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Time of fear?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2012
The Black Country
It is, and has been mentioned in the press and on television for quite some time now.
I thought everyone was aware of the fears that have been widely expressed.

I know lots of people are scared. That may well be the case but I would like sources of medical professionals going on record saying what the OP to my reply has claimed.


May 13, 2019
Without chaos people wont want more order, and some people and organisations that most people dont believe exist wants lots and lots of order. And they will get it because even if you dont know how they function, they sure do know how you function.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
Ⓩ-Ⓐ-Ⓜ-Ⓞ-Ⓡ-Ⓐ;9483054 said:
It's just a few thousand nutters, mostly right-wing, nutters.

Is right-wing some generic term you use for anyone you don’t like or do you genuinely think that the people cheering Piers Corbyn, Dr Mohammed Advil, and Chico from the X-Factor are right-wing?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
I know lots of people are scared. That may well be the case but I would like sources of medical professionals going on record saying what the OP to my reply has claimed.

Dr Mohammed Adil was speaking at the rally yesterday, so he’s one. Needless to say he’s been suspended from work.

portlock seagull

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2003
I am a believer in Covid-19. I am currently in lockdown on the other side of the world and have no problem with it, yet.

I do have some concerns about over reaction by the authorities around the world, but understand the need to protect public services and the vulnerable. But what I fear is a ‘Survivor’ TV series (1970s) where society begins to break down as unemployment and poverty takes its toll.

In most western orientated countries it seems the majority of people are OK with lockdowns, and understand the need to try to stifle the effects of the virus. But is this changing.....?

There are plans for protests here in Melbourne next weekend, I was aware of a planned demo in Berlin yesterday. It seems there was also a demo/protest in London yesterday, attended by thousands, but from what I can see there is no mention of it upon the BBC. If someone can prove me wrong I will be very pleased.

I find it very worrying when a pillock like David Icke can get thousands of people chanting ‘Freedom! Freedom!’ (See the last 20% of the vid). What I find even more worrying is the apparent media blackout of such events. Anyone else beginning to feel a little worried?

I think it’s sensible to be concerned, the current generation have no experience of devastating events the like of which our ancestors did. We think it can’t happen to us. Life without hope is no life, hence why we’re seeing the greatest mass migration since Chelsea recalled their loaned players, whilst technology reduces employment opportunities by the millions each day and population increases the other way. Add Covid, climate change, drugs, Poverty, widening inequality, polarised politics, weak governments and mass discord fanned by social media and fake news...I agree, we’ll soon have the perfect storm - if we haven’t already that will cause society to break. Hence when we had panic buying my first thought wasn’t where can I get some loo roll but a gun?!! People kill each other for looking at them the wrong way, so you can imagine what will happen if various supply chains collapsed. We’ve already demonstrated how selfish we are, and how ineffective our leaders are too. Our military is the weakest and smallest it’s been since medieval times, even if they were allowed to do their job rather than just be pelted by angry street mobs. More than anything though, we have a fragmented society in this country now made up of hundreds different cultures and values which will instantly crack along tribal ancestry lines and compete against each other. It’s what happens time and again, if you care to read some history. And that concerns me.


Many More Voting Years
NSC Patron
Aug 10, 2007
We have a guaranteed two more weeks of lockdown. Fair enough, I personally can see a possible need to extend that to four weeks.

In some of the outer suburbs rumblings are afoot. For at least four successive evenings crowds have gathered to protest and confront the police. The top politician in Victoria is a bit of a dictator according to some, certainly he wants to appear tough in current times. He refuses to offer an opinion as to whether our current restrictions will be lifted in fourteen days time, whilst simultaneously trying to get another 12 month State of Emergency order imposed.

The fact that people are currently protesting, added to an extension of the Premiers powers, can in my opinion, increase the likelihood of state against the people. Sorry for blathering on, I just do not like the outlook on life both here and across the globe.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
I was at the rally yesterday with [MENTION=33983]BeHereNow[/MENTION].

My one quibble was that rather than keeping the medical professionals (that I was very interested in hearing) separate from the David Icke, “5G is a death ray” brigade (that I had no interest in hearing) as originally planned, they were mixed together. I’ve heard that the Icke rally was banned and this was the reason.

On one hand he and Mark Steel have their fans and have a right to be heard. On the other, what could have been a useful event to present first hand testimonies from doctors and nurses to inform the general public got mixed up with issues that made it easy for the mainstream media (those that bothered to cover it) to write it off as a tinfoil hat event.

But the healthcare people spoke well and made many good points. Hopefully these will soon filter into the mainstream of public discourse. And the “it’s Chico time” interlude, where the former X-Factor contestant read his beat poem, was good fun.

