the EU.
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if i find you in the gutter rog i'll give you a hand upare you a road sweeper?
if so, you must be starting to get the hang of it by now
Brighton has always been a satellite of London, ‘ London by the sea’ .It’s excellent commuter links have meant a lot of trendy luvvies have made it their home, like London it has become an echo chamber. The Greens have turned My Town into a shanty town, the place is a haven for scruffy,smelly students and FBPE loons, sneering down their noses at people that had the nerve to vote to leave the busted flush of the EU.
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Brighton has always been a satellite of London, ‘ London by the sea’ .It’s excellent commuter links have meant a lot of trendy luvvies have made it their home, like London it has become an echo chamber. The Greens have turned My Town into a shanty town, the place is a haven for scruffy,smelly students and FBPE loons, sneering down their noses at people that had the nerve to vote to leave the busted flush of the EU.
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It's quite simple: the right-wing press have organised a conflict between the provinces (where their readership is largely based) and the metropoles, home of 'the elite' of which Brighton is one of the most exemplary exponents (and where their readership is far lower).
Within this crude divide, NSC is quite an interesting test case as there are representatives of both amongst B&HA fans, although I suspect there are more of the latter than the former (it might be that the latter are more vociferous -- "the chattering classes" against "the silent majority"). This also explains how so many of the political arguments/debates/discussions are structured on NSC.