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[News] Water canons are the answer


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2017
Okay, so your summary is I am an idiot, which means I have low intelligence.


I am actually in the top 3% for logical reasoning and in the gifted scale when it comes to IQ.

So to believe I actually meant shoot these people makes you somewhat low on intellect, I mean to kick them up the arse off the streets if they repeatedly offend bang them up with a nice bit of porridge.

Okay so it is a generalisation but hey look at what Stewart said about me, Robinson/Hopkins, he is so wide of the mark.

It's just that the far left just do my head in which makes me appear more right than I am, according to a politics test I sit roughly on the Merkel side, but I do love a bit of Mogg and Farage.

'I sit on the Merkel side"... she sits squarely into the centre of the political spectrum in Germany.. sort of left of right wing somewhere in the centre.. In the US, she would be considered somewhere left of Bernie Sanders. Not surprised you would like to "kick them up the arse off the streets if they repeatedly offend bang them up with a nice bit of porridge".. Something Rees-Bog would say in a post Brexit apocalypse with that little Nazi boy in power..

Is it PotG?

Thrifty non-licker
Feb 20, 2017
Sussex by the Sea
They need a bloomin' good seeing to.



Deleted member 2719

'I sit on the Merkel side"... she sits squarely into the centre of the political spectrum in Germany.. sort of left of right-wing somewhere in the centre.. In the US, she would be considered somewhere left of Bernie Sanders. Not surprised you would like to "kick them up the arse off the streets if they repeatedly offend bang them up with a nice bit of porridge".. Something Rees-Bog would say in a post Brexit apocalypse with that little Nazi boy in power..

See that's where we differ a far leftie such as yourself will spend all day demonstrating, where a right of the middle like myself will spend all day taking action and actually doing stuff that will create wealth and opportunity.

You keep smoking your roll-ups and growing your beard and making banners, you obviously enjoying it, while the right of centre will keep making money and keep putting in the graft to create the jobs.

Look how jobs have prospered since the tories have started to sort out the mess Labour left our system in.

Anyway, I am now off to put some graft in.


I changed this.
Jul 28, 2011
Okay, so your summary is I am an idiot, which means I have low intelligence.


I am actually in the top 3% for logical reasoning and in the gifted scale when it comes to IQ.

So to believe I actually meant shoot these people makes you somewhat low on intellect, I mean to kick them up the arse off the streets if they repeatedly offend bang them up with a nice bit of porridge.

Okay so it is a generalisation but hey look at what Stewart said about me, Robinson/Hopkins, he is so wide of the mark.

It's just that the far left just do my head in which makes me appear more right than I am, according to a politics test I sit roughly on the Merkel side, but I do love a bit of Mogg and Farage.

Yeah fair play :thumbsup: For what it's worth I don't condone Stewart's tact of saying someone he disagrees with is "stupid". That's not discussion, it's not engagement. It's childish.

Horton's halftime iceberg

Blooming Marvellous
Jan 9, 2005
See that's where we differ a far leftie such as yourself will spend all day demonstrating, where a right of the middle like myself will spend all day taking action and actually doing stuff that will create wealth and opportunity.

Anyway, I am now off to put some graft in.

Is your wealth creation carbon free and of assistance to the young who will inherit a planet that has been damaged badly by a culture of 'wealth creation'. logging, mineral extraction, fossil fuel burning. Hopefully the next style of economy's will be more inclusive and focus on developing ways to minimise environmental impact of the next generations.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2017
See that's where we differ a far leftie such as yourself will spend all day demonstrating, where a right of the middle like myself will spend all day taking action and actually doing stuff that will create wealth and opportunity.

You keep smoking your roll-ups and growing your beard and making banners, you obviously enjoying it, while the right of centre will keep making money and keep putting in the graft to create the jobs.

Look how jobs have prospered since the tories have started to sort out the mess Labour left our system in.

Anyway, I am now off to put some graft in.

