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[Albion] Wankers at the station

The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008


Oooh Matron, I'm an
NSC Patron
Jun 26, 2009
I've read elsewhere it was actually a rubber mat not a coat. Which shifts the blame to Robert Dyas I guess.
***boring answer*** it's one of the non-slip mats that they put down near the entrance/exits to stop the floor being slippery in the rain


I’m eating
NSC Patron
Mar 23, 2023
I was in the queue when the whole thing kicked off, all it was the Ajax fans didn’t want to queue so thought they could jump the fences and run round - some people went “who are ya” and like one or two tried to punch someone and knocked over their drink.

It was something and nothing really, the Brighton kid crying was because his dad was going mental at the Ajax fans and he wanted him to stop - the Ajax fans didn’t do anything to make kids cry.

The police dealt with it and didn’t let them push in, I wasn’t there for the second video of them throwing the handrails, we had gone by then.

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
It was something and nothing really, the Brighton kid crying was because his dad was going mental at the Ajax fans and he wanted him to stop - the Ajax fans didn’t do anything to make kids cry.
The same embarrassing situation at Marseilles away where another poor son was distraught when his **** of a dad started nutting and punching fellow supporters.

If you can’t act like a grown up with your kid in tow, just **** off and support Milwall.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Just me, or is this word 'ultras' a bit pathetic. It seems to mean little more than spotty young wankers in hoodies who speak English in foreign accents.
If you count 'chav' as a foreign language (I do) then this describes rather well out little band of friends from Croydon.

Pretty Plnk Fairy

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 30, 2008
The same embarrassing situation at Marseilles away where another poor son was distraught when his **** of a dad started nutting and punching fellow supporters.

If you can’t act like a grown up with your kid in tow, just **** off and support Milwall.

Dont try that fella, son should be proud of his dad for being willing to go toe to toe with there firm. I’m disappointed in the son and you. Games gone if you ask me



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