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It's National Falmer Day - Post Your Stories HERE


New member
Mar 4, 2004
South London
Lush said:
We got about 160 letters signed

You got the whole lot signed? That is brilliant news. I can't wait to see what happens when I post that on the BBS. ??? :lol:
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New member
Jul 5, 2003
Cheadle Hulme
the mole explains our predicament


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Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Rotherham 1 Bradford 2

Just got back in (because we went to Ned's Mum's for dinner)

We arrived at Millmoor at 1.50. I rang the Safety Officer as arranged when we arrived at the Tivoli end. We had already handed out a couple of leaflets as we parked the car and explained the situation to those walking beside us.
The Safety Officer met us and introduced us to the Senior Steward. Both great guys and explained where known trouble causers like to stand (Tivoli is a covered terrace - oh, the memories) and said the other stewards had all been told about us and were looking out for us. No problem wearing the stripes but a few Rotherham supporters did look quite hard at us because they don't like Sheff Wed there. That was one reason why we both wore our Centenary shirts because the Brighton & Hove Albion stands out quite clearly on them.
A couple of blokes did get a little bit mouthy to Ned but a steward told them to lay off as we were 'guests' of the club (even though we had to pay to get in)

We handed out over 300 leaflets (mainly to the younger supporters who would be au fait with a computer to use the email and petition options) and got letters signed.

The general response was pretty good. They need to modernise their stadium and keep getting planning permission turned down. So most reactions were along the lines of 'so do we' when we said we needed a stadium. When I replied that theirs was 100% better than ours, it made a difference and they listened.

A few had been to Withdean and some even had relatives in Sussex so therefore knew a lot about it. Overall the reaction was very friendly and willing to help out.
Ned got talking to an organiser of RUST (Rotherham United Supporters Trust) who was very interested.

The game itself was a bit dire. Those that say we couldn't cope in Div 1 with the team we have are being pessimistic. We could have coped with the standard of play today. Having said that some Rotherham supporters came up to us and apologised for Rotherham's play today. Bradford have got a Belgian keeper on a months loan from Birmingham called Vaesan who looked pretty good and kept them in the game.
Chemical Brother met up with us and stood with us during the game. Thanks for the encouragement CB.

When Rotherham scored in the second half the bloke behind me grabbed me and kissed me :lolol: Ned thought it was hilarious. We have a picture of him which I'll post later.

One young teenager said he would sign the letter if I would kiss the Rotherham badge on his shirt. I said I would because my late Father in law was a fan. So I did; he and his mates were dead chuffed.

A good day and the Seagulls have friends in the north.
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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Everyone deserves a massive :clap: Especially Edna, Lush and Gosling! :clap: :clap:


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Sorry I forgot, one bloke is actually going to see John Prescott this week at some meeting or other and he promised he would mention it in person :clap2:

Nothing in the programme but there was a mention of Brighton & Hove Albion in a full page about celebrity fans. It was about Ralph Brown the actor (Star Wars 1)
Didn't hear anything on the tannoy.

We didn't try to get to the Bradford fans. They have enough problems of their own at the moment.

On the Left Wing

Oct 9, 2003
A final PS .... just counted and we handed out 420 ish leaflets (pretty much the entire crowd!) and 60 letters. Had about 20 letters signed and handed back immediately.
Just gone through the ones Mrs OTLW did and amazed: 2 guys from Doncaster, one from Sheffield (a Wednesday fan I am told) and another from Liverpool .... what the feck were they doing at Berwick!!!!! The Donny ones are really cool


New member
Jul 15, 2003
It all sounds fantastic,everyone reporting similar to how we felt at Torquay.I think we have pulled off a superb day.Just to read those reports moves me to realise what great fans this club has.:clap: :clap: :clap:
I am now going out to enjoy a few beers :drink: :drink: :drink:
Cheers to every Brighton fan up and down the country and world wide.We deserve it.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
Norman, Oklahoma
Haven't got time to run through everything that happened today as I'm really hungry, but here are the basics.

