The closest I get to classical music is listening to something like Hyacinth House by The Doors which uses Adagio in G Minor.
I'm amazed to see the love for Classic FM on here, I think it's an awful station - they do keep playing the same thing over and over. Radio 3 is the way to go - it's the only music station I listen to - much more varied than Classic FM
Try Scala if you dont like Classic FM.....personally I prefer Classic FM but at least there is choice,,
I'm amazed to see the love for Classic FM on here, I think it's an awful station - they do keep playing the same thing over and over. Radio 3 is the way to go - it's the only music station I listen to - much more varied than Classic FM
Mahler! I flippin love Mahler. So emotional. Dark, light. Intense, whimsical. Love it.Agree. Unlistenable.
I have a fair bit of Ludvig van on CD, some Stravinsky and some Mahler. I had similar on vinyl. All these are a bit shit now though (AAD CDs).
When I get around to it I will research the best recordings and update the collection. To be honest it must be more than 10 years since I listened to any of it, though.
One 'classical' I have no time for, that others drool over, is Mozart. Clever clever shite with no emotion, as you might expect from a child prodigy. Think Charlotte Church. Think Bonnie Langford.
My grandfather was a cellist in a couple of big orchestra's back in the day, and I remember being very little, being spellbound when he was practicing at home. He was always playing intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana on the gramophone and I always love hearing it. Was a very sharp dresser, sadly didnt rub off on me. Check the shoes outA different age.
My Dad ran the Music Library in Church Street in the 70s-90s (Cote Brassiere last time I was in town), so I grew up with it. I used to babysit for next door from when I was about 12, mainly so I could listen to their Bowie collection!
Still enjoy it, but veer towards CDs and Radio 3 more then Classic FM, as the adverts drive me nuts, and the same pieces come round. But it's different music for different occasions, last week a Mahler symphony was an excellent accompaniment to a drive to work right through the heart of the Lake District, with Marconi Union on the way back.
I am also a recent convert to Classic FM.
As you say, it is very soothing when driving .
Personally I can't stand Classic FM for the same reason - the adverts - but also the sycophantic approach of most of the presenters. Much prefer Radio 3, where you will zlso find jazz and World Music and other things.
Bach, Beethoven, Bach, Sibelius, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Bach, Grieg, Vivaldi, Bach, Bernstein Bach and many others.... And did I mention Bach.
As a yoof I was never into the genre of classical music, always the music of the time when growing up.
As now older, over the years I've appreciated listening to Classic FM, as I found it a great benefit when driving home from work, after a busy day and even more so when stuck in traffic jams for long period of times.
I've recently purchased Stephen Fry's Mythos Suite narration of the Greek mythology in music, its brilliant.
Any others into the classics![]()