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Well said Harty.


Home at Last.
Oct 5, 2003
Brighton, United Kingdom
I do know THPP, and he is one of the best people I know, and we do exchange a pint or two down at The Tap.

Thank you Lord Bracknell, for clicking on the tape recorder, and trascribing.

Harty. If you are reading this, I am a "Johnny Come Latley" as most people here know. However, I suggest you read that trascript, and the and only then, you may realise why I for one do not listen to your show.

Put simply. It's rubbish.

munster monch said:
Why thank you TGC :) although I don't predict myself appearing at the top of any quality poster polls in the near future. I don't think you'll find that theres any derision in my post just a personal suspicion that some are prepared to put a lot of ground work in to serve their own purposes in achieving some kind of celebrity.

Whilst agendas seems to be the keyword, I would also suggest that recording the show and taking the time to type it up on here appears to be the actions of someone with an agenda.

There may well be but I am 100% sure it is not THPP or myself. If either of us wanted to knock him off his perch, I am sure that a strongly worded complaint to the BBC about abuse of power and unfounded accusations could get the man in question fired. Whatever your take on the rights and wrongs of the previous arguments, you have to admit that making a public declaration in the way he did and naming 2 people who at no stage "abused" him instead of replying to the points on the most appropriate place - the threads in question, was a complete abuse of power as well as a bit childish? If we had wished to make a big deal, we would have started numeorus threads rather than replying deep down in just one. If someone is going to make unfounded allegations, we are entitled to a right of reply.

Feel free to check the 2 threads in question and show me any abuse I made. Or accusations of a hidden agenda. Somebody raised the question of his agenda and I said that we don't know what it is - that is why we were discussing his comments. On the other hand, he told NSC'rs to get out more, insinuated I was a schoolboy and accused Lord B of having a hidden agenda. Getting us to Falmer is not a very hidden agenda, is it?

I'm not going to keep banging on about this because it, and he are not worth it. I've had my say - albeit not on the BBC. (And yes I know I could phone up next week but why bother? I have better things to do than phone in on his terms and be slagged off after hanging up)

All I would ask is that the poeple blindly defending his stance have a look at the 2 threads in question, have another look at Lord B's transcript and make up your own minds. If you are still happy that he should be allowed carte blanche to say what he wants because of past endeavours then that is your opinion which you are fully entitled to. Just don't expect me to share it.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
I don't think for one minute either you or THPP have any agenda other than following the albion and enjoying yourselves to boot. I don't know why you were singled out. Perhaps they were just more memorable names.

Not his finest moment I would agree.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
I would make one point....why were you lot not at the Stoke game supporting your team and not sat at home in the warm bitching about a radio show:lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Well in my eyes some people on here take themselves far too seriously ( and I am probably one of them). If you attack a radio presenter are you really that nieve that you do not realise that he will take the opportunity to have a pop back?

I think Harty does an excellent job and would much rather have him on the radio than an albion apologist like some of the other radio stations around the country we listen to on away trips

Harty's No 1 Fan


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
The Great Cornholio said:
Feel free to check the 2 threads in question and show me any abuse I made. Or accusations of a hidden agenda. Somebody raised the question of his agenda and I said that we don't know what it is - that is why we were discussing his comments.

It was me, I did it, I first used the AGENDA word in THAT thread, and what an almighty kerfuffle it seems to have caused. :blush:

Which is a pity, because I was only using it in the context of a mild criticism and comparison of the way Ian Hart runs the phone-in, to the way Andrew Hawse and John Byrne did the previous week.

They didn't set out to be 'controversial' or 'play the devils advocate' - they listened to what people said, and discussed it with them or among themselves.

It made for an interesting phone-in.

Rather than the misjudged harping on about crowd sizes and the £30m - which was the only 'agenda' I was referring to (i.e. within the context of the phone-in!).

I am sure Ian is a lovely bloke and a great supporter of all things Albion - but that should not mean he is above a bit of mild criticism.

