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It was seven years ago this month... (FANS UNITED)


New member
Jul 9, 2003
Just read that link Wozza - fantastic documentation of the build up. its well worth reading the fans views as well - nearly cried when i remembered how we sung 'you'll never walk alone'


Seagulls over Toronto
Jul 11, 2003
Re: The memories.............

The Northstander said:

:angel: :angel: Rip Goldtone!:angel: :angel:

Great picture. Makes The Goldstone look massive!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

(I was there too by the way):)

That's an amazing archive, Wozza.

Complete with what I presume is the "original" message from Richard Vaughan:-

I see the scum FA have now taken 2 points who do they think they are they wouldn`t do this to Man United. It makes me sick what is happening to your club and it`s an insult to your fans. I`m a Plymouth fan and I think that one week when we`re away I`m going to come up and support your protest. I think it would be a good idea if LOADS of fans from different clubs turned up at Brighton (with their shirts on) and joined in it would show that we`re all behind you 100%
Richard Vaughan - ENGLAND - Wed, Dec 11, 1996 at 23:31:32

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Kent Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Tenterden, Kent


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Shouldn't really laugh, but Attila the Stick brokers in the German translation was quite funny.

Should we have a Fans United day at the opening match at Falmer? It would be a great way of thanking those that supported us back in those dark days.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
The Large One said:
Shouldn't really laugh, but Attila the Stick brokers in the German translation was quite funny.

Should we have a Fans United day at the opening match at Falmer? It would be a great way of thanking those that supported us back in those dark days.

That had been going through my mind too. I have already asked if this thread can go into NSC Gold when it has finished.

As a fan in exile who wasn't able to be there these posts are amazing.


Jul 7, 2003
The Large One said:
Should we have a Fans United day at the opening match at Falmer? It would be a great way of thanking those that supported us back in those dark days.

Agree, great thread.


1997 Club
Jul 17, 2003
South Central Southwick
It was indeed a fantastic day. The Ubersteiger is the St. Pauli fanzine - there were supporters from about 9 German clubs there in all, organised by BAFF (the German Football Supporters' Association) and they gave us huge support on both Fans United days and in many other various activities surrounding the battle against the scum. I still see them on my regular tours over there. The Eintracht guy was called Rolf - he is a really good bloke.

Bit more nostalgia........................

From: Warren Chrismas <102212.234@C...> From: Warren Chrismas <102212.234@C...>
Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am
Subject: Fans United text (repost)

::: Posted by Warren Chrismas <102212.234@C...>
::: Auto-reply posts to Seagulls list - not just to sender
::: Please edit out unnecessary text in replies

Don't you just hate that? When Microsoft Word f**ks around with text, that is.
Here's the Fans United copy again - without the messy bits. I'll make proper
changes to the text later today and post version 2 tomorrow.



Never before has a group of supporters needed the help of others so much. Please
come to the Goldstone Ground on February 8th, wearing the colours of YOUR club.
This is not about supporting Brighton & Hove Albion for the day. It's about
supporting fellow football fans in their hour of need.

Saturday February 8th, Goldstone Ground, 3PM
Brighton & Hove Albion v Hartlepool United

Help Save Brighton, Help Save Football

Has your club ever been brought to its knees by Directors that care more about
money than football?
Ever faced the threat of losing your ground?
Ever been shafted by the FA?
Ever been branded as 'thugs' by the tabloids?
Ever supported a team that doesn't stand a chance on the pitch when the 'team'
in the boardroom is so incompetent?
Got local councillors and MPs who have done nothing or next-to-nothing to help
your cause?

If you've answered 'yes' to any of the above then you know what fans of Brighton
& Hove Albion are going through. We're battling against ALL of the above, with
the nightmare of total extinction becoming increasing likely as each week

You think that the English Football League needs clubs like Brighton & Hove
Albion? Well, right now Brighton & Hove Albion supporters need people like YOU.


*Fans United? What's it all about?
We are asking fans of clubs all over the country (and beyond!!!) to put aside
their own club allegiances for a day, to come to the game at the Goldstone
Ground on February 8th in a massive show of solidarity against the Brighton
board and against greed and corruption in football as a whole.

*Why the game against Hartlepool United?
February 8th has been chosen because there are no Premiership games and a
restricted First Division programme on this day due to the World Cup qualifiers
taking place during the following week.

*Why is all this necessary?
As you are no doubt aware (and if you're not, click here!) [LINK HERE], Brighton
& Hove Albion Football Club is on the verge of extinction thanks to the efforts
of a team of morally corrupt businessmen who appear to care about money more
than the club or the sport.

