President Clinton-wrong.Trump assassinated-wrong.Remain win the referendum-wrong.Trump impeached-wrong.Labour win GE-wrong.Corbin PM-wrong.Germany win World Cup-wrong.Bit of a theme developing here-can anybody guess what it is?
Oh dear,I answer your silly question,you can't cope with being a div,personal abuse spouts,Friday nights are bad for you,aren't they?
Most of Eastern Europe is poor.That is why the EU have been giving them our money since they joined.The only difference between the EU poor and the Commonwealth poor is race.
Firstly, I never asked you a question, I just explained that you didn't know what you were talking about, you just carried on showing that you still had no idea, then repeated with the addition of smileys, which is what you usually do when eventually the penny drops and you realise you have been spouting bollocks. Hence the classic you comment.
But let me ask you a question, was there a legal way for any Briton who was living, and had been living overseas, for more than 15 years and had not previously registered to vote in UK elections, to vote in the referendum? I will give you a hint, first letter is N and last letter is O.
I explained that to you, and you still suggest that they could have registered a UK address. We know Bullshitting is second nature to you, but most people like to be honest.
The reasons that were given at the time for not extending the vote to these people, and to 16 and 17 year olds, and also for not having a threshold for making a change and just a simple majority regardless of turnout, was that the referendum was advisory only, and that Parliament would decide what to actually do. TM then tries to submit A50 without asking Parliament, and would have done if Gina Miller had not asked for a legal decision on that. Under threats of violence in the streets, talk of undermining democracy, accusations of treachery and with a background of an MP actually being murdered for being pro EU, they voted to submit A50. If the referendum has to be enacted, these people have to have their vote, legally, and not by lying about where they live, how old they are, or anything else.
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Definitely the answer to the clusterf*** that you've managed to get yourself into
The IMF recognizes 35 economies of decent status. 27 are in the EU.
The combined gdp of the African continent is half that of France.
Again, who do you plan on trading with, and when will trading be able to begin, if leaving the EU without a deal, bearing in mind that EVERY trade agreement we have will be null and void the day after we leave. Tariffs will be high on British goods. Who is going to be paying more for their goods? Who is going to plan on buying expensive UK goods rather than cheaper products (like the French company winning the British passport contract)
If the EU says no in October,that leaves 6 months to tie up the important ones we have already done the groundwork for like Canada,USA,Australia,New Zealand,China,South Korea,Singapore,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,Russia-lots of countries out there.Then if France and Germany want deals after we leave,that would be ok,but the rest of the EU not worth bothering about too much.
6 months?? Good luck. You really are in cloud cuckoo land.
If France and Germany want deals?? WTF is wrong with you. We will be paying the highest WTO tariffs. Who is going to be desperate to make a deal? UK or France and Germany ffs.
Again, we would be paying the highest level of WTO tariffs making our products more expensive than anybody else.
Tell me about all this 'groundwork' thats already been done.
Hmm, I think someone doesn’t understand tariffs. Typical thick reaminer![]()
If the EU says no in October,that leaves 6 months to tie up the important ones we have already done the groundwork for like Canada,USA,Australia,New Zealand,China,South Korea,Singapore,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,Russia-lots of countries out there.Then if France and Germany want deals after we leave,that would be ok,but the rest of the EU not worth bothering about too much.
That said, I would rather be known as someone who makes wrong predictions than someone who lies and makes vague suggestions and gives misleading statements to cover their stupidity and make their dull little existence seem more interesting than it actually is. You are full of shit, been found out too many times, and few people believe a word you say..
The UK doesn’t PAY tariffs.
We export goods and the country of destination can charge tariffs up to the WTO rate for that category of products.
The UK doesn’t have to charge tariffs if it doesn’t want to, as this is a tax which goes to the government. All it needs to do is be consistent with what it charges on each category of products (it can’t charge more from the EU than US for example). Therefore it’s clearly wrong to say we will PAY, as we don’t PAY.
Tariffs are a taxation this country can CHOOSE to implement. It doesn’t HAVE to.
Tell me, who on the Leave side has been actively involved in the negotiations with the EU?
David Davis was marginalised by TM telling the EU to deal with Olly Robbins, so you can’t say him.
Let me give you a clue as to who has been the architects of the policy,
1 Teresa the appeaser.
2 Spreadsheet Phil. We’ll prepare for No Deal when we need to. Doh, great plan you dickhead.
3. Olly Robbins. A civil servant who has been TMs sidekick since the home office.
So rather than the usual remainer retort of “You leavers f*cked it up”, please tell me who has been running the negotiations and hitch diode there were (are) on.
If the EU says no in October,that leaves 6 months to tie up the important ones we have already done the groundwork for like Canada,USA,Australia,New Zealand,China,South Korea,Singapore,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,Russia-lots of countries out there.Then if France and Germany want deals after we leave,that would be ok,but the rest of the EU not worth bothering about too much.
So in a time where the government has being pushing austerity, we are not going to collect taxes on goods now. Who came up with this plan?
If we leave with no deal, we have to start again, I believe with 'third country' status. Because of WTO tariffs, who is going to buy our goods when they suddenly jump up in price by 20 or 30%>? If we lower our tariffs to zero, as you suggest, then we would have to, according to WTO regulations do the same for every country in the WTO organisation.
So, if no tariffs, what sort of deals are we going to have?
Do you genuinely think that Boris, Foxy and Gove would make a good/better job of it? Maybe Nigel? I suspect negotiations would have broken down by now if so. (But thanks goodness we'll never know.)
Again, you’re spouting off and not understanding what you’re saying. WTO tariffs are nowhere near 20%-30%, they are, when averaged out, somewhere like 3%-5% (from memory). Yes, it varies across products, but I believe the most extreme is something like 12-15%, but that is the exception.
At present, the UK doesn’t see any of these tariffs as they go to BRUSSELS, so we are no worse off. Out consumers end up paying and this money goes to Brussels, not HMRC. Actually, we are better off if we don’t implement tariffs, as, for example, food will be cheaper which will benefit the lower paid.
We are a large services industry and the EU has NO TRADE DEALS WHICH INCLUDE SERVICES. Only goods, we we are no worse off from that perspective.
Lastly, I didn’t say we shouldn’t have any tariffs, I said it’s a choice. I would advocate lower tariffs though as the average rate is low anyway.