Creating wealth and opportunity? You do realise that isn't sustainable don't you? It is an impossibility to maintain growth rates to sustain profitability! Last year the world used all of its resources by August 1st. So from August 2nd everything used was beyond what the planet could supply. The great con is those 'working class' who support the Tories. If the USA gets the trade deal it wants then forget about those hard won employee working conditions and a free NHS. Real unemployment is actually double what is officially recorded and real wage growth is non existent. 2/3rds of the jobs boom has also come from growth in atypical work, such as self-employment, work on zero-hours contracts and agency work, according to analysis by the Resolution Foundation thinktank. The reality is that people have less job security for less pay that covers less than it did a decade ago.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2017
Yeah fair play :thumbsup: For what it's worth I don't condone Stewart's tact of saying someone he disagrees with is "stupid". That's not discussion, it's not engagement. It's childish.

Please please please go check some of Moulds suggestions.. he lives in a very scary world


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Ive not been on holiday or been on a plane for 3 years. I stopped eating red meat/pork 4 years ago. I have a hybrid car and my company car is also a hybrid. Its inevitable that we all consume more than we should and Ive made cuts where I can including being rather anal about recycling. I have 2 children and Ive asked them not to have children because of what is likely to come. This has FA about Corbyn and everything to do with what the whole world does not just the UK. You sound like a Daily Mail reader.. Unfortunately I suspect your too stupid to have read anything of any real world fact.

If people don't protest (a democratic right!!) then would the government and business pay any attention?

As for Corbyn.. If he pressed the nuclear button then what happens next? If you had any idea about what happens in a nuclear conflict you would know that the UK nuclear arsenal is insignificant. A 20 megaton blast's firestorm would cover nearly 2500 square miles.. basically the whole of the UK would be gone. So have a sit down, a cup of tea and put yourself in the position of whoever can press the nuclear button and consider whether you would press first.

So you have children.. Perhaps sit down with them and talk about the environment and how multi nationals are exploiting natural resources for financial gain regardless of the impact they make. Have a talk about the rainforests in Brazil... or about how many animals are coming closer and closer to extinction. Your actually right about world populations.. But your suggestion of "culling" any repeat offenders stinks a lot of the kind of stuff the Nazis did in WW2.. Suspect your a Tommy Robinson/Katie Hopkins fan boy!

Blimey, ' I've asked them not to have children'.etc.
I don't know how old your offspring are, but I hope you haven't scared them to bits with your apocalyptic view of the future.
For heavens sake man, stop being such a doom merchant; you underestimate the ability of mankind to overcome adversity, and whether you like it or not, the 'dreaded capitalism'
is sure to play a huge role in the vast technological developments that will provide a future for the world's population.Just take a bit of time off from stroking your beard and reflect on the advances in medicine, engineering and science for example and how they have provided a standard of living those who lived 100 years ago could only dream of.
No system is perfect, but we would have been in a hell of a mess without the great entrepreneurs of the past and present. I don't think the daydreaming hard Lefties would have cut the mustard, somehow!


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2017
Blimey, ' I've asked them not to have children'.etc.
I don't know how old your offspring are, but I hope you haven't scared them to bits with your apocalyptic view of the future.
For heavens sake man, stop being such a doom merchant; you underestimate the ability of mankind to overcome adversity, and whether you like it or not, the 'dreaded capitalism'
is sure to play a huge role in the vast technological developments that will provide a future for the world's population.Just take a bit of time off from stroking your beard and reflect on the advances in medicine, engineering and science for example and how they have provided a standard of living those who lived 100 years ago could only dream of.
No system is perfect, but we would have been in a hell of a mess without the great entrepreneurs of the past and present. I don't think the daydreaming hard Lefties would have cut the mustard, somehow!

Ah yes.. the good ol' technology will solve the problem line. I really don't think you realise what is happening. Has zero to do with with being a "doom merchant" and everything to do with knowing what is going to happen unless the majority realise this is as serious as it gets. Sorry but your misguided if you think all will be ok because someone else is going to sort out the problems. At least the children have the right idea. It's their future world that the older generations and before have screwed up. The days of consume, throw away and repeat are coming to an end


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Blimey, ' I've asked them not to have children'.etc.
I don't know how old your offspring are, but I hope you haven't scared them to bits with your apocalyptic view of the future.
For heavens sake man, stop being such a doom merchant; you underestimate the ability of mankind to overcome adversity, and whether you like it or not, the 'dreaded capitalism'
is sure to play a huge role in the vast technological developments that will provide a future for the world's population.Just take a bit of time off from stroking your beard and reflect on the advances in medicine, engineering and science for example and how they have provided a standard of living those who lived 100 years ago could only dream of.
No system is perfect, but we would have been in a hell of a mess without the great entrepreneurs of the past and present. I don't think the daydreaming hard Lefties would have cut the mustard, somehow!

