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there was no moon landing .... discus


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
It's physically impossible for a Human Being to survive more then 500 miles outside of the Earth's atmosphere.


proof please.

the usual explanation the hoax believers come up with is to do with radiation, and yes you are right it is bullshit,this page summarizes quite well (but a little technical) how it is perfectly feasible for humans to survive outside the earths atmosphere

I would have thought that pressure changes would quickly overcome a human body, and far too swiftly to adapt to it.
Also, temperature issues would exist outside of our planet's safe moderation.

The idea of living in space as such, would depend on our being sustained by machinery.



New member
Nov 29, 2011
The Soviets didn't get there simply because it's not possible. The whole Cold War/ Space race issue has been heavily overstated.

Man never has & never will make it to the moon.

I tend to agree - I've heard rumours that it was filmed in Seaford, after 7:30 pm


Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011
We went to the moon-Saturn V,the launch vehicle.....check it out here,how could we have not.....check this awesome video only 2 mins long.



Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011
It would be harder to hoax it and keep it all quiet than to actually go to the bloody moon.

The Russian's were trying very hard too at the same time to get their,yet failed,they would have been watching very closely for sure and would no doubt have informed the world of such a hoax.


Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011

They did mock ups,test,practices,training,in studios with all the gear on-What on Earth or was that the MOON,were they ment to do? ? ? without TRAINING? JUST TURN UP AND LAND


Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011
Did you watch the video?

[MENTION=2878]Woodchip[/MENTION] , washing down some very chunky "humble pie" with a touch of "bitter" however for the Hoax crew among us,the comments i stated were indeed correct..

Max Paper

Nov 3, 2009
I get the how we landed on the moon. What I dont get is how they got from the moon back to the shuttle!!!

There was no shuttle, there was a 3 piece space machine comprising of a command module ( the bit they came home in) a lunar module (the bit that took them to the moon surface) and another bit that for the life of me I can't remember the name of. The lunar module returning to the orbiting command module has always fascinated me! If you're bored, Wikipedia have some amazing information about all the Apollo missions as I discovered a few weeks ago!

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
The mission involved not just the astronauts and back up team but thousands of monitors, press and amatuer stargazers,russian observers,if it was a hoax just how do you keep thousands of people quiet,with stories being sold for loads of wonga,somebody by now would have come up with PROOF by now and made themselves rich. There are aliens about....just look around Selhurst Park!! (In the light of taking out the hatred in our rivalary...with apologies to our Croydon friends...Lol!)


Oct 17, 2010
Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 1

Exactly how much time do you suppose will have to pass before people in significant numbers begin to question the Moon landings? NASA has recently announced that we will not be returning, as previously advertised, by the year 2020. That means that we will pass the fifty-year anniversary of the first alleged landing without a sequel. Will that be enough elapsed time that people will begin to wonder? What about after a full century has passed by? Will our history books still talk about the Moon landings? And if so, what will people make of such stories? When they watch old preserved films from the 1960s, how will they reconcile the laughably primitive technology of the era with the notion that NASA sent men to the Moon?

Consider this peculiar fact: in order to reach the surface of the Moon from the surface of the Earth, the Apollo astronauts would have had to travel a minimum of 234,000 miles*. Since the last Apollo flight allegedly returned from the Moon in 1972, the furthest that any astronaut from any country has traveled from the surface of the Earth is about 400 miles. And very few have even gone that far. The primary components of the current U.S. space program – the space shuttles, the space station, and the Hubble Telescope – operate at an orbiting altitude of about 200 miles.

(*NASA gives the distance from the center of Earth to the center of the Moon as 239,000 miles. Since the Earth has a radius of about 4,000 miles and the Moon’s radius is roughly 1,000 miles, that leaves a surface-to-surface distance of 234,000 miles. The total distance traveled during the alleged missions, including Earth and Moon orbits, ranged from 622,268 miles for Apollo 13 to 1,484,934 miles for Apollo 17. All on a single tank of gas.)

To briefly recap then, in the twenty-first century, utilizing the most cutting-edge modern technology, the best manned spaceship the U.S. can build will only reach an altitude of 200 miles. But in the 1960s, we built a half-dozen of them that flew almost 1,200 times further into space. And then flew back. And they were able to do that despite the fact that the Saturn V rockets that powered the Apollo flights weighed in at a paltry 3,000 tons, about .004% of the size that the principal designer of those very same Saturn rockets had previously said would be required to actually get to the Moon and back (primarily due to the unfathomably large load of fuel that would be required).

