Ex-Staffs Gull
New member
Blimey, this woman knows how to complain..... and speak for the majority of Brighton and Hove residents.
Falmer first incase some missed it
Ian Slater (Letters, October 3) might do well to remember that the majority of people who voted "yes" for a stadium at Falmer in the ballot he quotes were a small proportion of the residents of Brighton and Hove.
Those who didn't want a stadium at all were not even given a chance to vote on this ludicrous plan to build a stadium for a tuppenny ha'penny team which struggles to stay where it is, let alone rise up the league.
If they had been given a chance to vote, I am sure a resounding "no" would have been delivered.
If anything should be built on this site, it should be housing, a commodity this city needs far more than a stadium which will be under-used (by Mr Slater's own admission) and which, ultimately, the residents, via Brighton and Hove City Council, will ultimately pay for because this team hasn't got two ha'pennies to rub together and never will.
Now for Fat Boy Slims party on the beach
Don't thank us. Most people in Brighton wanted nothing to do with it, traders say though they made money they don't want it back and the police had only 50 officers for the event, all of whom had to turn their backs on the resulting crime wave and deal with people who needed rescuing in one form or another.
There was a near-total breakdown of civil authority in the city. If the criminals in the crowd had but realised it, they could have overrun the city.
I am sick and tired of hearing how Fatboy Slim has paid for the event. The only people who will be poorer for the event will be the people of Brighton, whose taxes will go to the clean up, and for your information, the beach will not be safe for months to come, which won't do the tourist trade much good.
Do us all a big favour, stay away, go somewhere else, annoy the people there.
Angela Rowland, Brighton
Falmer first incase some missed it
Ian Slater (Letters, October 3) might do well to remember that the majority of people who voted "yes" for a stadium at Falmer in the ballot he quotes were a small proportion of the residents of Brighton and Hove.
Those who didn't want a stadium at all were not even given a chance to vote on this ludicrous plan to build a stadium for a tuppenny ha'penny team which struggles to stay where it is, let alone rise up the league.
If they had been given a chance to vote, I am sure a resounding "no" would have been delivered.
If anything should be built on this site, it should be housing, a commodity this city needs far more than a stadium which will be under-used (by Mr Slater's own admission) and which, ultimately, the residents, via Brighton and Hove City Council, will ultimately pay for because this team hasn't got two ha'pennies to rub together and never will.
Now for Fat Boy Slims party on the beach
Don't thank us. Most people in Brighton wanted nothing to do with it, traders say though they made money they don't want it back and the police had only 50 officers for the event, all of whom had to turn their backs on the resulting crime wave and deal with people who needed rescuing in one form or another.
There was a near-total breakdown of civil authority in the city. If the criminals in the crowd had but realised it, they could have overrun the city.
I am sick and tired of hearing how Fatboy Slim has paid for the event. The only people who will be poorer for the event will be the people of Brighton, whose taxes will go to the clean up, and for your information, the beach will not be safe for months to come, which won't do the tourist trade much good.
Do us all a big favour, stay away, go somewhere else, annoy the people there.
Angela Rowland, Brighton