What we really need is a true master of sartorial elegance at the helm, get Sir Keir in.
Is that really the most relevant caption you can manage for the Johnson image?
What we really need is a true master of sartorial elegance at the helm, get Sir Keir in.
Is that really the most relevant caption you can manage for the Johnson image?
If it's OK with you Chief, I'll swerve the ad hominem critiques.
If it's OK with you Chief, I'll swerve the ad hominem critiques.
No need to call me Chief; we are all equal here. It's just that you made a contribution and I was curious to know if you thought it was funny, clever or even relevant. It was about the comment, not you personally.... any answer?
What we really need is a true master of sartorial elegance at the helm, get Sir Keir in.
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