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Half season loan to FC Hammas in January?Dianne Abbott
Half season loan to FC Hammas in January?Dianne Abbott
If you say so - nice to know that there’s stability there in the planning for the next government. Still don’t know which parties are forming the government or if there’ll be fresh elections. Far from Strong And Stable - but you’ll never admit you’re wrong.
Er ist Bens Großvater in Verkleidung?
In a week when sexual harassment has been high on the agenda..... Nothing really to do with sex, we women don't dislike sex when we consent after all. Its the power we as humans we object to.
Boris Johnson gives evidence to a government select committee giving false evidence on a British Women held in Iran. (Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has lumps on her breast/s. And history of breast cancer.)
sorry dad died of cancer .....what's your point , if you're surprised at a politician lying then you are either very naive or a bit daft , you go on about inequality and yet we have a doris as PM .....the same sex marriage debate here is driving most sane people bonkers as is the ever revolving right to free speech merry go round that is spinning faster and faster until it creates a vortex that sucks us up our own bottoms ..........there is so much shit going on in the world , yemen is being pounded by the saudi's , syria is being pounded by russia , we have an absolute raving vertical colostomy bag running the most heavily armed country on the planet and putin and some korean winkle poking him with sticks and really couldn't make it up could you , but that is democracy.....contradictory load of old arse.
There are 2 links on this thread from HM Govt, one I sent which explains why HM Govt cannot provide any diplomatic services to British citizens with dual nationality in their native country, plus another warning by HM Govt to British citizens with Iranian nationality, NOT to travel to Iran.
What are you not understanding about this?
Bleating on about the nasty Iranians will not set her free, she is f*cked, as are the other 3 dual British Iranians also in prison in Iran.
She was warned by the HM Govt, she would have known the risks she was taking, sad as it is she’s made her bed.
I would not travel to Iran. But this lady was visiting her parents with her daughter. Very sad as if she is ever released, she will never be able to visit them again.
I'm sure her parents could make the easy journey to Oman,just across the Persian Gulf,a friendly and welcoming country to all people and religions.Perhaps if they had done this before,she might not be in the position she finds herself in.
In a week when sexual harassment has been high on the agenda..... Nothing really to do with sex, we women don't dislike sex when we consent after all. Its the power we as humans we object to.
Boris Johnson gives evidence to a government select committee giving false evidence on a British Women held in Iran. (Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has lumps on her breast/s. And history of breast cancer.)
sorry dad died of cancer .....what's your point , if you're surprised at a politician lying then you are either very naive or a bit daft , you go on about inequality and yet we have a doris as PM .....the same sex marriage debate here is driving most sane people bonkers as is the ever revolving right to free speech merry go round that is spinning faster and faster until it creates a vortex that sucks us up our own bottoms ..........there is so much shit going on in the world , yemen is being pounded by the saudi's , syria is being pounded by russia , we have an absolute raving vertical colostomy bag running the most heavily armed country on the planet and putin and some korean winkle poking him with sticks and really couldn't make it up could you , but that is democracy.....contradictory load of old arse.
I am truly sorry to hear you lost your Dad to cancer. I too have lost my Mum to cancer as I am sure many other people have. My thoughts are with you and anyone else who has been thorough losing someone close to them whatever the cause.
I am not naive or daft, I feel perhaps I just have not been very clear.
My point has nothing to do with equality. Nothing to do with sexual harassment. My point is power being used over others to make them act against what they would like to do. Person to person although women suffer more due to historic human behaviour. Some people men and women make fear based decisions when faced with other people wielding power over them. Power can be tyrannical. political, financial sexual etc...
Teresa May should govern or go.... Stand up for herself against Boris and sack him. Make a statement to her MP's daring them to let political power bring the government down. Ask for their support and call Boris and the old boys network out for the bullies they are.
I would love to live in a peaceful world too. It's a sad world. In parts of the world it is run by power wielding dictators, causing the worlds worst problems. They are at the top end of the scale of power problems as it were.![]()
Fine - except the statement to be made to her MPs should be daring them to oppose the Brexit bill and try to de-rail Brexit. She's got a job to do - to withdraw the UK from the EU - so, govern away TM, put the wets in your party in their place, and get the job done.I am truly sorry to hear you lost your Dad to cancer. I too have lost my Mum to cancer as I am sure many other people have. My thoughts are with you and anyone else who has been thorough losing someone close to them whatever the cause.
I am not naive or daft, I feel perhaps I just have not been very clear.
