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We have a new Governator here in California,

US Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Juan Albion said:
Bare has obviously been listening to too much of Rush Limbaugh's garbage.

BTW, it seems there is another nice American exercising his/her right to self-defence by shooting at cars on a road near Columbus, Ohio. 11 shootings so far, but luckily only one fatality as the culprit is clearly a bad shot. Nice to know someone has the sense to take a nice proactive stance in this self-defence thing - get the bastards before they can even think of getting you, just like those nice guys near Washington last year.

And, Bare, your comments on Canada are rather ignorant. You should come up here to find out what life can really be like.

Wow, I leave town for a couple of days and this thread goes crazy.
I wanted to mention the Columbus sniper as well (offically the police are avoiding the term "sniper"), I just came back from Ohio and I decided to take I-70 through the center of Columbus instead of taking the bypass, I-270S, because there is a crazied f***ing sniper taking pot shots at passing cars. So somebody please tell me how safe I am because Americans are carrying guns? And tell me how carrying a gun would have made that 62 year old woman who was shot and killed on that stretch of road on the way to the doctors any safer? She probably never knew what hit her and that's why the self-defense value of guns are dubious at best while their potential for danger is much, much greater.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Well, US, you can get the drift of what Bare is saying and I think most people will draw their own conclusions. What scares me more than a little are things like my wife's ex husband's aunt (you stilll with me here ?)

She lives opposite us. She picks up a welfare check as she suffers froma mental disorder, she is in fact paranoid. However, she possesses and indeed has a license ffor .38 revolver !

Should mention that when she found out that my wife had married (me) she started a hate campaign against us. We had the Police at our house no less that 15 times in three weeks including a visit from the DEA as she'd told them that we were selling drugs ! (In the UK she's have been done for both harrassment and wasting Police time). In the end I had a restraining order put on her and my lawyer advised her that if she made one more false call to the Police she'd be sued for deformation. The Police in that state have to investigate every complaint. Once she realised that she would have been made homeless she stopped although she does constantly call my wife's ex telling a pack of lies about us. (we're moving soon).

This woman is clearly unsound and yet has a gun quite legally. Now if that's not a worry to the likes of Bare you wonder what is.

US Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Cleveland, OH
I know what you're saying bhaexpress, but these NRA types won't hear of even the slightest hint of gun control, even if it's something so eminently sensible as taking guns away from people who are clearly disturbed. They won't accept any kind of gun registration (it's fine for cars, but not for guns :shootself ), they will fight against any attempt to curb the most deadly weapons because apparently people DO need fully automatic assault rifles to protect themselves from street muggers. They successfully defeated a bill that would require ballistic finger printing of firearms (because it looks too much like registration), they oppose laws that require background checks on guns sold at gun shows (because it'll take time, and they need their guns NOW!!). They oppose trigger locks (because it might take them an extra couple of seconds when they really need to pop a cap in someones ass). They want guns makers and seller to be protected from the law for the destruction they cause.
I despair, there really is no reaching these people, they simply won't give an inch. They are every bit as fanatically as the most devout islamist terrorists and are completely incapable of reason. I'm here because of my wife and because the career opportunities are better for me, otherwise, I'd be out of here. The republicans here REALLY scare the shit out of me :eek:
It's a sad state of affairs. There are many things to love about this country, but there is much that is rotten. Not least of which is the fact that pointing out what is wrong is considered unpatriotic.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
The thing I find so odd is that the consitution uses the word 'Militia' in conjunction with the words 'right to bear arms'. Can't see the afore mentioned being in any militia.

Tragically I can't say a whole lot as my wife has a Glock 9mm and I have both an air taser and a 300,000 hand taser, mainly as defensive weapons. I was telling some of the blokes last night about the somewhat bizarre life style I have in Georgia. I have actually used the hand taser on one of my ex wife's relatives who threatened me with a gun. Amusingly, he was still quivering o the ground when the Police came to arrest him :lolol:

Mind you I laugh about it now but, well, it's a long story but still would be quite shocking (no pun intended) here (Still in the UK, US for the holidays and sorting out my immigration). You may have read my posts about one of my brother in laws. I mean, a sub machine gun ????

Oh, as an afterthought I should mention that I am now very un PC. I have recently aqured two tattoos both of which feature a (distinctly not Palarse) Eagle and a bloody great Confederate flag along with another which has a Union Jack crossed with a Confederate flag. Ironically they were boyth done here in Worthing but I gather that these little icons tag me as a White Supremercist ! Having said that, at least my step kids think I'm super cool.
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"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Bare said:
All those things you said about Canada are socialist programs. Are you a believer in socialism?

So bhaexpress states that Gun Control, a decent health system, a decent welfare system, and, oh yes, a far lower crime rate - and that is supposed to show up socialism as a bad thing? In that case, why didn't Margaret Thatcher (the most economically right wing PM we've probably ever had) abolish the National Health Service?

