A few years ago, end of autumn term at an Italian course for beginners, given by a lovely Italian lady (early 30s ... that's her age not the date!). She brought in copies of an Italian board game translated into English, a bit like snakes and ladders ?, we had to shout out the numbers and some words on the board in Italian, and move from square to square (I forget the mechanics).Played a family game of scrabble one Christmas. Our then new Spanish daughter-in-law with a limited English vocabulary carefully laid the c-word. No idea how many points, but a bit of a shock!
The words included: f*ck, c**t, p**ck, the Pope, the usual stuff etc...

The young ladies on the course just stared open mouthed at the board. Me and another chap of mature age...were rolling about laughing and said "Franca, this could be considered a bit rude in a college language course" to which she replied " Oh you English, it's the same reaction every year, lighten up... it's Christmas!!".
Sorry, too long