To throw the toys out of the pram in the way he did on yesterdays phone-in, sinking to the level of personal abuse (again without any real FACTS to back it up) was frankly pathetic.

I'm off to give so flowers to my dear old Mum.

Happy Mothering Sunday to all MUMS out there.
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dave the gaffer said:
I would make one point....why were you lot not at the Stoke game supporting your team and not sat at home in the warm bitching about a radio show:lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

Well in my eyes some people on here take themselves far too seriously ( and I am probably one of them). If you attack a radio presenter are you really that nieve that you do not realise that he will take the opportunity to have a pop back?

I think Harty does an excellent job and would much rather have him on the radio than an albion apologist like some of the other radio stations around the country we listen to on away trips

Harty's No 1 Fan

Probably for the same reason he was in Florida instead of at Withdean 2 weeks ago! :jester:

I was hoping for a response - but on the thread in question where I would have some come back and have a sensible, adult discussion. Still, each to their own.

munster monch said:
Why thank you TGC :) although I don't predict myself appearing at the top of any quality poster polls in the near future. I don't think you'll find that theres any derision in my post just a personal suspicion that some are prepared to put a lot of ground work in to serve their own purposes in achieving some kind of celebrity.

Whilst agendas seems to be the keyword, I would also suggest that recording the show and taking the time to type it up on here appears to be the actions of someone with an agenda.
Since this is obviously aimed at me, I'll respond.

I am not in the least interested in achieving any kind of celebrity.

As for "recording the show and taking the time to type it up on here appears to be the actions of someone with an agenda" ... let me explain.

Having defended Ian Hart last week, when the row about the "£30 million" kicked off, by suggesting that his holiday had meant that he hadn't been able to keep up with developments at the Public Inquiry and had missed the point that Paul Hayward's original article was intended to be supportive of the Club, I was somewhat gob-smacked then to be criticised by Harty for leading my "acolytes" into an attack on him!

Last Sunday, as an NSC moderator, I was asked by Harty to remove Richie Morris's "tossbag" thread, on the grounds that it was "just plain abuse". I replied by saying that I thought there were enough people who had picked up on and responded to the fact that Richie Morris's abuse is no way to conduct a debate. "However ... there are also some cogent points made in the discussion that I don't think should be lost. For that reason, I won't delete the thread... No hard feelings I hope".

During the course of the week, a couple of abusive (and personal) posts about Harty were deleted. These were the "couple of posts on Thursday that actually encroached on my business during the week and made some pretty sick comments really and I’m not having it". Quite right, Ian. And NSC isn't having it either.

I then found out - the source was a text message from Harty himself - that he intended to use his phone-in to respond to the "NSC witch hunt" and specifically to target his comments at Tom Hark Preston Park and the Great Cornholio.

I considered this to be unfair, because a reading of their messages on the "tossbag" thread will show that, whilst they were critical of Ian Hart, they were not being abusive, or contributing in any way to a witch hunt.

Since I was unable to listen to the phone-in, because I was going out, I decided to record it.

My "agenda" in doing so was simply to keep up with developments. My "agenda" for transcribing the relevant part of the phone-in on to NSC is to discourage another outbreak of people misrepresenting Ian Hart, as certain posters did last week.

I think Ian has been the victim of some unfair criticism. I think he has unfairly criticised NSC. In particular, I think his attack on Tom Hark Preston Park and the Great Cornholio (and his attempt to blacken their characters with veiled suggestions that they were on the side of Bellotti and Archer) is as disgraceful a contribution to this discussion as any that has been made.

But I don't want to fall out with Ian. Since I first met him, I've considered him to be a mate and a fellow Albion supporter that I can debate things with - most of the time we agree, on rare occasions we don't.

NSC and the Phone-In are both Albion institutions, but only at the periphery of what really matters - the Football Club. Both are outlets for a diverse range of opinions. Neither should "have an agenda", other than the wellbeing of the Albion.