I believe there was a scuffle between one man and the police and Piers Corbyn himself was later arrested as the ringleader scapegoat, but it was a very good natured event. Two men stood outside the Canadian Embassy and waved a British Union of Fascists flag in the direction of the demo, but these went unnoticed by most people other than the press who pounced on the opportunity and made sure they were used as a means to try to define the day. But really the whole thing was apolitical. In fact, most people there seemed to distrust politicians regardless of which party they were in. That included me.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
I am pleased to see these uprisings of common sense sprouting. Scaring society is control through fear. I don't want my child to grow up in a constant mask wearing world. You can't live in a virus free bubble for eternity. Some small shops and businesses were hardly thriving before all this. This has been the final nail in the coffin for too many people's lives and livelihoods and that is desperately sad.

How about a world where people wear masks sometimes, just when in close proximity to strangers, for a few months until we know a bit more about the virus and maybe have a vaccine, you know, just so your kids can know their Grandparents a little bit?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
How about a world where people wear masks sometimes, just when in close proximity to strangers, for a few months until we know a bit more about the virus and maybe have a vaccine, you know, just so your kids can know their Grandparents a little bit?

Masks don’t stop viruses. That’s been known for years.

If they did, why was the original advice from the medical advisors to not wear masks?

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I find the demographic profile of protesters interesting - the vast majority of folk kicking off about all the Covid related restrictions are the [age] group least at risk [statistically] of death, i.e. the under 30's.
I wonder if they would be so vocal if a virus emerged that targeted [and killed] under 30's - maybe the [generally] over 40's decision-makers e.g. gov[ministers etc.] would just say "Pah-let 'em die"?
Extreme NIMBY-ism at it's very worst !


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
I think it’s sensible to be concerned, the current generation have no experience of devastating events the like of which our ancestors did. We think it can’t happen to us. Life without hope is no life, hence why we’re seeing the greatest mass migration since Chelsea recalled their loaned players, whilst technology reduces employment opportunities by the millions each day and population increases the other way. Add Covid, climate change, drugs, Poverty, widening inequality, polarised politics, weak governments and mass discord fanned by social media and fake news...I agree, we’ll soon have the perfect storm - if we haven’t already that will cause society to break. Hence when we had panic buying my first thought wasn’t where can I get some loo roll but a gun?!! People kill each other for looking at them the wrong way, so you can imagine what will happen if various supply chains collapsed. We’ve already demonstrated how selfish we are, and how ineffective our leaders are too. Our military is the weakest and smallest it’s been since medieval times, even if they were allowed to do their job rather than just be pelted by angry street mobs. More than anything though, we have a fragmented society in this country now made up of hundreds different cultures and values which will instantly crack along tribal ancestry lines and compete against each other. It’s what happens time and again, if you care to read some history. And that concerns me.

My tribal ancestry is a mystery to me, I won't be cracking.

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I find the demographic profile of protesters [based on clips & pics] interesting - the vast majority of folk kicking off about all the Covid related restrictions appear to be of the [age] group least at risk [statistically] of death, i.e. the under 30's.
I wonder if they would be so vocal if a virus emerged that targeted [and killed] under 30's - maybe the [generally] over 40's decision-makers [e.g. gov ministers etc.] would just say "Pah-let 'em die"?
Extreme NIMBY-ism at it's very worst !


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2012
The Black Country
Do some Googling.

That’s not how this works. Unless you can provide a sauce, why should I or anyone else, believe what you say to be true? And of course, you can find anything using Google to back up your own cognitive bias so... :shrug:

Jolly Red Giant

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
Masks don’t stop viruses. That’s been known for years.

If they did, why was the original advice from the medical advisors to not wear masks?
Because the Tories f*cked-up and didn't have an emergency stockpile of PPE - a mad scramble for PPE by the general population would have led to hospital staff treating patients without PPE (and they struggled to supply sufficient PPE without any panic buying by the public) - so blame the Tories (who also initially adopted a policy of 'herd immunity' that led to thousands of unnecessary deaths)

Jolly Red Giant

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
I find the demographic profile of protesters interesting - the vast majority of folk kicking off about all the Covid related restrictions are the [age] group least at risk [statistically] of death, i.e. the under 30's.
I wonder if they would be so vocal if a virus emerged that targeted [and killed] under 30's - maybe the [generally] over 40's decision-makers e.g. gov[ministers etc.] would just say "Pah-let 'em die"?
Extreme NIMBY-ism at it's very worst !

The first wave of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 had it's biggest impact among the elderly - the second wave later that year overwhelmingly impact on the under-40s.

Bold Seagull

strong and stable with me, or...
Mar 18, 2010
I am pleased to see these uprisings of common sense sprouting. Scaring society is control through fear. I don't want my child to grow up in a constant mask wearing world. You can't live in a virus free bubble for eternity. Some small shops and businesses were hardly thriving before all this. This has been the final nail in the coffin for too many people's lives and livelihoods and that is desperately sad.

Can’t help but stray into; ‘you don’t need masks there isn’t the evidence’ = ‘we haven’t bought shares invested our trust funds etc in the PPE companies yet...’. ‘You now need compulsory mask waring’ = ‘it’s fine, we and all our friends have invested and control said supplying companies now’...One thing that can be said for this government and their media friends, at least their pretty much brazenly open with it. It’s not like anyone with half a brain can’t see what’s going on with the awarding of many of these government contracts.

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