Knocky's Nose
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Brum forum is funny. One guy is unimpressed because he has never heard of him.
Re: New signing
Postby Jacko » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:03 pm
BudBrocken wrote:
Fans like couldn't make this shyte up.
Some people are never happy. 22 clean sheats, promotion with Brighton, a previous promotion with Hull, their players player of the season, picked as the GK in the Championship team of the year and was offered a new contract. He has turned it down to join blues, maybe 'Arry has that much pull? Who knows.
Premiership or Championship its a no brainer so he choose the Championship I see.

All said and done though, he clearly thinks he's done what's best for him - even though we all need bottle-bottom glasses to try and see it. I wish him well, and thank him for being an integral part of the team who got us into the PL. You can't take that away from the fella.
Referring to a previous post though, Birmingham is indeed a sh*thole. I go there on business a fair bit. There are affluent parts though, which aren't as depressing as 99% of the place - so I assume Stockers will be in a mock-tudor mansion in one of those. Best he has a good security system though, as every time you close your window up there you trap a burglars fingers.
As for 'Arry.. Well. Having him as your Manager must be like marrying a Page Three bird. A wild ride, but your wallet takes the kicking of a lifetime - then the novelty wears off. He's what I'd call a 'guilty pleasure' for club owners..
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