And Canada is frequently held up as the world's most desirable country to live in. And believe me, it is a fantastic country to live in.

On the other hand, I was told a story last Friday by a bloke who lived in the States where a hispanic scruffy looking bloke had been stabbed and the crowd of onlookers all hesitated to phone for the ambulance - presumably scared of their premiums picking up the bill if he had no insurance. Now try telling me that is a civilised way to live.

I think bhaexpress is right - you are mentally retarded.

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
bhaexpress said:
You in Canada Juan ?

Yes, I'm just outside the Limestone City - Kingston, Ontario. On the edge of the 1000 Islands (of dressing fame) and the capital of freshwater sailing of North America. Just a few miles away across the lake from the States as the seagull flies, but a world away in many other respects.



New member
Jul 7, 2003
Been there twice this year. Have relatives in Brampton but the vast majority of them are in the Kincardine area. Took the new Mrs BHA to Niagara Falls (Maid of the Mist is a must !) and had a ball. As you may have gathered Mrs BHA is very American but even she had to admit that Canada is better. There's a completely different atmosphere there and it's my intenetion to return next year with my two elder step kids.

Yeah, it;s the best country I've been to by the proverbial country mile (and I have travelled all over the US).

Lord Cornwallis

Dust my pants
Jul 9, 2003
Across the pond
I've been away 9 days and I see Davey Crockett is still ranting on without making any reasoned sence.
I think most expats have ended up here in the colonies in search of better opertunities, but everything has a price. And this gun crazyness is just on of them.
Someone said to me a while ago, which I think hit the nail on the head. "In America I have a better standard of living, in the UK I have a better quality of life"
IMHO America is a beautiful place, it's just got a lot of idiot Americans in it.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
God, Bare, you retard, this is a dead subject. Why don't you just do one ? It's the general concensus of opinion that you're an idiot and so is anybody who thinks like you is too.

This is a football site.


New member
Nov 12, 2003
And the prophecy holds true Zeitgeist, you have become that which you despise.

You people need to educate yourselves. In Canada they do things backwards from the US. They remove guns from the mature, healthy adults and allow the immature, criminals and crazies to have them.

Presently there are over 20K gun control laws in the US right now and as you can see it still doesn't stop the criminals from committing crimes. Has anyone seen Dru Sjodin?

You people have a love affair with the criminals in your respective countries. What do you do with them? kiss them? stroke their dicks? I've consistantly defended the right of an individual to defend ones self and you people consistantly celabrate the criminal. Hang'm and hang'm high, I say!

That and call me names. If that's your strongest argument, it doesn't show much for your education.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
If The US is so cool then why does it have a higher percentage of it's population in jail THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ?

Why does if have a higher murder rate per capita than any country in the so called civilised Western World ?

Bare, may I cordially suggest that you f*** off ? Nobody is interested in your mindless drivel. For the umteenth time this is a FOOTBALL (that's in real football not that abomination that you Yanks call 'football') and has no place for your quasi facist ranting.

I guess like so many Americans your gun is in actual fact, a penis substitute.
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Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Bare, you sum up all that is wrong with America. Fortunately, there are plenty of people there who are a lot more sensible than you.

Just what do you have against Canada? It is routinely rated above the US in lists of the best places to live. When I go out, I rarely lock my door. I don't have to, I have neighbours who care about each other. And none of us has a gun. I don't have one because no-one wants to kill me - we don't have that sort of society.



New member
Jul 7, 2003
Juan, he's a typical Yank, he knows, if he's really honest with himself that the US is totally inferior to Canada. I've been to both for a good while this year and even my American wife says it's a hell of a lot better and she's a damn Redneck !


New member
Nov 12, 2003
Well, if you want to compare countries, let's go.

I see only one flag on the moon. :lolol:


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Yes and I see about 200,000,000 ****s in the USA.

US Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Bare said:
Here's the best reason we have guns here in America.

I'll bet her Dad wishes she had a gun! Any takers?

Aside from being absolutely flabbergasted that this thread has risen again, I'm completely appalled that you would bring up the story of Dru Sjodin as some kind of justification for your twisted world view. You make be absolutely sick to my stomach. That you'd take the tragic and brutal abduction and (probably) murder of an innocent college student to try and justify your position is really about as low as it gets. You're a sick bastard, now f*** off, nobody cares what you have to say for yourself. Besides, she was almost certainly taken my suprise and a gun wouldn't have helped her one jot.
It reminds me of that bit in "Bowling for Columbine" (which I bet bare hasn't seen) were the NRA had to hold a conference in Columbine right after the shootings. Twats.

On the Canada question, I'd be up for moving to Canada if it wasn't so f**king cold!

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