Beauty!! Lovely relaxed ride by Winston as usual til the business end. He knows when he's got a good horse under him. Thought he cut across a bit to get a clear run towards the end but no stewards enquiry called yet so all is good. Another possible Melbourne Cup entry - buy one entry get one free?
TB is a bloomin' GENUUS!![]()
Where are you taking me tonight ?
Rather be an after timer than old timer.After timers form an orderly queue HEAR
Would BESEECH anybody with a pick-up on Stratum today to consider reinvesting a wee bit of it each way on TB horse Withhold for the Melbourne Cup. Currently 16/1 favourite, in from 25/1 since it won the Northumberland Plate a couple of weeks back by the same country mile that Stratum won today. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for Stratum being added to the Melbourne Cup entries![]()
Updates on his next horse please? Its the only betting i do !!!
I do like Stratum for the Ebor a week on Saturday, they were talking that up as the likely next target after his victory on Saturday, a little like Withhold in that it’s the type of race that he probably needs to win in order to gain a Melbourne Cup spot.. the 7/1 currently available on him for the Ebor will be much shorter if and when he’s declared....
Are we talking the 25th August at York?
Think it might be time to Re Visit - Flaming Spear in the 3:00 Ascot tomorrow.. currently available at 10/1 for this 7 furlong handicap.. it’s the big betting handicap of the day and we all know how much Tony loves those..
The horse has been declared for the race despite doubts around the firm going. My guess is that’s because if the potentially significant rainfall that’s forecast for Ascot over the next 24 hours..
If the rain doesn’t arrive then I doubt it will run but if it does then I’d imagine it going off shorter than 10/1... with all bookies non runner no bet, that’s surely got to be a worthwhile punt today![]()