turienzo's lovechild
New member
- Oct 25, 2003
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Who's doing the Breast feeding
who does the breast feeding if the baby is in care
Who's doing the Breast feeding
Growing up without a mother or without a father is difficult and painful for a child. That is not offensive, and I'm not judging single parents or children raised by them when I say that.
As I said, just because you're entitled to an opinion, you're not obliged to give it.
I can debate the merits of their case with others. It's just you don't have a case - this post is an example - you've resorted to homophobic gibberish. Of course, decent society is going to disagree with that.
WOW! Definitely the most insightful thing I will read today, maybe this week, possibly this year!
[I re-read that reply and it sounding like it was dripping in sarcasm! Promise it wasn't! There genuinely couldn't be a better way to end this argument.]
They will only be picked on because there will be other outside considerations which would allow that sort of thing to fester. Thankfully, this isn't 1955 any more, and schools - for the most part - don't tolerate that kind of bullying. Especially when, once upon a time, single parents (for instance) were considered almost a circus sideshow.
At my ex's school, there were several same-sex parents, and not one child suffered any form of bullying or grief as a result.
We are not born homophobic; we only pick it up through any ignorance that is prevalent in society (see the OP's post) - including, in many cases sadly, the parents or the wider family.
who does the breast feeding if the baby is in care
But you have to understand that to many people, that is equivalent to saying;
“I don’t think black people should be able to have children.”
That’s why there is such a hostile reaction, because to those people it is a pretty disgusting viewpoint to have.
Growing up without a mother or without a father is difficult and painful for a child. That is not offensive, and I'm not judging single parents or children raised by them when I say that.
Growing up without a mother or without a father is difficult and painful for a child. That is not offensive, and I'm not judging single parents or children raised by them when I say that.
Growing up without a mother or without a father is difficult and painful for a child. That is not offensive, and I'm not judging single parents or children raised by them when I say that.
You can't even read and yet you respond. It's really quite sad. Like a beached whale desperately thrashing about on a beach, except there's no one willing to push you back into the sea. Because the whale is a ****.Why isn't he entitled to give his opinion?
I don't feel threatened by a homosexual couple, and I do understand how it must feel, I sympathize deeply with the desire to have children with the person you love, it's natural and I think almost all of us have that desire.
The problem is that because I don't agree that children should be raised by same sex couples, it is assumed that I am threatened by them, or don't understand how they feel, and I must have some kind of prejudice against them (and these assumptions are usually expressed in insults).
The way I see it a child needs a mother and a father. This is not to say that a child of a same sex couple won't be loved, or provided for etc, it's just to say that the two roles provided by a male and a female are necessary for the healthy development of a child, a single parent household (absent father or mother) presents problems for a child and I believe the same of same sex parenting.
Others may not agree with me, but, without any kind of malice towards any same sex partners, I believe it's in the best interests of the child to have a mother and a father.
I also believe that for all the joy and happiness that having a child can bring to a same sex couple, the interests of the child are primary. The reality is that no child being raised by a same sex couple couldn't have been raised in a family with a mother and father, and because that is, in my view, what is in the best interests of the child, I think that should be the priority.
I see this move towards providing children for same sex couples as being more in service of the needs of the couple than the needs of the child, and that bothers me.
Please don't call me homophobic, because I am not.
This is getting stupid. That really is rubbish. Not equivalent to that at all
Growing up with a narcissistic mother and a cold, emotion-less father is difficult and painful for a child. Give me the choice of my heterosexual but largely dis-functional parents or two gay men (or indeed, two lesbian women) who have fought past your and other people's prejudices to make a very public demonstration of how "wanted" and loved I would be as their son and I would swap my childhood in a heartbeat! In a f*cking heartbeat.
You sound like you're getting your self at it on this thread ,getting all aggressive and shouty have you got a mother and fatherYou can't even read and yet you respond. It's really quite sad. Like a beached whale desperately thrashing about on a beach, except there's no one willing to push you back into the sea. Because the whale is a ****.
Why isn't he entitled to give his opinion?
You sound like you're getting your self at it on this thread ,getting all aggressive and shouty have you got a mother and father