Lord Bracknell said:
Since this is obviously aimed at me, I'll respond.

I am not in the least interested in achieving any kind of celebrity.

As for "recording the show and taking the time to type it up on here appears to be the actions of someone with an agenda" ... let me explain.

Having defended Ian Hart last week, when the row about the "£30 million" kicked off, by suggesting that his holiday had meant that he hadn't been able to keep up with developments at the Public Inquiry and had missed the point that Paul Hayward's original article was intended to be supportive of the Club, I was somewhat gob-smacked then to be criticised by Harty for leading my "acolytes" into an attack on him!

Last Sunday, as an NSC moderator, I was asked by Harty to remove Richie Morris's "tossbag" thread, on the grounds that it was "just plain abuse". I replied by saying that I thought there were enough people who had picked up on and responded to the fact that Richie Morris's abuse is no way to conduct a debate. "However ... there are also some cogent points made in the discussion that I don't think should be lost. For that reason, I won't delete the thread... No hard feelings I hope".

During the course of the week, a couple of abusive (and personal) posts about Harty were deleted. These were the "couple of posts on Thursday that actually encroached on my business during the week and made some pretty sick comments really and I’m not having it". Quite right, Ian. And NSC isn't having it either.

I then found out - the source was a text message from Harty himself - that he intended to use his phone-in to respond to the "NSC witch hunt" and specifically to target his comments at Tom Hark Preston Park and the Great Cornholio.

I considered this to be unfair, because a reading of their messages on the "tossbag" thread will show that, whilst they were critical of Ian Hart, they were not being abusive, or contributing in any way to a witch hunt.

Since I was unable to listen to the phone-in, because I was going out, I decided to record it.

My "agenda" in doing so was simply to keep up with developments. My "agenda" for transcribing the relevant part of the phone-in on to NSC is to discourage another outbreak of people misrepresenting Ian Hart, as certain posters did last week.

I think Ian has been the victim of some unfair criticism. I think he has unfairly criticised NSC. In particular, I think his attack on Tom Hark Preston Park and the Great Cornholio (and his attempt to blacken their characters with veiled suggestions that they were on the side of Bellotti and Archer) is as disgraceful a contribution to this discussion as any that has been made.

But I don't want to fall out with Ian. Since I first met him, I've considered him to be a mate and a fellow Albion supporter that I can debate things with - most of the time we agree, on rare occasions we don't.

NSC and the Phone-In are both Albion institutions, but only at the periphery of what really matters - the Football Club. Both are outlets for a diverse range of opinions. Neither should "have an agenda", other than the wellbeing of the Albion.

Well said. I agree with every word - including the continuation of the phone in (which I have never advocated getting rid of). I may continue to disagree or not listen but that is of no importance as many others will.

Hopefully this draws a line under the issue and we can move on.
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New member
Jan 3, 2005
Where is the love?

Lets all kiss and make up, and I am sure Richie Morris will knit some scarves that say NSC on one side and SCR on the other, just to let all know that we are now friends.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
It is very sad that Harty has decided to hang up his NSC boots. I like Harty, I like his show and he is 100% Albion and 100% behind Falmer.

The episode has been very sad as the best people and posters on NSC appear to have fallen out with each other. Tom Hark is a great bloke as is Harty and forl them to fall out is Sad. Also Lord B and Roz.

Those 4 are all in my top 20 NSC posters. There is a lot of dross on NSC so for the best poster and biggest contributors to the Albion cause to fall out is a great shame.

Harty had to endure several posts such as he is a Tossbag and he has lost the plot which were very unfair and damn right rude basically. I do not blame him for dissasociating himself with NSC.

Brighton Breezy

New member
Jul 5, 2003
The Great Cornholio said:

A few Richie Morris's doesn't devalue to the opinions of hundreds of others. Let's not forget this is the same NSC that helped instigate Fans Utd for us and others. The seeds of Tom Hark were planted on here. As a community, NSC had contributed a lot of the last few years towards helping the club. We are all supposed to be pulling in the same direction.

