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What do you think a Tory gov will or should do?


Jul 7, 2003
Pass laws to make grumpy stewards go on courses to develpe social skills and get over their Eric Cartmen Complex.


Jul 7, 2003
Why do you think that Cameron will take on the climate change industry? He's spent three years trying to prove he's greener than Labour (don't you remember the slogan "Think Green, vote Blue"?) I'm sure that a lot of that is just image but I can't see him having a complete about-turn and say all that green stuff was a load of hogwash - even Cameron is not that shallow.

I think the BBC is in for a hard time though.

I'm intrigued at this idea of tightening up immigration: most immigration to the UK is from the EU, which they can't alter without withdrawing from the Treaty of Rome. I think the next most is from the Commonwealth - all those Aussies working in pubs and then there's the refugees, some of whom are here under international treaties. There, of course, plenty of illegal immigrants but I'd like to how cutting back on them plays with the notion of cutting back on public spending - who's going to pay for the extra security services, immigration officers etc,

I'm sure there will be some token attempts to cut back and some cosmetic changes but there'll certainly be no wholesale assault on immigration.

Oh I think they will. Immigrants to date have tended to be Labour voters, you shouldn't underestimate that dynamic.

As I said about European Immigration I think its unsestainable policy.

If you understand the ideas behind the Optimal currency area and the way it was based on the US economy there are factors that can really f*** things up, I mentioned langauge as one, this coupled with Population density, as well as Terrrorist undercurrents is a ticking timebomb.

The whole Climate change argument is unravelling, by the time the tories get in there could be a few up on charges or on there way to jail.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
I'm really hoping for a hung parliament as I think that a coalition government is what this country needs...I'm a lifelong labour supporter and I always will be but I think the whole political system in the uk needs a great big boot up the arse.

Havent we got a coalition government now?

Its hard to tell the difference between any of them. As someone said today

Politicians now sound like businessmen and businessmen sound like politicians

We need a new party something that will completely change things, a party that isn't scared to take on issues that are important for fear of upsetting a group of voters. Someone who understands what is best for everyone on the whole rather than trying to be all things to all people.

We don't need anyone that is just going to tinker with the existing settings.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2005
..............oh,and the closer the election gets,and the more voters see the Conservatives in the media,let's hope it becomes UNlikely that this bunch of charlatans could win anything.Not even the raffle.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Oh I think they will. Immigrants to date have tended to be Labour voters, you shouldn't underestimate that dynamic.

Er..immigrants don't have the vote unless they're British (or Irish) citizens - if they're British citizens, you can't stop them coming in. Of course, there are plenty of immigrants who aren't British and they could put more restrictions on them but that wouldn't be for electoral reasons.

severnside gull

Well-known member
May 16, 2007
By the seaside in West Somerset
I think they will make that much-maligned young lady from the anti-bullying web site (you know - the one sponsored by tory central office) a dame while the three unidentified "civil servants" who had complained to her will quite possibly turn out to be tory candidates and take their seats in the House and any investigation will be quickly dropped :)


In London village.
I'm really hoping for a hung parliament as I think that a coalition government is what this country needs...I'm a lifelong labour supporter and I always will be but I think the whole political system in the uk needs a great big boot up the arse.

Be careful for what you wish! At the moment my guess is that the Tories will be around 4 to 8 seats short of an overall majority (which given a recession and a politically inept PM shows what a clown Cameron is). The issue then will be who forms a government as technically Brown is not obliged to stand down.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
I would guess scrapping ID Cards will probably be high on their list and hopefully Trident along with them.


Well-known member
It astounds me how anyone can still vote Labour.

I struggle to think of anything good that the Scottish Twat has achieved.

"I've abolished Boom & Bust" - err No.
"I'll only borrow to invest" - err No.
"We'll balance the budget over the economic cycle" - err No.
"We'll sell our Gold at a great price" - err No.
"We'll carry out a referendum before handing over any more powers to Brussles" - err No.

All the Labour/Left-wingers want to do is to spend on Public Services and bloat the Public Sector. That's great, except it needs to be paid for. And the only thing that pays for it is the private sector, you know, the ones who actually produce things, or provide services which bring in revenue. Any stupid twat can spend money, after all, successive Labour Administrations have successfully proved this point. However, it's a very different thing to build an economy which can generate the revenue needed to pay for it.

It's so easy to say that Conservatives are selfish. That's just crap; the point is that Conservatives are for wealth creation; without that you can't provide the public services. But I guess that some just don't get it; after all, it's easy to tax someone else, so long as it ain't you; the politics of envy.

