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Amethyst Realm made an extremely memorable appearance on This Morning, declaring she only has sex with ghosts and has sworn off men for life. She described the first time she was, er, visited by a ghost and said that she was still able to ‘feel’ as though she was having sex despite not actually being able to see the ghost. Amethyst said: ‘You can still feel it, it’s difficult to explain. There was a weight and a weightlessness, a physical breath, and stroking, and the energy as well.’ Asked if their encounter had a happy ending, Amethyst said: ‘For me, anyway.’ She said her love affair with the spirit began when she and her fiance moved into a new house 12 years ago, and she began to feel a ‘presence’. ‘It started as an energy then became physical. There was pressure on my thighs and breath on my neck. I just always felt safe,’ she explained.
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