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Letter from Norman Baker MP

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Rumour is he is shitting himself as so many Lewes people are saying the same thing about wasted council tax etc
His no-show for Hartys phone-in on Saturday would seem to back up the FACT that this pontificating, mincing, oily little slug is indeed on the run, and doesn't fancy facing any awkward questions on this subject. He knows damn well his paper-thin argument about there being other sites for the stadium just does not stand up to scrutiny, and LDC's constant delaying tactics over the reopened inquiry are absolutely indefensible.

I was very much looking forward to Bakers grilling on Saturday, but I suppose I shoulnd't have been surprised that he (and the rest of the anti-Falmer brigade) are staying hidden under their rocks, the pathetic weasels.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
burrish gull said:

I attach the statement I read out at the inquiry so that you are aware of my actual position, as opposed to the rather emotive one sometimes ascribed to me.

Yours sincerely...
Can you post Baker's statement on here please Burrish?

burrish gull

New member
Aug 8, 2003
Re: Re: Letter from Norman Baker MP

eastlondonseagull said:
Can you post Baker's statement on here please Burrish?

I will mate, I'm at work in London now but I'll do it tonight. I suspect its the stock statement he' been sending to everyone though. I'm absolutely fuming about this, I specifically asked him to give me an answer about me and my family not voting Lib Dem at the next election because of his stance and got nothing.

The only reason I was to vote for them was because I'm against the Tories attitude towards asylum and their rascist values. I don't usually vote but this issue would have brought me out.

I've had to way up the pro's and con's about this issue and Falmer and the stadium issue effects me directly so I've decided to waste my vote yet again because of one man in the Lib Dem's who won't let my club build a stadium in the only viable site in Brighton. Yet again the little man get's marginalised by the so called democratic society that we live in, the political system in this country is a load of bollocks.

Labour don't represent me, the Tories definetly don't and the Lib Dems can now piss off, that's it then I can't vote for anyone, we don't get the Green's where I live, so I'm putting all my support behind the Albion who are also being shat on from above.


Jan 24, 2005
I live in Lewes Distric i think i'll sent him a similar letter.

Stadium Or Incinerator, easy choice really.


Broad Blue & White stripe
Jul 5, 2003
If you are going to write, include some ammunition. Baker and his cohorts re recommending Sheepcote as an alternative.

Pertains to this:

Maintaining An Adequate Supply Of Open Space And Sports And Recreational Facilities
10. Existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land should not be built on unless an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space or the buildings and land to be surplus to requirements. For open space, 'surplus to requirements' should include consideration of all the functions that open space can perform. Not all open space, sport and recreational land and buildings are of equal merit and some may be available for alternative uses. In the absence of a robust and up-to-date assessment by a local authority, an applicant for planning permission may seek to demonstrate through an independent assessment that the land or buildings are surplus to requirements. Developers will need to consult the local community and demonstrate that their proposals are widely supported by them. Paragraph 15 below applies in respect of any planning applications involving playing fields.

11. Open space and sports and recreational facilities that are of high quality, or of particular value to a local community, should be recognised and given protection by local authorities through appropriate policies in plans. Areas of particular quality may include:

i. small areas of open space in urban areas that provide an important local amenity and offer recreational and play opportunities;

ii. areas of open space that provide a community resource and can be used for informal or formal events such as religious and cultural festivals, agricultural shows and travelling fairs. Travelling fairs may also require suitable winter quarters (DoE Circular 22/91 refers); and

iii. areas of open space that particularly benefit wildlife and biodiversity.

12. Development of open space, sports or recreational facilities may provide an opportunity for local authorities to remedy deficiencies in provision. For example, where a local authority has identified a surplus in one type of open space or sports and recreational facility but a deficit in another type, planning conditions or obligations may be used to secure part of the development site for the type of open space or sports and recreational facility that is in deficit.

13. Equally, development may provide the opportunity to exchange the use of one site for another to substitute for any loss of open space, or sports or recreational facility. The new land and facility should be at least as accessible to current and potential new users, and at least equivalent in terms of size, usefulness, attractiveness and quality. Wherever possible, the aim should be to achieve qualitative improvements to open spaces, sports and recreational facilities. Local authorities should use planning obligations or conditions to secure the exchange land, ensure any necessary works are undertaken and that the new facilities are capable of being maintained adequately through management and maintenance agreements.