My point has nothing to do with equality. Nothing to do with sexual harassment. My point is power being used over others to make them act against what they would like to do. Person to person although women suffer more due to historic human behaviour. Some people men and women make fear based decisions when faced with other people wielding power over them. Power can be tyrannical. political, financial sexual etc...
Teresa May should govern or go.... Stand up for herself against Boris and sack him. Make a statement to her MP's daring them to let political power bring the government down. Ask for their support and call Boris and the old boys network out for the bullies they are.
I would love to live in a peaceful world too. It's a sad world. In parts of the world it is run by power wielding dictators, causing the worlds worst problems. They are at the top end of the scale of power problems as it were.![]()
Fine - except the statement to be made to her MPs should be daring them to oppose the Brexit bill and try to de-rail Brexit. She's got a job to do - to withdraw the UK from the EU - so, govern away TM, put the wets in your party in their place, and get the job done.
I agree. Teresa May has a lot of daring to do..... I want Brexit too. Instead of wasting her time having to deal with Boris, sack him and focus on the real issues mainly Brexit.
In a week when sexual harassment has been high on the agenda..... Nothing really to do with sex, we women don't dislike sex when we consent after all. Its the power we as humans we object to.
Boris Johnson gives evidence to a government select committee giving false evidence on a British Women held in Iran. (Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has lumps on her breast/s. And history of breast cancer.)
Teresa May can't sack her Foreign Secretary even though she is Prime Minister, his boss, because of power.....
Its a mans world and its means nothing without a women or a girl.... to lord power over.... (in the majority of cases) Some men suffer too.
so you're white middle classSorry I'm so late to the thread here.
Whilst I agree with your general point, I think Theresa knows that she wants Boris inside the tent rather than outside the tent causing trouble. She's biding her time to sack him on an issue so 100% related to the Brexit muddle that he managed to convince the country to get itself into.
However, it is a man's world, and it'll take a few generations before we see gender parity.
The other night, my wife asked me a question we must have all asked ourselves at one time or other, if you could come back as a man or a woman, what would you come back as? It was a no-brainer for me. Man. Yep, sure, I also just couldn't imagine being a woman, but also for men - especially white middle-class men, the odds are stacked in our favour. We have more of our kind in positions of power, we're able to naturally take advantage of the world order etc.
Thankfully there are ways in which this imbalance can and is being addressed.
I'm sure there will be many on here that agree with you, and also just as many that vehemently disagree. They'll point to female leaders, to so-called political correctness etc. That is just because it's hard for men to accept that we have had it all our own way for pretty much ever.
I look forward to Boris being sacked. I just want it to be a sacking that means he is never ever allowed near a position of power ever again.
so you're white middle class
Sorry I'm so late to the thread here.
Whilst I agree with your general point, I think Theresa knows that she wants Boris inside the tent rather than outside the tent causing trouble. She's biding her time to sack him on an issue so 100% related to the Brexit muddle that he managed to convince the country to get itself into.
However, it is a man's world, and it'll take a few generations before we see gender parity.
The other night, my wife asked me a question we must have all asked ourselves at one time or other, if you could come back as a man or a woman, what would you come back as? It was a no-brainer for me. Man. Yep, sure, I also just couldn't imagine being a woman, but also for men - especially white middle-class men, the odds are stacked in our favour. We have more of our kind in positions of power, we're able to naturally take advantage of the world order etc.
Thankfully there are ways in which this imbalance can and is being addressed.
I'm sure there will be many on here that agree with you, and also just as many that vehemently disagree. They'll point to female leaders, to so-called political correctness etc. That is just because it's hard for men to accept that we have had it all our own way for pretty much ever.
I look forward to Boris being sacked. I just want it to be a sacking that means he is never ever allowed near a position of power ever again.
I think your right, Oman would have made a better choice. I guess she thought she would be ok in Iran. I presume she was brought up there, with her parents living there.
My point is that Teresa May should stand up to Boris and sack him for making her plight worse. Call out the political power being held over her, in the same way that women are doing regarding sexual harassment. Be more Thatcher! Respect for everyone male or female. Perhaps my point is not clear enough....
When traveling abroad we all have to adopt a when in Rome approach to how we conduct ourselves.
Don't know if Boris has made her plight any worse,after all who had heard of her prior to this week.Now she has world headlines,which is why I think someone engineered the whole thing.I certainly haven't heard the names of any of the other British/Iranian detainees.