Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
Ivan Rogers 

Perhaps the deluded are those that can not except the result of a referendum, and are deluded in trying to work out why over 17m were not deluded.
Buy from people who know how to trade,not hide behind barriers!That is how business is suppose to work.A market is a place to go and buy what you want-if it costs too much,shop elsewhere.Luxury cars,cheese,and wine can be bought from lots of places and aren't exclusive to the EU.Do wake up.![]()
Finding amusing a charge that I'm suggesting everyone who disagrees with me, or who voted Leave, is a racist strikes me as moronic to be honest. I note that two of you find it just that. Heyho.
Ferrari, Champagne........ Still asleep I see
i have never said it.
Are you saying you didn't find the racism thing amusing? In that case please explain your reaction to post 24258.
And how in heaven's name does describing some of the social and other problems in many of Britain's towns constitute bleating?
Think Italy and France will be EU countries for much longer?Wake up![]()
Are you saying you didn't find the racism thing amusing? In that case please explain your reaction to post 24258.
And how in heaven's name does describing some of the social and other problems in many of Britain's towns constitute bleating?
Another unanswered question?
Don't worry - Plan A is very simple. We trigger Article 50, and then negotiate trade deals etc. Don't take too much notice of Sir Ivan Rogers attempts to cause further fear and uncertainty. The man's an out and out Europhile, who doesn't want us to leave the EU at all - and thus, like all remoaners, he regards the very idea of leaving the EU as 'muddle headed thinking'.where in Gods name is the governments "PLAN B" is there even a plan a plan "A".
To put is politely its a shambles
What benefits?If they want to trade with us,fair enough-if they don't,who cares?They sell a damn sight more to us than we do to them.I hear some of these people like a bit of self-mutilation,but cutting off their nose is just a bit too extreme,even for germans!
It's simple really. We control our immigration, we don't pay to a club that we don't belong to. Our laws are supreme (even if it means ratifying selected rulings emanating from the EU commission during our membership of the failed EU on the statute books)
Right then, now the red lines are drawn how do you, the EU want to proceed?.. Trade lets start there. If tariffs are instigated it is quids in for us. If we were to be general lets say 10% on goods other than financial services. We would just be collecting money which could be used to give tax breaks to exporters therefore mitigating tariffs charged. We would still be many millions indeed the better off. What next, ah yes, financial services. Anyone who seriously believes more that 10% of banking jobs will go abroad (to set up legal EU side stepping companies) are deluded.
Stand your ground. We want to be a good partner until your political utopia turns out to be a dung heap BUT on our terms. Not hard is it?
So we'll all be without noses then? Perhaps the UN an arrange an amnesty..........................You might see it as cutting off their noses in spite, they might see it as cutting out a cancerous growth. No doubt this process will bring pain to the EU, but it is us who like the ones cutting their noses off in spite, by leaving.
Tariffs and customs barriers will hurt us more than the majority of EU countries.
Tariffs and customs barriers will hurt us more than the majority of EU countries, as much as you all like to think that Merkel runs the show, 26 other nations have to approve any agreement.
It is not the numbers of jobs that will leave the city that will hurt the economy, so much as the revenues on the profits made in the EU.
It really is not as simple as you are.
That's presuming all 27 agree on what the tariffs and customs barriers should be. Big ask, that..........