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
Er..immigrants don't have the vote unless they're British (or Irish) citizens - if they're British citizens, you can't stop them coming in. Of course, there are plenty of immigrants who aren't British and they could put more restrictions on them but that wouldn't be for electoral reasons. you well know immigrants can become british citizens, but lets not let small details like that get in the way eh ?


Sep 28, 2004
Izmir, Southern Turkey


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
The whole Climate change argument is unravelling, by the time the tories get in there could be a few up on charges or on there way to jail.
:laugh: :lolol: :lolol:

You're an absolute clown. Why not provide us with one of your decade old links to "prove" your point! :lolol:


In London village.
:laugh: :lolol: :lolol:

You're an absolute clown. Why not provide us with one of your decade old links to "prove" your point! :lolol:

Puny is simply a good little errand boy for the nutty neo-con forums where he no doubt spends his days. He just wants the UK to be a compliant litttle poodle for corporate USA then he'll be happy to spend his days dressing up as a boy scout and being "disciplined" by Brown Owl.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Puny is simply a good little errand boy for the nutty neo-con forums where he no doubt spends his days. He just wants the UK to be a compliant litttle poodle for corporate USA then he'll be happy to spend his days dressing up as a boy scout and being "disciplined" by Brown Owl.
Correct. I understand he also believes the Americans have got it right with regards to the right to bear arms. :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Get rid of the FSA. The trouble is it will morph into another jobs for the boys in the city with the same idiots at the FSA transferring to the new regulators.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
It astounds me how anyone can still vote Labour.

I struggle to think of anything good that the Scottish Twat has achieved.

"I've abolished Boom & Bust" - err No.
"I'll only borrow to invest" - err No.
"We'll balance the budget over the economic cycle" - err No.
"We'll sell our Gold at a great price" - err No.
"We'll carry out a referendum before handing over any more powers to Brussles" - err No.

1. Longest period of sustained low inflation since the 60s
2. Low mortgage rates
3. Introduced the National Minimum Wage and raised it to £5.35
4. Record police numbers in England, Scotland and Wales
5. Cut overall crime by 35 per cent
6. Record levels of literacy and numeracy in schools
7. Best-ever primary school results
8. Funding for every pupil in England to double by 2008
9. Employment is at its highest level ever
10. Written off up to 100 per cent of debt owed by poorest countries
11. 85,000 more nurses
12. 32,000 more doctors
13. Brought back matrons to hospital wards
14. Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament
15. Devolved power to Welsh Assembly
16. Dads now get paternity leave of 2 weeks for the first time
17. NHS Direct offering free convenient patient advice
18. Gift aid was worth £625 million to charities last year
19. Restored city-wide government to London
20. Record number of students in higher education
21. Child benefit up 25 per cent since 1997
22. Created Sure Start to help children from low income households
23. Introduced the Disability Rights Commission
24. £200 winter fuel payment to pensioners & extra £100 for over-80s
25. On course to exceed the Kyoto target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2010
26. Negotiated the historic Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland
27. Over 30,000 more teachers in England schools
28. All workers now have a right to 4 weeks’ paid holiday
29. A million pensioners lifted out of relative poverty
30. 800,000 children lifted out of relative poverty
31. Introduced child tax credit giving more money to parents
32. Scrapped Section 28 and introduced Civil Partnerships
33. Brought over 1 million social homes up to standard
34. Free school milk for five, six and seven-year-olds in Wales
35. Banned fox hunting
36. Cleanest rivers, beaches, drinking water and air since the industrial revolution
37. Free TV licences for over-75s
38. Banned fur farming and the testing of cosmetics on animals
39. Waiting times for operations halved
40. Free local bus travel for over-60s
41. New Deal - helped over a million people into work
42. Over 1.5 million child trust funds have been started
43. Free eye test for over 60s
44. Five, six and seven year olds in class sizes of 30 or less
45. Free entry to national museums and galleries
46. Overseas aid budget more than doubled
47. Cancer death rates down by 12 per cent, saving 43,000 lives
48. Free nursery places for three and four-year-olds in England, Scotland and Wales
49. Free fruit for all four to six-year-olds at school

no doubt you will argue the toss over a few of these

All the Labour/Left-wingers want to do is to spend on Public Services and bloat the Public Sector. That's great, except it needs to be paid for. And the only thing that pays for it is the private sector, you know, the ones who actually produce things, or provide services which bring in revenue.Like the banks then! Any stupid twat can spend money, after all, successive Labour Administrations have successfully proved this point. However, it's a very different thing to build an economy which can generate the revenue needed to pay for it.

It's so easy to say that Conservatives are selfish. That's just crapno it isn't.; the point is that Conservatives are for wealth creation;for the few without that you can't provide the public services. But I guess that some just don't get it; after all, it's easy to tax someone else, so long as it ain't you; the politics of envy.