Very good summation. These lefties must be some of the most negative people around.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Ah yes.. the good ol' technology will solve the problem line. I really don't think you realise what is happening. Has zero to do with with being a "doom merchant" and everything to do with knowing what is going to happen unless the majority realise this is as serious as it gets. Sorry but your misguided if you think all will be ok because someone else is going to sort out the problems. At least the children have the right idea. It's their future world that the older generations and before have screwed up. The days of consume, throw away and repeat are coming to an end

What unremitting bollocks.
To blame the older generations and those before is just nonsense.
Think about what you are saying.
For instance, where would our forefathers have been without, let us say, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine and other inventions.
They cannot be blamed for extracting coal and minerals from the ground!
They didn't know that some know -it -all smug bearded eco warriors a hundred years down the line, would glue themselves to Waterloo Bridge and self righteously blame them and capitalism for all the world's ills.
What shit. You are spouting the old line of judging actions of the past by today's standards and knowledge. Ridiculous; and yes, if you extreme lefties are to survive, then good ol' technology, will play one hell of a part.
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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2017
What unremitting bollocks.
To blame the older generations and those before is just nonsense.
Think about what you are saying.
For instance, where would our forefathers have been without, let us say, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine and other inventions.
They cannot be blamed for extracting coal and minerals from the ground!
They didn't know that some know -it -all smug bearded Lefties a hundred years down the line, would glue themselves to Waterloo Bridge and self righteously blame them and capitalism for all the world's ills.
What shit. You are spouting the old line of judging actions of the past by today's standards and knowledge. Ridiculous; and yes, if you extreme lefties are to survive, then good ol' technology, will play one hell of a part.

We have known of climate change caused by what we do for at least 50yrs. Yes past generations since the 70s can be blamed for not taking it more seriously than it has. The reason has always been about protecting the profits and jobs which I really do understand. My point is that we are at the point now of having to make huge changes very quickly and they wont be popular. The economic repurcussions alone are in the trillions let alone mass migrations and the loss of animal habitats and extingtions. Nothing to do with being a lefty and everything to do with having an understanding of the reality of what is now. You cannot keep doing what your doing and expect no repurcussions from nature.

So what is your solution to climate change???

Albion Prem

Active member
Nov 23, 2018
They're a bunch of ferrals pissing in the wind.

Nobody with half a brain doesn't think the risk of climate change is real, nor that the world needs to act, but shutting down Oxford Circus and the DLR is the answer?
Even if the UK, which is certainly doing it's bit, leading in carbon reduction and renewables, was to ban the use of all fossil fuels tomorrow morning, you think Putin, who's power comes from the Russian petro state will change.
Maybe all middle Eastern countries will go back to farming dates and close their oil wells, maybe rapidly developing, smog filled environmental rapists like China and India, will see a bunch of tofu eating momentum nerds in Oxford Circus and give up their rapid development?
Was a single tree saved from deforestation by trying to stop people going to their jobs by breaking the law in central London?
As for the shut down Heathrow attempt, how pathetic was that, maybe somebody should've provided some beetroot sandwiches for a dozen.

I take climate change deadly seriously, as I'm sure many do, but many of these loons are anarchists who want to overthrow the whole system of government as we know it (one admitted on LBC as such).

They should be locked up and charged for their illegal activity.

Canvas international embassies, the UN, get celebrities on board, educate, promote..... Pissing off civilians in central London is not going to going to save anything.

Well said, Do people really think Russia,China and the USA will change their ways because of the demonstrations in this country?


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
So what is your solution to climate change???

can start by turning off computers not using the internet, aint carbon free.
from there, a long list of energy consuming activities have to stop, travel, heating, lighting and stop using energy consuming products. by the end we should be organic farmers, and happy with our toil in the fields.

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