We cannot stop climate change. It would be like trying to stop the last Ice Age coming to an end. The planets temperature has always fluctuated throughout the ages, not a damn thing we can do about it. Its futile. We might as well try to make the Earth spin in the opposite direction.
My car is 1 gram under the limit for the lowest car tax band here, so I suspect I'm sorted. Now, when they start worrying about the *other* stuff diesels put out...
Does that mean that time goes backwards too?We might as well try to make the Earth spin in the opposite direction.
I've never seen a women put out for diesel, so you should be alright there as well ..
We cannot stop climate change. It would be like trying to stop the last Ice Age coming to an end. The planets temperature has always fluctuated throughout the ages, not a damn thing we can do about it. Its futile. We might as well try to make the Earth spin in the opposite direction.
Perhaps we can pick this up tomorrow then.Whilst this is a good point, we can probably slow down our impact and there is also the issue of quality of life. We can have cleaner air, we can harness energy from renewable sources without having to rely on oil and so on. I would write more, but I have an appointment with a pint or three.
ONLY if its done by Superman.Does that mean that time goes backwards too?
BMW said the proposals were "naive" steps that would distort the market in favour of makers of smaller cars.
love that quote, maybe thats the f***ing idea?
having said that, this is a load of bollocks. counting grams of CO2 is stupid and doesnt address the root problem, the willfull abuse of energy in general and persistant use of burning carbon based fuels rather than depolying more intelligent methods.
love that quote, maybe thats the f***ing idea?
having said that, this is a load of bollocks. counting grams of CO2 is stupid and doesnt address the root problem, the willfull abuse of energy in general and persistant use of burning carbon based fuels rather than depolying more intelligent methods.
I'm just worried that this will send out the wrong message to car firms; that they should be investing R&D in creating more efficient cars, when in fact they should be investing in creating cars with alternative power sources.