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North Korea, Burma and Cuba human rights violations - More US hypocracy

If it was not for the yanks we would all be living under the facist jack boot of nazism,I know it is incredibly fashionable to duff up the yanks but before you do it visit the war graves in normandy,that'll make you throw your guardian in the bin.As for guantanomo bay I agree ,they should close it,but not before shooting all the murderous cnuts that have been stinking the place out first. rant over :angry:


New member
Jul 7, 2003
s.stubbs said:
If it was not for the yanks we would all be living under the facist jack boot of nazism,I know it is incredibly fashionable to duff up the yanks but before you do it visit the war graves in normandy,that'll make you throw your guardian in the bin.As for guantanomo bay I agree ,they should close it,but not before shooting all the murderous cnuts that have been stinking the place out first. rant over :angry:

Mate, I'm married to an American .... I'm seeking to move there and yet despite being a passport holder of their biggest allies I am still treated like a leper.

Were it not for the fact that my wife cannot move here permanently because of her children I really wouldn't bother. It's third world country so often with the morals to match.

US Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Cleveland, OH
s.stubbs said:
If it was not for the yanks we would all be living under the facist jack boot of nazism,I know it is incredibly fashionable to duff up the yanks but before you do it visit the war graves in normandy,that'll make you throw your guardian in the bin.As for guantanomo bay I agree ,they should close it,but not before shooting all the murderous cnuts that have been stinking the place out first. rant over :angry:

On the subject of hypocracy, here the US a lot of people where pissed off with the French for not supporting the war in Iraq after the Americans liberated France from the Nazis, but I didn't hear anybody bring up the fact that France help the US shrug off the shackles of British colonism and estabilish their country in the first place. Sounds like the US owed France a liberation to me. I say their about even.


New member
Feb 8, 2004
s.stubbs said:
If it was not for the yanks we would all be living under the facist jack boot of nazism,I know it is incredibly fashionable to duff up the yanks but before you do it visit the war graves in normandy,that'll make you throw your guardian in the bin.As for guantanomo bay I agree ,they should close it,but not before shooting all the murderous cnuts that have been stinking the place out first. rant over :angry:

I agree with this point entirely and even though I do agree that in certain quarters the USA is not perfect, the one thing you cant knock them for is defending themselves and their allies when the need arises. Without getting too heavy about this I would rather have them on our side in a crisis than some of our other two faced, lilly livered, cowardly so called friends like France and Germany.
Also, as far as the state of their prisons go, dont break the f***ing law and you wont end up there!!! Its supposed to be a punishment for gods sake. The worse it is the less likely they'll want to come back. This is not a comment aimed at you though bhaexpress.

sams dad

I hate Palarse
Feb 7, 2004
The Hill of The Gun
Gullet said:
I agree with this point entirely and even though I do agree that in certain quarters the USA is not perfect, the one thing you cant knock them for is defending themselves and their allies when the need arises. Without getting too heavy about this I would rather have them on our side in a crisis than some of our other two faced, lilly livered, cowardly so called friends like France and Germany.
Also, as far as the state of their prisons go, dont break the f***ing law and you wont end up there!!! Its supposed to be a punishment for gods sake. The worse it is the less likely they'll want to come back. This is not a comment aimed at you though bhaexpress.
You took the words out of my mouth ,Gullet

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Gullet said:
I agree with this point entirely and even though I do agree that in certain quarters the USA is not perfect, the one thing you cant knock them for is defending themselves and their allies when the need arises. Without getting too heavy about this I would rather have them on our side in a crisis than some of our other two faced, lilly livered, cowardly so called friends like France and Germany.
Also, as far as the state of their prisons go, dont break the f***ing law and you wont end up there!!! Its supposed to be a punishment for gods sake. The worse it is the less likely they'll want to come back. This is not a comment aimed at you though bhaexpress.

First World War starts: August 1914
The US gallops to the rescue: April 1917

Second World War starts: Sept 1939
The US gallops to the rescue: Dec 1941

Anyone think the third world war would last long enough for the US to notice it had started?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Er, hello? The North Koreans are megalomaniac nuke-loving scum (ditto the Iraqis / Iranians) while the Americans are peace-loving allies. Or have I missed something?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
The problem with America is that so many of it's population think they live in the greatest country in the world, (they don't apparently the country that they sneer at, Canada is). As such they feel that they have the right judge and jury for the entire world.

It must be remembered that while America is a great place if you have health and wealth if you don't have one or the other (and they are often linked), it's a Third World Country. Anyone who's been round one of the multitude of trailer parks or projects will tell you that.


New member
Sep 14, 2003
Pavilionaire said:
Er, hello? The North Koreans are megalomaniac nuke-loving scum (ditto the Iraqis / Iranians) while the Americans are peace-loving allies. Or have I missed something?

If you think the US Adminstration are 'peace-loving' the you have definitely missed something..... The invasion (sorry - liberation) of Iraq ring any bells....?

s.stubbs said:
If it was not for the yanks we would all be living under the facist jack boot of nazism

If it wasn't for the Soviet Union, we would have lost WWII. I don't think we would be living under fascism, now - we would have revolted by now and dumped it - but to say the war was won by the Americans is absolute tripe. Of course they played a part, but the Soviet Union played a much, much bigger part. Now, I don't like to say that - I'm as opposed to the militaristic socialism-fascism of the Soviets as the next NSCer - but, unfortunately, it's true.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Good point seldom made Fatbadger, well said sir.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
the states certainly is a third world country.

while bush is intent on giving the wealthy these HUGE tax breaks, there are 37 million people living in poverty.

thats quite a lot of people for such a well developed country.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
The only thing 3rd world about the US is it's disability (or lack of desire) to look after its poor and the relative insularity of its people.


