I thought you were just busy building another bike. 

Think yourself lucky you've been missed. I stopped posting for a month a while back and no one noticed.
Take care though, I'll hopefully see you at some point in the ESL, maybe Spurs if you're going.
The poster in question does that to me every 3 or 4 months and has done for years.
I don't moan, I don't ignore, I just take it as the usual back and forth - although in this case it has been one way traffic for years. I know not why, there's every chance I even 'started it', after all I too can have my moments.
Think yourself lucky you've been missed. I stopped posting for a month a while back and no one noticed.
You're all very kind, I'll be back soon enough.
You're all very kind, I'll be back soon enough.
You're all very kind, I'll be back soon enough.
Right hang on I need to make something clear - which I failed to do earlier.
I was rather blown away by the thread replying quickly and thoughtlessly.
I know I'm not the 'gag machine' I think I am.
Also I can be far from angelic when posting, I'm sure some on here are thinking 'who the fudge are they talking about cos that ain't the SB I recognize'.
I had noted myself that prior to the latest outburst I had been getting a little spiky with some good posters - not a good sign, for that I apologize, something that probably sheds a little light on subsequent events.
In keeping with our favoured pub analogy all that's happened is I've noticed someone come into my local who might bring me down, so finished my beer and gone instead to The White Hart.
I don't want my mood spilling out onto others.
Nothing more nothing less, were it not for all to see nobody else needed to know and certainly not react too, two wrongs and all that jazz.
I'm happy enough lurking, ATM.
You've missed the funniest reply to thread title, EVER, and what I think would have been a funny international break thread.
(So that's 2 bullets dodged).
Off to Liverpool next week I'll be surprised if that doesn't draw me out.
Thanks again.
In Potter We Trust.
You're all very kind, I'll be back soon enough.
Just one correction though.
I'm not so flakey as to have one comment swoon me to the floor.
The poster in question does that to me every 3 or 4 months and has done for years.
I don't moan, I don't ignore, I just take it as the usual back and forth - although in this case it has been one way traffic for years. I know not why, there's every chance I even 'started it', after all I too can have my moments.
But seeing that comment picked on days after it was made, just really annoyed and saddened me.
(Much like being told random threads (the lifeblood of this place) are pointless)
As said in my response if I can't be a silly arse here - then what's the point, as I can no longer be a silly arse anywhere.
See you soon.