We have returned from Oxford with 223 signed letters and various post codes etc. We gave out well over 1000 leaflets. Very well received before the match from both sets of fans with almost everyone wanting to help. We would probably been able to get even more done but we were over-run with people wanting to sign at times and we had to keep getting more letters photocopied.

Inside was a little different. The club weren't particularly helpful, some stewards didn't want us leafleting at all but their boss guy let us in the end. We weren't allowed to wear our shirts in as Huddersfield were also in blue and white. No help with our we want falmer chants. Nothing announced or in the programme. Some fat burberry dick started threating to kill us so we left a little before the end.

We did get their chairman to sign a letter though, as well as his daughter or pa or mistress(we couldn't tell).

Brightened up after the game. We went into their executive bar for a while in the hope of finding Steele but no luck. When we were heading back to the car though we bumped into both Lee Steele and Andy Crosby who were both very nice. They took off with some leaflets(we'd run out of letters) and we have a photo of the encounter to come.

As we were getting into the car there was a guy walking past so we opened the window to give him a leaflet and it turned out to be someone who played for us in the 83 cup run. Kieran something I think, I'll check. Also have a photo of that.

A success all in all I think!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
Well done guys just reading your posts makes me very proud of you all I am just gutted I had to work!! Keep the posts and pictures coming National Falmer Day has been a sucess because of you:clap:


Abi Fletchers Gimpboy
Jul 15, 2003
Brighton, United Kingdom
MRRF said:
i was at Lancing today, with crazy cornish gal, pethicks haircut, braders 7, and seagullmatt watching sussex lose 2-0 to cornwall.

Me and braders were handing out leaflets to the "supporters" (of which none made any noise) until about 1:30, whilst being entertained by one of the officials, and his football trivia game. Around 1:30 crazy cornish gal and pethicks haircut turned up to provide there services and were now entertained by the official and his "name as many parts of the body with 3 letters in" game. Then, one of the unlikeliest people to turn up at lancing for a football game, was Martin hinshelwood, who gave one of his free gifts to me ( a freddo). Everyone who entered the game got a programme, pen, freddo, and Ribena) Whilst talking to Hinsh seagullmatt turned up, and aslo helped with the leaflets.

When we were in the stand and singing our hearts out (this was before the game) an over zealous official (not steward) gave me an evil look for blowing a whistle (they obviously dont want an atmosphere) it was a look that suggested blow that again and your out of here, so i put it away.

The game started, sussex in there blue and white stripes much the better team, and about 20 minutes in Leon knight, or gary hart let rip and it hit the bar. Then about another 35 minutes before half time (our ref it seemed, couldnt use his watch properly) so for the 55 minute first half not much happened, apart from choruses of We want falmer, gosbts etc. But know sign of Martin Hinshelwood, where could he be?

Half time, a friendly chat with an argus photographer and he agrees to take a picture of us for the argus. All five us by the pitch with our falmer posters. After our photo, seagullmatt found our missing hinsh, like uncle like nephew, he was in the bar all first half.

Second half, we greet the team with gosbts, no-one else does, cornwall quickly go ahead, after a mess up by Ben Kuipers, or was it Michel Roberts, the defense fail to react and the ball somehow finds its way into the back of the net. Please dont ask me how. We then got hounded by these kids who thought Brighton were playing wrexham, why? i do not know. Cornwall scored again, dont know how, had lost all interest in the game, and placed a bet with the kids that brighton weren't playing, but they were having none of it, apparently it was coming up on teletext. One little kid now needs to give me £20.

After about 50 minutes in the 2nd half the ref blew for full time, and we went back in to action. As the players came off the pitch we all gave them leaflets about falmer and asked them to write in to john prescott, so that is both teams. But Mark Mcghees blue and white army were not pleased with the result and kerry mayo had a very red face, wether it was because he had run a lot, or farted and was embarrased we never found out.

After the game we all went for a kick about and super goalie (braders) stopped almost everything. We then went on to do penalties blindfolded, none of us scored.

A bad game, but a good day, lets hope we get falmer.

:falmer: :banana: :falmer:
:clap2: :clap2: well said that man great to meet you all

my brighton bears report to follow...


