
He's f*cking great.
It's worth remembering he's also the chairman, owner and founder of Dorking Wanderers.
12 promotions in 23 years, no relegations.
What a chap.
Harrow or Eton?I didn't know this chaps first name until recently (probably because he was in the year above me, not in my immediate circle of friends, and most people called him by his surname), but he was sometimes among the group of lads that used to gather for a kick about after school.
Yes he was sweary, even back then. But we all were!
Not everyone had the opportunity of a good education or encouraged to read as much as they could have.From what I’ve heard he’s an uneducated bully and a nasty piece of work who can’t string a sentence together without expletives to cover up his limited vocabulary.
Did I say he lacked intelligence or hadn’t achieved anything? Maybe he’s just not cut out for man management.Not everyone had the opportunity of a good education or encouraged to read as much as they could have.
But even without those things some people still achieve lots.
You don't need to be eloquent to be intelligent.
It is what it isI hate these interviews where the manager doesn’t say what they really think