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[TV] The Apprentice 2024


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
They are mostly selfhyped idiots, and, they usually don't disappoint.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
The BBC article doesn’t actually say he’s leaving tonight though!
It kind of did, and it was indeed a spoiler.

Is there a worse "manager" than Asif to have been on the show? He was awful. He even missed the obvious trick of bringing in fellow clown Virdi, who was clearly at his loud but clueless worst on the task. An absolute shambles from start to finish, missing the "get out of jail" cue from the investor. even in the boardroom he brought in the wrong people and.changed his mind. Absolutely useless.


I've asked for soup
Jul 2, 2008
We should all ask PBOBE after all, he was pitched so god awful sweets a couple of years ago just because he is mates with Claude
I will never forgive Claude for snubbing the handshake from Stuart "The Brand/Big Fish" Baggs.

Poor form.


I've asked for soup
Jul 2, 2008
Claude's put-downs in the interviews are the stuff of legends though.
Mostly yes, but that was poor IMO. Absolute basic level of respect to shake someone's hand if it's offered.

Yes I'm fully aware I'm taking it way too seriously. But this is "The Brand" we're talking about here.

"You're not a big fish. You're not even a fish."


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
It kind of did, and it was indeed a spoiler.

Is there a worse "manager" than Asif to have been on the show? He was awful. He even missed the obvious trick of bringing in fellow clown Virdi, who was clearly at his loud but clueless worst on the task. An absolute shambles from start to finish, missing the "get out of jail" cue from the investor. even in the boardroom he brought in the wrong people and.changed his mind. Absolutely useless.

The funniest thing was Asif bringing team-mates back, solely because they’d just criticised him.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
Just far enough away from LDC
I will never forgive Claude for snubbing the handshake from Stuart "The Brand/Big Fish" Baggs.

Poor form.
Ah yes, there was also an issue with the other guy from viglen who claimed Baggs had bullsh**** on his cv but turned out he had been telling the truth but wasnt corrected on the programme


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Just watched it...

Expected the girls to be laughed out of the meeting with their pricepoint but because the "client" negotiated weakly, they won.

And that's the unknown bit of these tasks - how are the "clients" briefed by the show's producers to behave, interact and negotiate. Maybe their brief was "whatever price they come to you with, don't accept it and knock them down a bit", so the girl's may have won just through sheer luck of going ridiculously high and not being knocked back to a more realistic level.

I'm not sure I posted after last week, but Pie-man actually impressed me in that task. At the beginning he was the only one who seemed to understand they needed to know how much stuff was going to cost before they could decide on a selling price. Everyone else just seemed to want to pluck a price out of the air, with no science nor methodology behind it at all.

The client probably doesn't pay much more than £13 per head when they have catered staff buffets put on - there's no way they'd go anywhere near that for a single cheesecake.
And very good pies they are too.
A good old multi prize winning pie producer established in Bognor Regis in the 1930’s.


Moved back to wear the gloves (again)
Jul 7, 2003
And very good pies they are too.
A good old multi prize winning pie producer established in Bognor Regis in the 1930’s.
Didn’t rate Turners Pies, pastry lacked flavour and the filings weren’t great.

The rock cakes aren’t bad though


Todd Warrior
Sep 16, 2005
Could you imagine the carnage if Skinner had been leading this? "Tigers with lasers, zombies on stilts, walking sharks". The lunatic.

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