New member
Aug 27, 2003
Seven Dials
Crawley vs Weymouth

I turned up courtesy Kevin Smith (thanks mate!) & got stuck into the Weymouth supporters waiting to go in. 99.9% supportive. A few in big match mood already (ie p*ssed). As with other contributors at other games the knowledge of BHA's history was amazing.

With about 10 or 12 at that entrance we were able to collect names for postcards from perhaps 75% of the early queue. As it drew nearer to kick off more urgency to get positions on the terraces (remember them?) made it a bit more difficult. I have no idea what the final tally would be but certainly in the hundreds. A few stray Crawley fans were directed to the 'desk' to sign letters.

BBC South East were around for over 30 minutes at our gate & promised a fairly lengthy piece. I can't get it in Brighton. Did anyone catch it? Have you got a copy video? (07775 782588 anytime)

Once inside we caught up with a few more Albion behind one of the goals. I guess there perhaps 40-50 of us in that location. We were very well received by the home fans, although nothing on the tannoy at HT. Didn't manage a programme, did anyone else?

Crawley's biggest ever home crowd of 4,500 had some atmosphere. I've seen worse games at Withdean despite the first half's reliance on hopeful/less long balls. Two quick goals for Crawley early first half sealed it although it got to a bit of a nail biter when Weymouth pulled one back with ten minutes left. Marney looked sharp up front for them, Pethick for Weymouth had a very daft hair cut like a bad pudding basin with a home peroxide.

A good time was had by all. Can we do this more often?


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Rotherham pics


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Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
A Rotherham fan with Chemical Brother & Ned


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Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
And another


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John Rotten

New member
Jul 26, 2003
Hove Actually
Brighton Bears 109 v 67 Thames Valley Tigers

Sorry if I didn't get the score exactly right - Forgot to make a note of it at the end by which time the Bears were scoring for fun. Anyway, the Bears wiped the floor with them. Very convincing win.

Myself and Rotten junior had a really great time. We met Braders before the doors opened and as promised security let us leaflet everyone in the foyer. Between the 3 of us we gave out about 800 and everyone who came in was approached. Even saw Kerry Mayo on his way in. Everyone I spoke to was very supportive without exception. One elderly couple said they been at the 1979 promotion game at Newcastle and would write.

Saw Braders, Fatboy, Rougvie, I think Ben Andrews Girlfriend, and friends. Good to meet you all. Albion contingent significantly added to the vocal support for the Bears (!), and got a standing ovation from the hardcore Bears fans at the final whistle. Also worth mentioning Paul Williams the MC specifically gave the campaign a mention and played Good Old Sussex By The Sea at the end, ahead of the ususal Self Preservation Society.


Abi Fletchers Gimpboy
Jul 15, 2003
Brighton, United Kingdom
111- 79



New member
Jul 5, 2003
ive had a great day out, we had a great response from the oxford fans until we got our shirts and banners taken off us as they could be used as weapons (not our shirts obviously!) and some of their scary fans started telling us to f-off which made us leg it just before the end of the game! went for a little look at the executive boxes and went in the hospitality bit to look for steel and crosby but ended up bumping into them on our way to the car. they were really nice and posed for a pic which came out really well! crosby left clutching a leaflet :clap: well done to everyone out today!!:clap: :clap:

Just got back from Cheltenham. Really good day down there, pretty much everyone we spoke to was positive and quite a few had heard a lot about Falmer on the radio and were more than willing to help. Amongst the people that took leaflets and cards were the chairman of Lincoln City supporters club and the lady that runs the Cheltenham supporters website. She said that she'd scan our stuff on to their site and put a link on to the petition.

I also left a load of cards and leaflets in the club shop and the staff in there agreed to put one in every bag. The guys selling programmes outside put a card into each programme too.

Many thanks to Glosterseagul and Gloster girl for all the printing and organising. It was a pleasure to help out. Thanks also to Cheltenham Town for letting us into the game for nowt!

On the Left Wing

Oct 9, 2003
Wish you could have seen my 2 year old shouting "Seagulls" at the Berwick game ... it brought a tear to my eyes ... and a good laugh from the Berwick crowd. With his wee blue and white bobble cap on it is a memory that will stay will me forever ... good night all ......

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