Mr Burns
New member
Now's there something we totally agree onI'd sooner have the death of Brown to celebrate!!!

Now's there something we totally agree onI'd sooner have the death of Brown to celebrate!!!
The coal industry didn't die, it was murdered by political will. QUOTE]![]()
The coal industry didn't die, it was murdered by political will. Also, a handful of brokers in a community suffering a bit of hardship is hardly the same as a whole community suddenly losing their livelihood!!!
Also, I am not saying you personally created the sub prime market but it was your industry that got us in this mess through mismanagement and greed.
Bankruptcies and insolvencies this year will make the Thatcher years look very small fry. Personally I will celebrate when Brown and this Labour party f*** off and never darken our tv screens again.
I will spend the day wondering why posing middle class Southerners act and talk like they are Yorkshire miners or something, instead of the main beneficiaries of Thatcherism.
It's probably not altruism, as time and time again the most vociferious left wingers on here show they do not really care about changes in peoples communities due to the importation of cheap labour by 'capitalist fat cats', if they are not directly affected themselves.
The ignorance is staggering. If you call a 40% dessimation of the industry in 1year " a handful ". 12000 and that many fold people affected is more than " a handful " in my book. The whole industry will be destroyed by the end of 2010. Now I know as I am only " a suit " no one gives a shit but I do and am very f***ed off and angry.
The mortgage brokering industry did not create the sub prime situation. The LENDERS did. Also the FSA sat in their air conditioned offices in Canary Wharf and did the square root of f*** ALL to keep the lenders in check and did NOTHING to reign in or question Northern Rock. So bark up a different tree when your ignorance is corrected.
Good point about the "capitalist fat cats", but since 1979 we haven't had a government in this country that has done anything to prevent the income of cheap foreign labour, so companies can make huge profits.
If we actually had a true left wing or slightly left wing government in power I personally think some of this migration for cheap labour would have been lessened.
The cheap labour imported labour is a classic example of "market forces" at work, and all it does is exploit the workers coming over here and the workers already over here, but remember it's good for business!
Thats my point mate. Funny how market forces are bad for the Groovy Gang when shipbuilding dries up on the Clyde or Tyne for romantically working class Northerners or jocks, but people in London can go hang, as they are nasty working class tories who earn far too much anyway plumbing, and moaning about immigration in an embarassingly unenlightened way. And going to Dubai on holiday.
Bunch of Nazis
Whoosh!!I think that is hugely hypocritical of you. You're as guilty as your opponents on that count.
Bunch of Nazis
Celebrate someones death?
how exactly ?No it hasn''t gone over my head.I understand exactly the point he's making. But from a neutral perspective The Spanish is guilty of exactly the crime he acuses the leftwing posters.
how exactly ?
but he's not saying that at all, he is highlighting hypocrisy.Just flip his argument round,
Funny how market forces are great when Thatcher unleashed them upon the Northern working class, but now i'm on the receiving end it's a national disgrace.
left,right you're as bad as each other
Just flip his argument round,
Funny how market forces are great when Thatcher unleashed them upon the Northern working class, but now i'm on the receiving end it's a national disgrace.
left,right you're as bad as each other
but he's not saying that at all, he is highlighting hypocrisy.
yeah , sure, you're right,whatever.Yes,but the example he has chosen is something of which he is equally guilty.