To put that into more Earthly terms, U.S. astronauts today travel no further into space than the distance between the San Fernando Valley and Fresno. The Apollo astronauts, on the other hand, traveled a distance equivalent to circumnavigating the planet around the equator nine-and-a-half times! And they did it with roughly the same amount of fuel that it now takes to make that 200 mile journey, which is why I want NASA to build my next car for me. I figure I’ll only have to fill up the tank once and it should last me for the rest of my life.

“But wait,” you say, “NASA has solid evidence of the validity of the Moon landings. They have, for example, all of that film footage shot on the moon and beamed live directly into our television sets.”

Since we’re on the subject, I have to mention that transmitting live footage back from the Moon was another rather innovative use of 1960s technology. More than two decades later, we would have trouble broadcasting live footage from the deserts of the Middle East, but in 1969, we could beam that shit back from the Moon with nary a technical glitch!

As it turns out, however, NASA doesn’t actually have all of that Moonwalking footage anymore. Truth be told, they don’t have any of it. According to the agency, all the tapes were lost back in the late 1970s. All 700 cartons of them. As Reuters reported on August 15, 2006, “The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ … Armstrong’s famous moonwalk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969, is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of searching, spokesman Grey Hautaluoma said. ‘We haven’t seen them for quite a while. We’ve been looking for over a year, and they haven’t turned up,’ Hautaluoma said … In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from the Apollo lunar missions are missing.”

Given that these tapes allegedly documented an unprecedented and unduplicated historical event, one that is said to be the greatest technological achievement of the twentieth century, how in the world would it be possible to, uhmm, ‘lose’ 700 cartons of them? Would not an irreplaceable national treasure such as that be very carefully inventoried and locked away in a secure film vault? And would not copies have been made, and would not those copies also be securely tucked away somewhere? Come to think of it, would not multiple copies have been made for study by the scientific and academic communities?

Had NASA claimed that a few tapes, or even a few cartons of tapes, had been misplaced, then maybe we could give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps some careless NASA employee, for example, absent-mindedly taped a Super Bowl game over one of them. Or maybe some home porn. But does it really seem at all credible to claim that the entire collection of tapes has gone missing – all 700 cartons of them, the entire film record of the alleged Moon landings? In what alternative reality would that happen ‘accidentally’?

Some of you are probably thinking that everyone has already seen the footage anyway, when it was allegedly broadcast live back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, or on NASA’s website, or on YouTube, or on numerous television documentaries. But you would be mistaken. The truth is that the original footage has never been aired, anytime or anywhere – and now, since the tapes seem to have conveniently gone missing, it quite obviously never will be.

The fact that the tapes are missing (and according to NASA, have been for over three decades), amazingly enough, was not even the most compelling information that the Reuters article had to offer. Also to be found was an explanation of how the alleged Moonwalk tapes that we all know and love were created: “Because NASA’s equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day, the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a TV camera for broadcast.”

So what we saw then, and what we have seen in all the footage ever released by NASA since then, were not in fact live transmissions. To the contrary, it was footage shot off a television monitor, and a tiny black-and-white monitor at that. That monitor may have been running live footage, I suppose, but it seems far more likely that it was running taped footage. NASA of course has never explained why, even if it were true that the original broadcasts had to be ‘re-shot,’ they never subsequently released any of the actual ‘live’ footage. But I guess that’s a moot point now, what with the tapes having gone missing.

With NASA’s admission of how the original broadcasts were created, it is certainly not hard to imagine how fake Moon landing footage could have been produced. As I have already noted, the 1960s were a decidedly low-tech era, and NASA appears to have taken a very low-tech approach. As Moon landing skeptics have duly noted, if the broadcast tapes are played back at roughly twice their normal running speed, the astronauts appear to move about in ways entirely consistent with the way ordinary humans move about right here on planet Earth. Here then is the formula for creating Moonwalk footage: take original footage of guys in ridiculous costumes moving around awkwardly right here on our home planet, broadcast it over a tiny, low-resolution television monitor at about half speed, and then re-film it with a camera focused on that screen. The end result will be broadcast-ready tapes that, in addition to having that all-important grainy, ghosty, rather surreal ‘broadcast from the Moon’ look, also appear to show the astronauts moving about in entirely unnatural ways.

