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Mitt Romney,Republicans and all that.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
Orange County. California.
Santorum and Gingrich will split the conservative vote, Romney will win the GOP nomination which will give Obama a second term ……..thankfully.

That he's done an OK job - but not a great one. The feeling is he should have taken some bolder initiatives when he had the power at the beginning of his presidency. But then he did inherit a huge mess from Bush..............

:thumbsup: Everything Mr Lyndhurst says.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
Regarding Obama's presidency, I like this site: What the f*** has Obama done so far? which seems to suggest that he has done a lot of things that don't really get any coverage.

Regarding Mitt Romney as I understand it, he was quite central. For example, the "Obama Care" health system that Obama got passed was based largely on something Romney got passed at the state level, or very similar to it, but the republican party is opposed to Obama care. Romney, like so many candidates, has changed his position on a lot of things from more central, if right leaning, to more right wing.

I do believe him being a mormon is playing a huge role in him not being far ahead of pack. The republican party has a huge evangelical christian section who just won't accept him. I think the tea party and the evangelical base are causing more troubles for the republicans, splitting votes and so on, and their staying home may play more of a part in results than anything.

If Obama is beatable, I think that it is as much to do with the ineptness of the democrats as it is to do with the republican party. They've passed healthcare, there has been a slight improvement in the economy, he's brought the troops home from iraq (though that was actually jut acting on an agreement GW Bush made), and he killed Bin Laden. This should be a slam dunk, but they had a bigger majority in congress (or maybe the house, I get confused) than Bush ever had, yet he didn't use this. Bush forced through whatever he wanted, Obama should have been able to do so much more with their majority, and that could cost him.

Though, ultimately, I would probably be surprised in Obama doesn't get a second term, partly because of what he actually has achieved (and Bin Laden would be a big point), and partly because of the republican party being spit by infighting and a lack of focus.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
North Stand
Economy growing, most problems inherited by Obama solved and yet commentators out there don't like him...even though he got rid Osama Bin Laden!

He'll still win


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Though, ultimately, I would probably be surprised in Obama doesn't get a second term, partly because of what he actually has achieved (and Bin Laden would be a big point), and partly because of the republican party being spit by infighting and a lack of focus.

Yes, almost to the point that he could walk on stage in the presidential debates, shout "I KILLED BIN LADEN" and then just walk off. Ok, perhaps not quite that extreme (and Obama isn't that kind of politician) but I could see it winning him a lot of support. The only issue is that I'd imagine there's a large cross over between people who would be easily swayed by that and the Tea Party/Birther movements.

Santorum and Gingrich will split the conservative vote, Romney will win the GOP nomination which will give Obama a second term ……..thankfully.

I hope you're right - let's not forget that the Reps have stolen an election before, installing a real effing WANKER son of a previous loser President.

They are capable of worse that the least reputable third-world regimes, and pose a serious risk to World peace - therefore our continuation as a species on this planet.

swiss tony

Aug 3, 2004

Think this might be a fake, but it's funny anyway.


Jul 7, 2003
The RINO will get the nomination as the left-liberal media will big up the least worse candidate in their eyes. As to wether he will beat Obama thats anyones Guess, The Democrats have a long history of stuffing ballot boxes.

As for stealing elections, why would al Gore Call foul over something that turned out to be a technical error unless he had already Mugabeeed the elections?

The Republicans are Tories with added religous nuttery, The Democrats are money grubbing crooks that try to rig elections. Same sort of thing over hear with Labour.

Still funny to hear people claim otherwise.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
The modern Republican Party, and the Tea Party in particular, is way, way, WAY over there.

Last time I was there, I spoke with people who actually believe Barack Obama is a communist dictator in the style of Stalin. These weren't slack-jawed yokels either, they were serious, professional people.

They will, however, have trouble with Mitt Romney. Like all Mormons, he believes in the magic glasses, the head in the hat tale, the stories about black people and, of course, the magic underwear that will negate the need for a Presidential protection team. So that's something.


totally agree,i also know yanks who stockpiled some serious amounts of ammo because they believed Barack was a communist loony who was going to tax ammo out of their reach,professionals too....very worrying!

and dont forget Mitt Romney is staunchly pro Israeli given the fact they believe they are one of the lost tribes of Israel,which would make him one very dangerous puppy if he ever won an election,considering the current tensions in the middle east would you want this man to have his finger on the button???


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
I heard someone recently describe Romney as the man not quite as good as the man (John McCain) not quite as good as GW Bush (McCain missed out to bush in 2000, Romney missed out to McCain in 2008)


Well-known member
May 23, 2004
The Republicans don't seem to understand the lesson that Labour learnt in the 90s and the Conservatives under Cameron, namely you have to gain support of the middle ground.

Having said that, the President isn't quite as powerful as people think and the Republicans do better in Congress.

I am here:


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2003

From his 'career' as a ruthless asset-stripping venture capitalist, Romney has amassed a fortune that is DOUBLE the wealth of the last EIGHT presidents added together, going all the way back to Richard Nixon and including both Bushes, who weren't exactly poor.

The man is effectively buying the presidency, if he wins.

Mitt Romney limps towards Republican nomination with Michigan win | Gary Younge | Comment is free |
"Romney's problem is not that he is filthy rich – his personal wealth amounts to double the combined wealth of the last eight presidents, going back to Richard Nixon. Romney's problem is that he acts rich in a time of economic crisis and in a manner that makes people think he has no idea how ordinary people live."


Sep 20, 2005
Do you mean he has a pair of lucky underpants?

No. I'm talking about the Mormons' sacred undergarments that should be worn all the time. One of their beliefs is that these undergarments protect them from evil. See here.

Here's a picture of Mitt Romney where you can clearly see that he's wearing his.

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