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Kilroy Silk - Veritas

Cheeky Monkey

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Just seen Kilroy Silk's press conference for his new policitcal party 'Veritas' pretty strong views on asylum, almost BNP-like, out canvassing on the streets and asking one asylum seeker why he wasn't 'going home' tomorrow rather than waiting until July (when is apparently scheduled to leave the country).

Consider myself a liberal thinker but when you hear that we've now got to pay for this apparent terrorist Bourgas (spelling) to spend 17 years in our prison system when he shouldn't have even been in the country in the first place you do wonder. Obviously he won't serve 17 years but it's just the tip of the iceberg of billions of pounds of this countries' resources squandered on an absurd asylum system. We're a small country in both land mass and financial terms but it's just not considered politically correct to voice disapproval over this system which puts unnecessary pressure on finances and resources which impacts on us, Joe British Public, not the loaded politicians of Westminster.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
the problem is you're not allowed to discuss the immigration problem properly (indeed many would try and argue there isnt a problem), so its left to the likes of Kilroy Silk and the bnp to raise it, which only then imflames the situation.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I think the British people are sick of the whole issue, it's been rumbling on for years.

Clearly we belong to the EU so there is free movement of peoples. This movement needs to be monitored properly so we can assess whether our need for skills is being met. Thereafter, any shortfall can be met by an Australian-style points system for non-EU immigrant applicants.

Immigration needs to be handled by an independent body, not politicians.

On the subject of asylum I think we need a quota system, but decided upon in tandem with the numbers of immigrants per year.

It's about time politicians really got their act together on this topic. Twats like Kilroy-Silk have nothing constructive to contribute to the problem, they only make it worse and stir up racism.


Go Jazz Go
Sep 21, 2003
Just who the f*** does Kilroy think he is? Political campaigning is one thing, but actually going around telling individual asylum seekers to leave is bang out of order in my view, and quite frankly racist.

Any policy which discriminates against people is unacceptable as far as I'm concerned, and the only problem Kilroy and his cronies have with that (or any) asylum seeker is because they are from another country. Does that mean they should be treated differently and thrown out because they "aren't British"?

:censored: :angry:

This thing just pisses me off. Most (admittedly not all I agree) asylum seekers are genuinely fleeing from terrible situations in their homeland where they have no choice but to leave, and then they get told by some pompous WANKER in a suit like Kilroy that they can't come here. "Go home" my arse. Does he think they've come for a holiday? For all we know that person's home may now be a pile of smouldering mortar.

Plus on a more dispassionate note, asylum seekers do a lot of the crappy jobs that many of us don't want to do, and that the country would be f**ked without.

Ex Shelton Seagull

New member
Jul 7, 2003
Block G, Row F, Seat 175
Bourgass is going to be detained for longer than that. The 17 years he got yesterday was just for his activities with poisons. He got a life sentence in a previous trial for murdering one of the police officers who arrested him.

Paddy B

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I think the problem with debating this issue, is that some people confuse criticism of the government policy with racism.

It is true that for some ignorant tossers it is a race issue (get the pakis out now, sort of arguement) but that should not cloud the real issue of tighter immigration laws

Highfields Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Bullock Smithy
samparish said:

This thing just pisses me off. Most (admittedly not all I agree) asylum seekers are genuinely fleeing from terrible situations in their homeland where they have no choice but to leave, and then they get told by some pompous WANKER in a suit like Kilroy that they can't come here. "Go home" my arse. Does he think they've come for a holiday? For all we know that person's home may now be a pile of smouldering mortar.

Quite right. I'd quite like Kilroy to be deported though for being a prize TWAT.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
The thing is, Kilroy is outspoken on immigration and opting out of the EU, but spends months at his villa IN SPAIN!!


Go Jazz Go
Sep 21, 2003
Pavilionaire said:
The thing is, Kilroy is outspoken on immigration and opting out of the EU, but spends months at his villa IN SPAIN!!

As far as he's concerned, we mustn't let any of these bloody foreign SCUM types into our country. However as we are superior, we are rightly allowed to go where we want, when we want.

He'll probably try to kick the Spanish out of the bit of Spain next to his villa next, the racist twat.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
The Verita party, if it ever gets off the ground, will nick votes from the Tories and people who are too ashamed to vote BNP.

Unfortunately, the Tories cannot afford to lose these votes so the immigration / asylum debate is only likely to degenerate further as Howard appeals to Kilroy-Silk like-minded voters...

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern


Go Jazz Go
Sep 21, 2003
sydney said:
the nationalist movement is on the up worldwide people,better get used to "twatts" like kilroy silk.:glare:

I do hope not, the last time nationalist movements of the sort Kilroy-Silk likes were en vogue we had a rather large war.


Jul 7, 2003
Funny how this morning when Howard refered to security issue with wrt the terrorist case Kennedy said must be carefull not to smear all immigrants. How does he expect the issue to be addressed?

ITs quite clear how it works.

Righty: Immigrations to high.

lefty: Your playing the race card.

Righty: Did I mention race?

lefty: No

Righty: Thats right you did, your playing the race card.

lefty: But I'm not trying to smear Immigrants.

Righty: No ,your trying to smear me.Twice


Go Jazz Go
Sep 21, 2003
looney said:
Funny how this morning when Howard refered to security issue with wrt the terrorist case Kennedy said must be carefull not to smear all immigrants. How does he expect the issue to be addressed?

ITs quite clear how it works.

Righty: Immigrations to high.

lefty: Your playing the race card.

Righty: Did I mention race?

lefty: No

Righty: Thats right you did, your playing the race card.

lefty: But I'm not trying to smear Immigrants.

Righty: No ,your trying to smear me.Twice

Well if discriminating against people on grounds of nationality isn't 'playing the race card' then what is?


Jul 7, 2003
The left have no rational argument. Thats why they are reduced to lies, smears, personal attacks and every other trick to styfle debate.

kilroys after Labour voters in his midland stronghold, plus some potential BNP voters. Good luck to him

To address one of the initial points that we are a 'small country in terms of land mass and financially'.

Yes we are a geographically small country, but we have the world's 4th largest economy. This is a comparitively wealthy country, which has taken a fair share of resources from weaker nations in the past (by force or 'commonwealth') and should really be accomodating to those with a genuine need.

As far as economic refugees are concerned, if they have skills we need, simply let them in. Perhaps it will water down the masterrace (sic) further but with the amount of fuckwits in this country (to back this up I only need to mention the existence of the Sun Newspaper!) will we really be any the worse off?


Jul 7, 2003
samparish said:
Well if discriminating against people on grounds of nationality isn't 'playing the race card' then what is?

Er, Discriminating against people on grounds of race?

In fact your statement is implicitly racist as most countries to an exstent have a racial mix.

i.e. if I said keep the Brazilians out and you say thats Racist then you are implying/thinking Brazilians= non whites.

Immigration is about numbers not colours when linked to resources etc. Its about Race/culture when linked to questions of Identity. And that is also a valid issue, although its one I dont particularly care about apart from the left stirring things up.


Jul 7, 2003
Kennedy, Labour and the rest of the leftists are all banging on about having to be carefull how the issue of immigration is addressed.
i.e being carefull in what you say so you dont cause trouble.

Quite right! But this also means being carefull in interpretting what is said to avoid causing trouble.

Got that Samprish?

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