Deleted member 2719
You can't spout off about Labour Ladies in underwear and then claim to be a serious poster, patronised by accusations of just being a WUM, ya bellend..
I can, and I did.
It's that PACK word again. Leavers seem to be terribly dramatic. This 'making the UK great again', please go on, it sounds fascinating, and why are you scared of Labour supporters seeing you? Seems somewhat 'snowflake-ish'
I think the only people who have been dramatic is the remoaners scream like snowflakes about the economy will collapse and we will all die, a slap with wet fish is needed, or a bloody good birching would straighten them out.
Careful Mouldy Boots, you are now in danger of aping Carl Benjamin's comments - or is that what you are trying to do? You are as cavalier in writing about your sensual preferences/turn offs as you are about 'the sunny uplands' you think Brexit will yield. In both cases you have clear views, but in neither case are you likely to be held to account; you clearly enjoy exercising freedom without responsibility.
Lever I would be very careful in even mentioning my name in the same sentence as Carl benjamins.
I have always been accountable for everything I have done in life, how about you?
I think my overriding thought is why are they even on here? If they are so confident that Brexit is the right thing to do, that it’s what the people want and that it’s going ahead, why would you come on here to argue with the losers?
It reeks of insecurity and of people simply looking for a row.
If Remain had won, I wouldn’t even bother opening this thread to read a load of whinging losers.
I actually come on here to see what you lot are currently whining about now, it's quite amazing how you're still stamping your feet 3 years on!
They had Brexit in their grasp, only 28 votes short but the loons have blown it for them. A lot of soul searching now and looking for someone else to blame but themselves.
Getting onto NSC is part of their anger management. They was sold a pup, they are victims....
Come on Nicko you can't wait to October the 31st, it means it will free up most of your day of posting leftie comments on football forums, I am sure your time could be better spent striking with some students or something exciting like that.
Agreed. Thin skinned projectors of bitterness and disbelief.
Best be careful though, we’ll be accused of rounding on them in a pack if more than two of us agree on something at the same time. Poor little kittens.
Why is it you feel the need to hunt in a pack

How to act with a pack of wolves.
Fight back. If the wolf attacks, fend it off with sticks, rocks, bear spray, air horns, or any weapon that you have.[3] Find an easily-defensible position: stand with your back against a tree or a large rock. You don't want the wolves to get behind you.
Do not try to "hide in plain sight" or curl up into a fetal position. This will not stop a wolf from killing you. In most cases, an attacking wolf will only leave if you intimidate it and present a bigger threat than it is willing to chance.