New member
Feb 8, 2004
fatbadger said:
If it wasn't for the Soviet Union, we would have lost WWII. I don't think we would be living under fascism, now - we would have revolted by now and dumped it - but to say the war was won by the Americans is absolute tripe. Of course they played a part, but the Soviet Union played a much, much bigger part. Now, I don't like to say that - I'm as opposed to the militaristic socialism-fascism of the Soviets as the next NSCer - but, unfortunately, it's true.

Sorry fatbadger but I've got to to reply to your above statement which far from being true is also actually insulting. All your points are WRONG!!!
Far from playing a big part in the German defeat the Russians were actually a beaten army before a crucial moment in the war took place. The Nazis had forced the Soviets to retreat a long way back into Russia and were actually marching on to Moscow with the Russians on the brink of surrender and having lost thousands of prisoners. The Soviets were saved by one thing and one thing only...... the Russian winter!!! With temperatures down to minus 30, soldiers being untrained to fight in such conditions and not knowing how to maintain their tanks and guns in such harsh weather it was not long before the advance stopped. With Hitler refusing to send more reinforcments (believing there was no problem) the Russians were able to regroup and launch a counter attack. With Soviet troops knowing how to handle the weather the advantage was pushed home and the Germans had to retreat. Yes, this was a turning point, but due to the Russian weather, not the army themselves. They would have been beaten otherwise.
Soon after this event the D-Day landings were planned and put into action. This was what won the war in Europe. An event which the Soviets did NOT take part in but the Americans DID. I acknowledge the brave part that all allied countries played in defeating the Nazis, including Russia, but to say that they played a bigger role than the USA is simply and utterly WRONG. All historians and WWll veterans of both sides admit that without America we would have lost.
Also please remember that it was America and America alone which devised and dropped the attomic bonb which ended the war completely.
You should have checked your facts before making such a dramatic comment.Also bhaexpress, you were wrong to back him.

Gullet - first and foremost I did point out that the US played a part in the victory. That I am not denying.

Some points you haven't considered:

Operation Barbarossa was launched on June 22nd 1941. It was launched then so as to win the fight before the onset of winter, which the Germans knew would defeat them. That the battle reached the winter is due to the heroic defenses of the people of Russia and the Red Army. The D-Day landings were NOT soon after - they came in June 1944, three years later, and following another two full summers of Soviet defence against German attack. When D-Day came, a SECOND front was opened up (if you don't include the front opened up in July 1943 in Sicily). It is very easy for us to think that it was THE front - indeed it has become common to talk about it in those terms - but it was only the Western Front. The Eastern Front was held, and saw advances by, the Soviets - and the Soviets virtually alone.

the point about the atomic bomb is irrelevant to the point at issue - the defeat of German fascism. That had happened, with a full unconditional surrender of Germany, well before the Americans dropped that bomb.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that all allied countries played a part in the victory, but to say that the Americans played the biggest part is wrong.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by Gullet
I agree with this point entirely and even though I do agree that in certain quarters the USA is not perfect, the one thing you cant knock them for is defending themselves and their allies when the need arises. Without getting too heavy about this I would rather have them on our side in a crisis than some of our other two faced, lilly livered, cowardly so called friends like France and Germany.
Also, as far as the state of their prisons go, dont break the f***ing law and you wont end up there!!! Its supposed to be a punishment for gods sake. The worse it is the less likely they'll want to come back. This is not a comment aimed at you though bhaexpress.

Spot on Gullet


New member
Jul 7, 2003
It's reckoned by some sources that up to 20,000,000 Russians died in World War Two, don't think America had those sort of casualties.


New member
Feb 8, 2004
Fatbadger- I think the one thing we dont want to do here is start arguing about different points of the war that maybe me or you got slightly wrong,and I certainly didnt want it to sound like I was coming over as a wartime expert, which I'm not. I'm just glad we won the damn thing and remember the sacrifices that allied soldiers made on our behalf.
Just to clarify a couple of points that I may not have made clear: I didnt mean that the landings took place straight after, I said the planning and landings.This was to mean the start of the preparation. As you may know the first idea for this was actually discussed 2 years before they actually took place as were other different secret plans. These plans were put in place to cover every eventuality of how the war could turn out. I think I didnt word this very well.Without Americas' involvement there was a good chance that the landings would not have taken place due to the lack in numbers of expert troops from other allied countries. When I say expert I mean commandos etc.
I cant argue with bhaexpresses point of 20,000,000 Russians dying in the war.I know that the nazis hated them more than any other country, and those prisoners that werent shot on the spot were treated terribly once they got to the camps. I dread to think how many died once there.But your point that more Soviets died than Americans does not mean that they gave more to the war effort than the Yanks. Circumstances just decreed that more Russians lost their lives than Americans.
Anyway, I think that we will have to agree to disagree on your main point. I like Americans. I have been there on holiday a few times and I have never met anyone that was not polite and good to be with. They really like us Brits and the special relationship we have with them is great I think. So what if they think they are the greatest country in the world, Their patriotism to their flag is something I admire and we should be more like that rather than worrying about who we might upset. I know the original rant was about the American government but I like everything that they stand for.They wont be messed about by anyone and WILL look after us when we need them. Can you say the same about any of our other so called allies?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Oh yeah, the Americans will look after us ? Let me tell the slogan of choice in the USA is 'America First'. America will only help anybody including this country when it's in their best interests. What happened during the Suez crisis in 1956 ? As their precious oil supply might have been affected they were anti and very obstructive. They didn't do a whole lot for us during the Falklands conflict either.

They did do there bit in both world wars but had to be prevoked into it. It should also be remembered that John F. Kennedy's father Joesph was the US Ambassador in London in 1939. He all but got deported thanks to his blatent pro Nazi bias.

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