Pretty pink fairy
- Jan 30, 2008
- 31,981
that's your opinion thoughYou are entitled to it. It does not stop it being wrong though.

that's your opinion thoughYou are entitled to it. It does not stop it being wrong though.
nothing like CHAMPIONING THE PC GANG ON HEREThing is you didn't need to have given it...posters would have known it anyway
Sorry, but it's a basic thing for me. I'm not the slightest bit religious, but marriage is an arrangement between a man and a woman. That's it. Has been for thousands of years and worked pretty well. The law is an ass, to quote Mr Bumble.. And I'm not in favour of single males or single females having children on their own by choice.. If a marriage or partnership breaks down and one of the couple has to bring up the child on his/her own, then regrettable but has to be done. There are many many statistics to confirm that children do better when brought up in two parent (one of each sex) family environment.
As for the child being conceived "naturally", I think you'll find it unlikely that it was conceived naturally by the two guys that are now going to pretend to be its parents.
The British Olympic diver and his husband Dustin Lance Black shared the news on social media.
There is no way gay people should be permitted to have children by whatever bizarre means they acquire them. The incontrovertible fact is that it takes a male and a female to produce babies. If you don't wish to participate in that activity because you prefer your own sex, then hard bloody luck. Guess what? No babies. Can't have it both ways. Heterosexual ... OK you can have kids. Homosexual ... sorry, you can't.
And the guy isn't his "husband", he's his gay partner.
I am glad that you have not witnessed any bullying but to say it doesn’t occur is just burying your head in the sand.
Children from different families can also experience direct bullying. One in ten teachers report that they witness pupils being bullied because their parents are gay. This type of bullying often goes unchallenged in schools.
Sometimes they say ... you know, everybody’s got a dad, he must be dead, or something. I say no, he’s not dead. Well he’s not there, he’s never been there. All I’ve got is a donor dad and sometimes I get teased by them calling my dad a donor dad, donut dad. Mark 8 (London)
I would get people coming up to me and saying, your mum’s gay. And I was like – it started to get to me because I realised then it wasn’t normal,it was different. I sort of felt picked on and the amount of times I went to see the teachers and they said, just ignore them, they’ll get bored. They never did get bored. Sacha 19 (Yorkshire)
Well a boy in Year 6 came up to me and said have you got a dad? And I said ... I was quite afraid to say it, and I said no. And he said well that’s stupid isn’t it, and I was like ... no. He said yes it is, and he started ... he tried to chase me and he got me once and he kicked me. Alisha 7 (East Anglia)
having a baby with your partner means they are DNA related to you, like all animals raising a child.. 2 gay people raising a child is like a Frankenstien film.
I hate Tom Daley - he's good looking, talented, tv star and represented his country. He is subsequently well liked and wealthy. This has allowed him to find love with an equally horrible chap who also has lots of attributes I am jealous of. They have the audacity to get married, have a loving stable relationship and now want a child.
Why don't YOU get off that dangerously high horse that you are on? 'Just admit that you are homophobic'? 'Vile prejudices'? I have very good, CLOSE, friends that are gay who I would not, and have not, patronised by saying that I am comfortable with gay couples intentionally planning to have children in some way shape or form. You must be the epitomy of modern Nazism if you believe that everybody has to agree with your opinions and if they don't you will abuse and ridicule them.
All a baby wants and needs are caring and loving parents. Good luck to them
The permanently offended/frustrated/angry posse find something else to be offended/frustrated/angry about. More after sports.
A good friend of mine has two mothers from birth.
She's happy, balanced, heterosexual, and displays more social awareness than the grubby hands that started this thread.
All a baby wants and needs are caring and loving parents. Good luck to them
Correct, but I d have a couple of questions.
Who is the mother, and what involvement do they have, other than carrying the baby for 9 months. Are they involved after the birth?
Who is the father - or did they toss for it?