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[Albion] New proposed fan zone


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Have no interest in joining 1901 as very happy with my seats but would often be interested in having a sit down pub type meal

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home

The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008
Anyone know if and when this application will go to committee or be recommended for approval? The initial consultation was two months ago and as far as I can see there's only been one comment objecting the proposal

The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008

The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008

Johnny RoastBeef

These aren't the players you're looking for.
Jan 11, 2016
Planning Committee meeting at 2pm on March 6th

From that piece,

'The planning application to Brighton and Hove City Council said that the proposals were part of a broader plan to improve the “tired and worn” outside areas surrounding the stadium.'

Do we yet know what other improvements are planned?


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
From that piece,

'The planning application to Brighton and Hove City Council said that the proposals were part of a broader plan to improve the “tired and worn” outside areas surrounding the stadium.'

Do we yet know what other improvements are planned?
I think they've already undertaken some of that - improved signage, the LED screens next to the shop and round the back of the East Stand, a lot of repainting - but i don't think anything else material is planned. They are planning some sort of "green living roof" - if you look in the planning docs. Dicks Bar , it appears will remain open in the interim if this goes ahead but long term plan is for it to close (to be replaced by .. bigger shop ? , more lounges/bars ?)


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012

There were 4 public comments to the planning app , one was anonymous / not available , one negative , two positive.

Comment submitted date: Sun 12 Nov 2023​

This is going to bring additional football fans to the local neighbourhood extending the time they are in the area creating additional noise in the evenings after football matches. More disturbances to the neighbourhood from these football fans.

Comment submitted date: Sun 12 Nov 2023​

This will spread the arrival and departure of fans and reduce the congestion caused by everyone moving at the same time. The stadium is already one of the best in the premier league. This facility will make it even better.

Comment submitted date: Fri 10 Nov 2023​

This is a fantastic addition to the football stadium, creating a much needed area to go to when the weather is adverse. Currently many fans have to travel either early and go home late to avoid the congestion of people before/after matches. This will provide a place to go which we currently don't have. This will also provide lots more employment for local people,

Stuart Munday

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
From that piece,

'The planning application to Brighton and Hove City Council said that the proposals were part of a broader plan to improve the “tired and worn” outside areas surrounding the stadium.'

Do we yet know what other improvements are planned?
I believe in the next few years they are looking to build on the embankment by the East Stand, this was initially in the original Amex plans I think to be used by a college at the time.


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
From what i can tell given the various comments from National Highways, the Police, the public, environmental health etc - all of whom are supportive- there seems to be no issue with this going ahead .

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