14. Parks, recreation grounds, playing fields and allotments must not be regarded as 'previously-developed land', as defined in annex C of PPG3. Even where land does fall within the definition of 'previously-developed', its existing and potential value for recreation and other purposes should be properly assessed before development is considered.


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
burrish gull said:
Anyone know how easy hard it would be to stand against them under my own party at the next General Election? I'm in the Bexhill and Battle ward. Any advice?

If not that then maybe have Albion fans at as many polling stations as possible to spread the word for undecided voters :shrug: . Might be a more realistic option.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2004
Where does Baker propose that the stadium should be, and why?... it is not good enough to just say other sites are better...


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
b.w.2. said:
Where does Baker propose that the stadium should be, and why?... it is not good enough to just say other sites are better...

It is to him because he is a :tosser:


Broad Blue & White stripe
Jul 5, 2003
PS: It is not the decision of the local community to remove the open space at Sheepcote, because it is NOT in the Local Plan. The greenies have seen to that.

The same applies to Shoreham Harbour (the other alternative by the SDCB and LDC) because that is not in the West Sussex County Council Structure Plan for anything other than harbour uses, to protect the local firms and local economy.

Falmer is not public open space and it is not needed for industry or employment.

So in Brighton & Hove there is a choice of three AONBs: Falmer, Toad's Hole and Waterhall (this one is public open space as well).

So that means two. Falmer has good transport facilities and Toad's Hole has not.

burrish gull

New member
Aug 8, 2003
b.w.2. said:
Where does Baker propose that the stadium should be, and why?... it is not good enough to just say other sites are better...

Have'nt got the statement in front of me, but Withdean, Coral dog track and Toads Hall Valley were all on there I think. Just on the first two he should be ridiculed and made to look the fool he is.


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
Dick Knights Mum said:
I understood Falmer is to be built on at some stage. Regardless of the stadium.

Not definately but because it has been identified for development of a stadium in the local plan then if it doesn't go ahead other developers will argue that it has been identified as available.

burrish gull

New member
Aug 8, 2003
Just got this in my in box,


I am afraid that there is little I can add to what I have already
written to you. I am sorry that we disagree on the Falmer question. I hope that when people consider how they vote, they will base that on a basket of issues, but if Falmer is the most imoportant one for you,above say the NHS, the economy, or Iraq, then I doubt if there is much I can say to change your mind.

Yours sincerely

Norman Baker MP

204 High Street

There it is then from the horses mouth, my little concerns about my little community team don't matter, what a complete and utter wanker I'm so f***ing angry now.:flameboun

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
"I hope that when people consider how they vote, they will base that on a basket of issues, but if Falmer is the most imoportant one for you,above say the NHS, the economy, or Iraq, then I doubt if there is much I can say to change your mind"

Fair point...well made, but on the other side of this, it tends to be local issues people vote on! ie if your bins haven't been emptied, you are more likely to blame the government than the local council


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
burrish gull said:
I'm about to email the weasel back anyone want to add a some constructive views?

Tell him local issues are also important.

burrish gull

New member
Aug 8, 2003
Dear Mr Baker,

I take your point but for people like myself who feel totally marginalised by the political system it is local issues that I will be voting on. Successive governments have done nothing to help the NHS, the economy is generally influenced by what happens in the USA and governments go to war whatever the public thinks. That is why such a 'little' thing as Falmer is so important to so many people in Sussex because it's something they feel they have some influence and input into and will benefit them directly. Whether you want to believe it or not many in Lewes and Sussex will be voting with this in mind.

Yours sincerely,

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
You've said many times publically that you ARE in favour of Brighton & Hove Albion getting a new stadium, but that you oppose the stadium being built at Falmer.

Just so I'm clear on this, in your informed opinion, please could you specify exactly where you think this stadium should be situated, and why you feel this alternate site is preferable to Falmer.


Dr Breakfast

New member
Feb 13, 2005
Sussex innit
Incidentally, what has war in Iraq got to do with Baker or local issues in general? And the economy card goes out the window too as any fule know that our new stadium is only going to create jobs and money for the area.

What an ignorant cretin

burrish gull

New member
Aug 8, 2003
The club are now backing me on this matter and were very interested in Bakers reply. I'm just waiting for an answer from Charles Kennedy, should be interesting, I'm going to push this as far as I can.

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