I would want to give these more than a slap![]()
The right would get it more then the left
That's the way communism works, comrade.The right would get it more than the left
leave her be,she got assulted end of
Exactly, but lets throw in a good old character assasination to deflect from what happened.
Surprised the MET didn't get in first, they usually do.
It shows the first talked about technique of "kettling". Kept in for hours, then evicted by force, if smashing some over the head with the shield or punching them in the face can be defined as "force".
theres so much crap about what happend. kettling has been the Met's MO for at least a decade and people should watch how other police forces deal with similar protests - baton charge, tear gas etc. if you stand on the front line, you should take it like a man, its part of the game. ive been to football, friday nights, you know wher the trouble is, stay away if you dont want to be involved. its a practical technique to prevent dozens of mini riots and running battles breaking out. it works. dont know that the solution is if you want a police force that attmempts to maintain order (irrespective of what you think of the cause).
as for the climate camp, once established they had the run of Bishopsgate for the day, Police let them be. my sister was there, they didnt bother them at all. as evening drew in and the Bank of England protest was broken up, the militant group moved onto the climate camp. the footage towards the end there is where a group of about 50 pissed up or aggresive "protestors" is attempting to join the climate camp, throwing everything they could find at the police, who where trying to prevent them from joing the camp, who in turn where not too keen anyway as they knew it'd work against them.
as for the number thing, that is going way to far, and should be a criminal offense. Policing is done by consent of the larger public. individuals officers need to be kept in check as we know theres just as many of them as there are protestors up for a ruck. it serves them no purpose to fall into the trap of looking bad infront of the all seeing media, who, as we can see from the video, edit out the bits that dont fit the narrative they want.
A lot of that I agree with to be honest. Playing f***ing bongos outside of the Bank of England isn't really going to change anything.
I don't really care what bits of video have been left out. I can quite imagine what happened, in fact I seen enough protests myself in London.
But, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to dish out violence in the way they did.
They aint there to have a fight - it isn't gladiators. Whatever provocation comes their way, it just isn't their job to give it back.
Funnily enough something similiar happened to me at that Palace game when we lost 5-0.
I left just before the end, because I reckoned the fans would be kept back and as I lived not far away I presumed the Police would let me out.
Wandered out the back of the stand only to be met by a few riot police.
Finally managed to persuade them to let me leave, but I was treated like a criminal. The WPC I spoke to was so hyped up I remember thinking at the time that she really shouldn't be there in that state.
Anyway - they opened a door for me and a few others, and I as exited I was cracked over the head with a riot shield by a WPC outside who thought the door had been forced.
And that's it, not a lot more I can say. I wasn't abusive, I wasn't drunk. I just asked nicely if I could leave and was assaulted.
I have spoken at great length to police about what went on that day. Don't want to bring it all up again, but the Police in charge that day apparently wasn't really up to it. That comment came from the police by the way.
I also witnessed another incident on here at a football match that was far far worse. Mentioned it to a policeman who was aware of the incident and they agreed it was pretty shameful.
I've often fault about what went through the WPC head outside the ground, or what exactly she was told to do if she saw someone coming out.
Bizarre - "right ok, if you see anyone exiting the ground - if there is about five of them, pick one and crack them over the head with your shield"
Ever since then I been very suspicious of Police in riot gear and honestly question whether their whole training should be overhauled.
What exactly are they there to do, control the crowd or have a fight ?
Very difficult job, very important job and I actually have the utmost respect for the police. But for f*cks sake sort out how you go about managing things like the G20 for the safety of everyone.
Wait. You left early? BAD fan!![]()