One of my colleagues is someone who believes all his own lies. Charismatic and likeable. But the lies thing is really weird. In the case of Trump he is neither likeable nor charismatic, and instead a grandiose bully. And yet he is adored by literally billions of Americans. And not just Americans. The whole word, including the dead and the unborn. Its real, and its really great.I’m not entirely sure about that - I actually think his ego is so large and his narcissism runs so deep, that he can’t fathom why everybody doesn’t think he is the ‘greatest ever’ and the ’only one that could ever’. I think he is a fully paid up subscriber to his own narratives. With Trump, every lie becomes a necessary, self-validating step in the process of building his self image as Trump the Victim and a Trump the Demagogue until the Fake Trump is the Real Trump (or at least until the DoJ catches up with Fake Trump)
Interesting piece here
Does Trump Believe His Own Lies?
The process of the January 6 Committee is as important as the content, because it is democracy and factual reality in