It wasn't them that were being referred to as 'Enemies of The State,' on the front cover of the Mail though.
Anyway, I digress.

It wasn't them that were being referred to as 'Enemies of The State,' on the front cover of the Mail though.
Anyway, I digress.
And miss all the crying and bed wetting?
Not a chance!
Do you honestly believe that Doland ****ing Trump is the right man to have in The White House?
Do you honestly believe that Doland ****ing Trump is the right man to have in The White House?
He probably does. He's a bit of an odd one. He's (crosses arms Les Dawson style and mouths the word) .....Australian.
Insincerity is American's forte.During the campaign he said Hilary was the SINGLE WORST Secretary of State the country had EVER had and that she should be in jail.
Today he said the country owes her a "debt of gratitude" for her "service".
Actually, no. It's not,
Thank **** we all have something like football eh to take us away from this terrible world. And how good it is at the moment too.
Being pragmatic - that's how they need to deal with a narcissist.British MP's piling in to support Trump it seems.....only one Tory MP so far!
Do you honestly believe that Doland ****ing Trump is the right man to have in The White House?
Surprising how many on Facebook are wishing openly that the Orange One be assassinated. "Make it look like an accident 007".
Hardly what you'd expect of Liberals and the Left when democracy doesn't go the way they want.
Hilary has shown me nothing to make me even think she is the best choice.
Better the devil you don't know in this case. That's how bad she is.
Surprising how many on Facebook are wishing openly that the Orange One be assassinated. "Make it look like an accident 007".
Hardly what you'd expect of Liberals and the Left when democracy doesn't go the way they want.