portlock seagull
Well-known member
- Jul 28, 2003
- 18,680
Start parking on verges, destroying what was once green and pleasant and blocking wheel and pushchairs? (“Their problem, not mine”)
Just abandon my car in road or forecourt to get a coffee, causing huge tailbacks / not allowing people to get throw or round - I mean, I put the hazard lights on whilst I went to get it so you can hardly accuse me of lacking consideration!
Throw litter on ground - someone else will pick it up for me / I pay my council tax (honest!)
Park in disabled spaces without a blue badge - after all, “I’m only going to be half an hour”
Not pay for any public transport, just use and if I get stopped I’ll just assault whoever as they’ve no right to physically stop me
Shoplift from supermarkets because the owners “can afford it”
Do whatever I want, wherever because I have my rights and responsibilities are for losers
Order stuff and claim it’s damaged / didn’t arrive so I get to keep
Go on holiday with my ill gotten gains
Basically lie and cheat at everything to get ahead and in the pursuit of money knowing I can then buy my way out of any situation and screw everyone else who’s life I’ve devastated?
…Just some of the now rampant everyday occurrences I’m observing on a scale like never before. It’s everywhere, and seemingly everyone.
Start parking on verges, destroying what was once green and pleasant and blocking wheel and pushchairs? (“Their problem, not mine”)
Just abandon my car in road or forecourt to get a coffee, causing huge tailbacks / not allowing people to get throw or round - I mean, I put the hazard lights on whilst I went to get it so you can hardly accuse me of lacking consideration!
Throw litter on ground - someone else will pick it up for me / I pay my council tax (honest!)
Park in disabled spaces without a blue badge - after all, “I’m only going to be half an hour”
Not pay for any public transport, just use and if I get stopped I’ll just assault whoever as they’ve no right to physically stop me
Shoplift from supermarkets because the owners “can afford it”
Do whatever I want, wherever because I have my rights and responsibilities are for losers
Order stuff and claim it’s damaged / didn’t arrive so I get to keep
Go on holiday with my ill gotten gains
Basically lie and cheat at everything to get ahead and in the pursuit of money knowing I can then buy my way out of any situation and screw everyone else who’s life I’ve devastated?
…Just some of the now rampant everyday occurrences I’m observing on a scale like never before. It’s everywhere, and seemingly everyone.