Because our club assume that it was our problems with security that allowed it to happenbut why in the last 24hours they had already made 2 opologies why again

Different people, but often spouting the same drivel.164k unique visitors?! Wow!
Because our club assume that it was our problems with security that allowed it to happenbut why in the last 24hours they had already made 2 opologies why again
Different people, but often spouting the same drivel.164k unique visitors?! Wow!
I still say the Clackers were a bad idea. There I said it.
So because you buy a season ticket and a pie and a pint, along with 20,000 others, you have a right to know what is going on. Priceless
If the club (or their representatives) are so concerned about speculation, why don't they release some facts instead of anodyne press releases that reveal absolutely nothing? And if the suspensions of the coaching team aren't related to this, then why can't they give us the reason(s) why they have been suspended and a timescale for when things are likely to be resolved one way or the other. I don't think I'm the only one who puts a large sum of money into the club's coffers every season - if it was any other business that had treated me like this I'd withdraw my custom and go somewhere else. Unfortunately, as I and the club know, that's not an option, principally because I'm a fan, not a customer.
Seconded. "Clackergate" has caused a great deal of anguish this week. Bad clackers, bad,bad clackers < wags finger in a scolding fashion >
I don't think I'm the only one who puts a large sum of money into the club's coffers every season - if it was any other business that had treated me like this I'd withdraw my custom and go somewhere else.
Because our club assume that it was our problems with security that allowed it to happen
Different people, but often spouting the same drivel.
I will ask the question again who is actually in charge of security at the AMEX
I didn't know quite how to use the clackers properly (dunce I know ).I liked the clackers. Made it very noisy. I don't care if a lot of you disagree.
it might just be priceless if he and a few k others decide to go elsewhere
I will ask the question again who is actually in charge of security at the AMEX
To be honest I am far more bothered about Bozza getting into trouble than some f**kwit who writes defamatory stuff and gets themselves into trouble. They deserve it.
But I don't think is a tenable position for NSC. It is a message board to discuss all matters Albion. If you cannot discuss matters (very important ones) Albion, at a time when people are very concerned, angry, and wanting answers and to voice their own ideas as to what has happened, then you may as well close it down.
No one on here (or possibly a couple) is more aware of libel law than me, but this is too draconian and renders the board a waste of time.
Might I suggest that Bozza and those moderators who do not have any formal libel law training go and get some? In the long run it will help you, and it will transform the board. Instead of removing everything you are worried about and playing too safe, you will know what to be worried about and what is fine. I would be happy for any NSC funds to be used for that purpose and if there aren't any would contribute to a whip-round because in the long run it will be better for everyone.
Might I suggest that Bozza and those moderators who do not have any formal libel law training go and get some? In the long run it will help you, and it will transform the board. Instead of removing everything you are worried about and playing too safe, you will know what to be worried about and what is fine. I would be happy for any NSC funds to be used for that purpose and if there aren't any would contribute to a whip-round because in the long run it will be better for everyone.
I heard some wonderful stuff today from an ex Brighton man. Do I have to run it by the mods first or can I just go ahead and post?