Would that be the same Richie Morris who f***ing organised the Wear Red for Wrexham Day you tit?

Brighton Breezy

New member
Jul 5, 2003

I actually got a pm from Ian last week and I pm'd him back and appologised for any offence caused. He replied in kind.

I just dont know where you get off saying things like the above especially when you actually said you agreed with my comments the other day ??? and imply that no matter how many people like me there are it is ok because the rest of NSC does a good job with fans utd and stuff.

Richie Morris said:

I actually got a pm from Ian last week and I pm'd him back and appologised for any offence caused. He replied in kind.

I just dont know where you get off saying things like the above especially when you actually said you agreed with my comments the other day ??? and imply that no matter how many people like me there are it is ok because the rest of NSC does a good job with fans utd and stuff.

I think you have taken that quote a little out of context and I apologise if you have taken offence. I chose your name as you were the one who started the Tossbag thread and were devaluing the points made in the rest of the thread. I full accept the efforts you have made in helping the club and others.

Brighton Breezy

New member
Jul 5, 2003
Fair enough.

I think this whole subject is getting out of hand now and feel slightly responsible because of the 'tossbag' comment.

I did not mean that as bad as it sounded, could easily have written 'Has Harty been a bit of a pillock'.

Harty IS without doubt a Brighton fan who has to balance being a fan with stimulating a decent debate. Because of various reasons last week he did a bit of a slapdash job in not reading the article etc before starting his show.

I am sure he has learnt from that.

I think sometimes Harty has to play devil's advocate on his show and what he is saying is not always what he thinks.

He has done a lot for albion over the years and that should not be forgotten and to those people who poked fun at his job you should be ashamed. I am sure he does a superbly professional job as an undertaker.

Ok, his show is not perfect and yes his reaction during last week and then again on this weeks show has not been very professional or mature BUT then neither were the kneejerk reactions of some posters on here, myself included.

I think the very fact we are still discussing Harty's show illustrates he is doing his job to some degree because surely having people still talking about a discussion show means it left its mark AND has stimulated widespread debate of the subject.

I think it is time to draw a line under all this bitching and imature arguing and try and unite behind the team again.

We criticise Harty for not talking about a good win over Millwall and then almost gaurentee that his next few shows will be full of NSC posters phoning in and complaining.

Lets all just grow up a bit eh?

Charlies Shinpad

New member
Jul 5, 2003
Oakford in Devon
dave the gaffer said:

Well in my eyes some people on here take themselves far too seriously ( and I am probably one of them). If you attack a radio presenter are you really that nieve that you do not realise that he will take the opportunity to have a pop back?

I think Harty does an excellent job and would much rather have him on the radio than an albion apologist like some of the other radio stations around the country we listen to on away trips

Harty's No 1 Fan

I agree with you 100%

I dont bother posting on here that much now as it seems it is becoming one big clique on here,thats my opinion only by the way


A different kind of pasty
Jul 5, 2003
West, West, West Sussex
Personally I have no idea of what went on between Ian Hart and any poster on here. I didn't read the threads, and rarely listen to the phone-in. By chance I did hear Ian Harts opening rant yesterday though.

I think it was extremely unprofessional, and grossly unfair on THPP & TGC, to use his radio show, that goes out all over the county, to have a go at one or two individuals from an internet message board.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
The way I see it , Harty was away and saw a headline Albion lose £ 30 000 000, he did not read it and happened to comment on it on the show. Whats the big problem ?, it was a bit of chit chat thats all and makes no difference to the enquiry. He got slated and insulted and a very wise person once said , you can criticise a man but there are 2 things you should never criticise , 1. His choice of Woman and 2. His choice of work.

I know someone at the ground whose husband tragically died recently and Harty did the funeral. She spoke very highly of Harty and the superb care and support he gave the whole family.


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