What the Tories don't get is that in a civilised society you have to look out for everyone rather than just step over them on the way to buying your next mercedes.


Really Up the Junction
Feb 3, 2005
I don’t think it will matter who wins the election as the finances are so dire. Political parties like to stick to those things that appease their core voters. In Labours case that is public spending on health, education and redistribution, whilst the Tories like to cut taxes etc. However, there is neither the money to carry on spending, nor money to save on taxes (infact both parties will almost certainly have to raise taxes.

Therefore, both parties will have to concentrate on cutting the deficit. This will present enormous problems. If Health is protected (which is the biggest single budget), then other areas will have to be cut even more.

I suspect a lot of jobs will go in the public sector, (hopefully through voluntary or natural wastage), there will almost certainly be pay freezes.

On the economy, we will really need to re balance our economy. Certainly finance is important, but if you put your eggs in one basket……….well we have all seen the result. Manufacturing should be given a boost. Maybe it will with the green economy i.e the wind farms. This could be as big for that industry as oil was for Scotland Certainly Govt needs to kick start the building of turbines in this country or they will be built abroad

This will take at least 10 years to work through and hoping that there is not another recession in the meantime..


Moving further North...
Feb 19, 2006
Today's yougov poll results predict the following:

Conservative 39%, 295 seats

Labour 33%, 290 seats

Lib Dem 17%, 36 seats

Other 11%, 11 seats

Northern Ireland parties 18 seats

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
What the Tories don't get is that in a civilised society you have to look out for everyone rather than just step over them on the way to buying your next mercedes.
You're on f***ing persians mate :lolol:

1. Longest period of sustained low inflation since the 60s:foundations laid by ken clarke
2. Low mortgage rates:as above
3. Introduced the National Minimum Wage and raised it to £5.35
4. Record police numbers in England, Scotland and Wales:record red tape leaving less coppers on the beat
5. Cut overall crime by 35 per cent: yeah right
6. Record levels of literacy and numeracy in schools: you're f***ing deluded
7. Best-ever primary school results:do you seriously believe this shit ?
8. Funding for every pupil in England to double by 2008:its 2010 and schools are still shit
9. Employment is at its highest level ever:fiddled figures
10. Written off up to 100 per cent of debt owed by poorest countries:oh f***ing great , any chance i can spunk loads of money and have my debts written off ?
11. 85,000 more nurses
12. 32,000 more doctors
13. Brought back matrons to hospital wards:fat lot of f***ing good thats done if true, rates of mrsa through the roof
14. Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament:so how's that done me any good ? just more people to pay for
15. Devolved power to Welsh Assembly:as above
16. Dads now get paternity leave of 2 weeks for the first time:waste of f***ing time, join ther real world you tool
17. NHS Direct offering free convenient patient advice: inefficient waste of time
18. Gift aid was worth £625 million to charities last year
19. Restored city-wide government to London
20. Record number of students in higher education:record number of students studying not worth a wank subjects
21. Child benefit up 25 per cent since 1997:more cans of stella and packets of fags for chavs
22. Created Sure Start to help children from low income households
23. Introduced the Disability Rights Commission
24. £200 winter fuel payment to pensioners & extra £100 for over-80s
25. On course to exceed the Kyoto target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2010
26. Negotiated the historic Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland
27. Over 30,000 more teachers in England schools
28. All workers now have a right to 4 weeks’ paid holiday
29. A million pensioners lifted out of relative poverty
30. 800,000 children lifted out of relative poverty:poverty is relative
31. Introduced child tax credit giving more money to parents:see point 2132. Scrapped Section 28 and introduced Civil Partnerships:section 28 should have stayed
33. Brought over 1 million social homes up to standard
34. Free school milk for five, six and seven-year-olds in Wales:f***ing great if you're welsh, trouble is im english
35. Banned fox hunting
36. Cleanest rivers, beaches, drinking water and air since the industrial revolution
37. Free TV licences for over-75s
38. Banned fur farming and the testing of cosmetics on animals
39. Waiting times for operations halved
40. Free local bus travel for over-60s
41. New Deal - helped over a million people into work:you're deluded
42. Over 1.5 million child trust funds have been started:money that will be spunked in ibiza when they are 18
43. Free eye test for over 60s
44. Five, six and seven year olds in class sizes of 30 or less
45. Free entry to national museums and galleries
46. Overseas aid budget more than doubled:giving away more money we havent f***ing got
47. Cancer death rates down by 12 per cent, saving 43,000 lives:still nowhere near as good as the rest of the western world
48. Free nursery places for three and four-year-olds in England, Scotland and Wales
49. Free fruit for all four to six-year-olds at school
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