But not, it should be noted, too unnatural. And doesn’t that seem a little odd as well? If we’re being honest here (and for my testosterone-producing readers, this one is directed at you), the average male specimen, whether astronaut or plumber, never really grows up and stops being a little boy. And what guy, given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend some time in a reduced gravity environment, isn’t going to want to see how high he can jump? Or how far he can jump? Hitting a golf ball? Who the hell wants to see that? How about tossing a football for a 200-yard touchdown pass? Or how about the boys dazzling the viewing audience with some otherworldly acrobatics?

And yes, Neil and the guys did exhibit some playfulness at times while allegedly walking on the Moon, but doesn’t it seem a bit odd that they failed to do anything that couldn’t be faked simply by changing the tape speed? When I attended college, I knew a guy on the volleyball team who had a 32” vertical leap right here on Earth. So when I see guys jumping maybe 12”, if that, in a 1/6 gravity environment with no air resistance, I’m not really all that impressed.

Am I the only one, by the way, who finds it odd that people would move in slow motion on the Moon? Why would a reduced gravitational pull cause everything to move much more slowly? Given the fact that they were much lighter on their feet and not subject to air and wind resistance, shouldn’t the astronauts have been able to move quicker on the Moon than here on Earth? Was slow motion the only thing NASA could come up with to give the video footage an otherworldly feel?

Needless to say, if what has been proposed here is indeed how the ‘Moon landing’ footage in the public domain was created, then the highly incriminating original footage – which would have looked like any other footage shot here on Earth, except for the silly costumes and props – would have had to have been destroyed. Perhaps it’s not surprising then that NASA now takes the position that the original footage has been missing since “sometime in the late 1970s.”

Unfortunately, it isn’t just the video footage that is missing. Also allegedly beamed back from the Moon was voice data, biomedical monitoring data, and telemetry data to monitor the location and mechanical functioning of the spaceship. All of that data, the entire alleged record of the Moon landings, was on the 13,000+ reels that are said to be ‘missing.’ Also missing, according to NASA and its various subcontractors, are the original plans/blueprints for the lunar modules. And for the lunar rovers. And for the entire multi-sectioned Saturn V rockets.

There is, therefore, no way for the modern scientific community to determine whether all of that fancy 1960s technology was even close to being functional or whether it was all for show. Nor is there any way to review the physical record, so to speak, of the alleged flights. We cannot, for example, check the fuel consumption throughout the flights to determine what kind of magic trick NASA used to get the boys there and back with less than 1% of the required fuel. And we will never, it would appear, see the original, first-generation video footage.


Oct 17, 2010
The mission involved not just the astronauts and back up team but thousands of monitors, press and amatuer stargazers,russian observers,if it was a hoax just how do you keep thousands of people quiet,with stories being sold for loads of wonga,somebody by now would have come up with PROOF by now and made themselves rich. There are aliens about....just look around Selhurst Park!! (In the light of taking out the hatred in our rivalary...with apologies to our Croydon friends...Lol!)

It would have been a heavily compartmentalised operation, carried out on a 'need to know' basis, you'd be surprised at how few people would need to know that a hoax was being perpetrated.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2010
Back in London
The moon landing were not faked the Americans actually landed on the moon. Firstly, the Apollo spacecraft was monitored from Earth not just by the Americans but also the Russians. Quick history lesson for you kids out there, the Russians and Americans did not like eachother at this time. If they had faked the moon landings the Russians would of been the 1st to have jumped up and said so. Secondly, the Americans couldn't handle the radio communications alone. The company I worked for (Cable & Wireless) provided the communications so Houston could speak to the Apollo crew via their link on the Ascension islands.
To simplify even further, they could not of faked the moon landings even if they wanted to.

I heard they did the calculations for the project with 1MB of computer power. The rest was brain power. Astonishing. There's a great pair of films about the space race called The Right Stuff based on a book by Tom Wolfe. The progress they made over a decade makes me think they did land on the moon....


Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011
I heard they did the calculations for the project with 1MB of computer power. The rest was brain power. Astonishing. There's a great pair of films about the space race called The Right Stuff based on a book by Tom Wolfe. The progress they made over a decade makes me think they did land on the moon....

They spent huge sums of money something in the region of 5% of the total GDP of the USA for each year during that period,i love the subject,not a master on it at all,but it fascinates the hell out of me-

Also what amazes me is the launch vehicle Saturn V......Nasa had a 99% parts working successful estimate-there are 6 million parts to a Saturn V rocket....thus according to their estimates.......6000 SIX BLOOMING THOUSAND parts would possibly FAIL!!!! worrying or what?

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