This media-whipped-up bollocks has served as a pretty stark illustration of how flimsy our illusion of a mature civilised society actually is. Doesn't take very much at all for wankers to start filling up their shopping trolleys with pasta and bog rolls. What's the betting the shitferbrains didn't think of also stocking up on pasta sauce and a half-decent Italian grated cheese. And maybe a nice white wine. Beyond peurile. Why do 'we' always have to act like a herd of c****s?
Bit much.
My opinion is that the majority of people may have just bunged "a bit extra" in their trolley - especially when they hear about the loo rolls and see there isn't great stock. It's just becomes a run on certain items, I really don't see people going in and buying loads of packs of loo rolls. In store stock levels aren't much anyway and it doesn't take much to deplete them I'd imagine.
I've walked to the shops several times over the past week and not found any issues getting what I want. I did buy some loo rolls because i needed them but stupidly i felt a bit guilty for doing so because of the "media frenzy". In fact, loo rolls are one of the last things I'd worry about though, prioritising, erm, water and food perhaps.
What I have realised though with all this palava is that unlike my dear old nan (rip) and my mum, both obviously very old fashioned, I don't keep much of a larder - and perhaps that's not a great idea?
The **** and his wife at my local store this morning after wandering out and then loading at least 4 packs of 9 into his souped up Range River didn’t conform to your assumption. Especially as he whooped and danced about while being filmed by his stupid wife.
What, on NSC?OK...serious question
Largely, they're not? are they including in the list of stats people who show little to no symptoms?
Meanwhile, you aren't helping at all with your sensationalist Daily Express bullshit. It's beneath you.
Ooh, they sound like 'influencers'
From the link:
Key points:
Australians Karen and Jason Honey both became infected with coronavirus on the Diamond Princess cruise ship
Ms Honey has suffered bouts of fever at night, regularly having to change her clothes and sheets
Mr Honey has had no symptoms at all, despite testing positive for the virus.
I realise it's just two people's experience but it shows how a true count of those infected might be hard to come by and also shows you're not going to save yourself by people self-isolating. They're here now, and walk amongst us, infected.............without knowing it.
The rate at which the virus has spread in China has slowed hugely, thanks to the authoritarian government shutting so much down, not because of the weather, or it just buggering off. The problem is, when they inevitably try to go back to work, the virus will start spreading again, because it hasn't just gone.Two possible positive solutions;
1. Weather improves and it buggers off of it's own accord - daily cases are going down all the time in China, a place with far worse hygiene than here.
Are you being serious? You accuse me of sensationalising the dangers, but then you come out with that? Why is it that you think no governments are coming out with such nonsense? Firstly, 2 weeks is not enough. Some people will start showing symptoms in that time, and certainly won't be clear a couple of weeks later. They'll also spread the virus to those they live with, who will have to then stay put for another few weeks. Secondly, it's not possible for all services (emergency, power, water) to just not show up for 2 (more like 6) weeks. What about all those in hospital now? What about crime etc?2. If contagion gets to "state of emergency/TIEM TO PANICK" standard (unlikely, but possible), we all self isolate for 2 weeks. Catch up on netflix, and boom - coronavirus gone.
Agreed, but while some are overstating the dangers, others like you aren't using common sense, and are understating the dangers.Should it be completely dismissed out of hand? No. But some people's reactions atm are utterly, utterly ludicrous and really aren't helping those with a nervous/anxious disposition. Use some common sense
If you think this virus is just going to go away, you're not paying attention.Further positive - there were 58,000 active infections back on Feb 19th. There are currently 39,000, at a time when we are testing at a far higher rate, and have much more awareness of the virus.
They looked like twats. Looked at me glaring and seemed a bit embarrassed.
Utter cockwombles
Serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Seek help immediately.
Two possible positive solutions;
1. Weather improves and it buggers off of it's own accord - daily cases are going down all the time in China, a place with far worse hygiene than here.
2. If contagion gets to "state of emergency/TIEM TO PANICK" standard (unlikely, but possible), we all self isolate for 2 weeks. Catch up on netflix, and boom - coronavirus gone.
Should it be completely dismissed out of hand? No. But some people's reactions atm are utterly, utterly ludicrous and really aren't helping those with a nervous/anxious disposition. Use some common sense - this part isn't aimed at you, [MENTION=599]beorhthelm[/MENTION]...
Further positive - there were 58,000 active infections back on Feb 19th. There are currently 39,000, at a time when we are testing at a far higher rate, and have much more awareness of the virus.
There have also been less critical cases day-on-day since Feb 18th until now.
Again, focusing on the stats as a whole, rather than cherry-picking the most scary ones, helps a lot. Ignore the papers and focus on the stats.
This, and the "two different strains" revelation perhaps reveal why we have been so polarised. The Hove "super-spreader" had very little symptoms and fully recovered in a day or two. In my experience that's a better outcome than some colds which can knock you out for a few days and leave you sniffly or prone to a chest infection. But even mention the "c-word" even as a joke in a mock-exaggerated rant and people jump all over you, because all they can see is the people reacting badly and having bad fever or getting hospitalised.
In all honesty it looks like this is going to be very shit for some people, virtually unnoticed for others and impossible to contain. I assume Boris was given at least part of this intelligence before his comments yesterday. It's looking more and more like a lottery.
This, and the "two different strains" revelation perhaps reveal why we have been so polarised. The Hove "super-spreader" had very little symptoms and fully recovered in a day or two. In my experience that's a better outcome than some colds which can knock you out for a few days and leave you sniffly or prone to a chest infection. But even mention the "c-word" even as a joke in a mock-exaggerated rant and people jump all over you, because all they can see is the people reacting badly and having bad fever or getting hospitalised.
In all honesty it looks like this is going to be very shit for some people, virtually unnoticed for others and impossible to contain. I assume Boris was given at least part of this intelligence before his comments yesterday. It's looking more and more like a lottery.
This, and the "two different strains" revelation perhaps reveal why we have been so polarised. The Hove "super-spreader" had very little symptoms and fully recovered in a day or two. In my experience that's a better outcome than some colds which can knock you out for a few days and leave you sniffly or prone to a chest infection. But even mention the "c-word" even as a joke in a mock-exaggerated rant and people jump all over you, because all they can see is the people reacting badly and having bad fever or getting hospitalised.
In all honesty it looks like this is going to be very shit for some people, virtually unnoticed for others and impossible to contain. I assume Boris was given at least part of this intelligence before his comments yesterday. It's looking more and more like a lottery.
I'd say that Trump is in the 'high risk' category. Elderly, underlying health problems?
I'd say that Trump is in the 'high risk' category. Elderly, underlying health problems?
You’ve changed your tune
“It’s the flu FFS”
Were your previous views based solely on one bloke you knew instead of the wealth of information coming from national and international health bodies?
You’ve changed your tune
“It’s the flu FFS”