Albion fans have tried (almost) everything possible to oust the present regime
and to prompt the English FA into doing something. We've forced a game to be
abandoned (the so-called 'riot' at the end of last season), we've held-up games
with peaceful on-pitch demonstrations (and, thanks to the FA, lost 2pts in the
process), we've protested outside Archer's home in Lancashire and Bellotti's
House in Eastbourne, we've marched through London to the FA headquarters, we've
organised petitions, we've written letters to everyone involved, we've organised
whistle protests and much more besides.

These protests have gained us media attention all over the world (we've had
coverage everywhere from mainland Europe to the United States, Australia and
beyond), but in one way they can all be considered failures - the board remains
in place, the FA has yet to do anything truly constructive and the club is
edging closer towards extinction as each week passes.

*So why involve fans of other clubs?
Because it's become increasing obvious over the last few months - primarily
though the entries in the Campaign Guestbook [LINK HERE] - that it's not just
Albion fans that care about the welfare of Brighton & Hove Albion, but
supporters of clubs all over the world (including fans of our supposed 'rivals'
such as Crystal Palace, Millwall, Fulham and Portsmouth).

Many supporters clearly have a soft-spot for Brighton (the club and the town)
whilst many are worried about the future of their own clubs and lower division
football as a whole.

The reoccurring question is "How can I help?" and when a Plymouth Argyle fan
suggested that we invite everyone to the Goldstone in a massive show of support,
we found the answer. A number of other supporters backed the idea, and so we
(Internet Seagulls) came up with a suitable date and set the ball rolling,
seeking to gain as much publicity for the event as possible.

*What incentive is there to come?
Not only will you be helping the cause of beleaguered Albion supporters, you'll
also be sending a message to the authorities and the money men, that the FANS
are that most important thing in football, that we will not be toyed with and
that we will not allow lower division clubs to die.

As if that wasn't enough (!!), keep in mind also that, as it's due to be
demolished in May, this could well be your last chance to visit the Goldstone
Ground (a ground which, judging by the messages in the Campaign Guestbook, holds
a special place in many people's hearts).

*Will there be other football-events on the day?
Hopefully, yes. The Brighton & Hove Albion Supporters' Club is currently working
on organising locally-based spin-off events. More details will be posted here

*Will there be any 'trouble' at the game?
By attending the event, fans will be showing that they truly care about
football, so the chances of hostilities between sets of fans are extremely slim.
Besides, when was the last time you saw a 92-sided battle!!

*Will there be on-pitch demonstrations during the game?
Hopefully not. We will be gaining enough media attention on the day without
resorting to further protests. You may, however, wish to bring along a whistle!

*What happens if the game is postponed?
The chances of the Football League, or Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club
itself, postponing the game to disrupt the protest, are thought to be slim. The
authorities presume that we would simply move the event to another day... and
they're right!!! If the game is called off for any reason, come back to these
pages or watch the mainstream media for more information.

*Can I pre-book tickets for the game?
[Can anyone answer this!?!]

*What if too many people attend Fans United?
This is currently thought to be unlikely. A typical attendance at the Goldstone
Ground is around 5,000. The current capacity (when the East terracing is open,
as it should be on the day) is at least 10,000. That's enough space for 55 extra
supporters from each of the other Premiership and Football League clubs.
Whatever, come early to avoid disappointment!!!

*I've heard that you only want 20 fans from each club?
No. Several newspapers and news services (all via one source) misquoted a news
release. We used the 20 figure as an example, pointing out the fact that if just
a few fans (20) came from every other club, we'd have a significant amount of
extra supporters (almost 2,000) present on the day. Obviously, we want as many
fans to attend as possible, and from ANY club.

*Are celebrities likely to attend?
TV and Radio presenters Danny Baker and Chris Evans have both stated publicly
that they will be attending, as has Helen XXXXX [FILL HERE] of SKY TV's Soccer
AM. We are currently approaching other celebrities as well as ex-Albion players.

Quick plug: Tune into Danny Baker's Baker Line, Radio 5 Live, Wednesday nights,
10-11pm. It's the best football-related radio show around and he's a top geezer.

*Isn't this Fans United thing just putting money into the pockets of Archer and
Yes, but it will be small feed compared to the tax bill that they are about to
face. All the same, visiting fans are encouraged not to buy anything -
souvenirs, or food or drink - in the ground or club shop.

*Has anything like Fans United been done before?
To our knowledge, no. As far as we are aware, this is the first time that
supporters of all clubs have been asked to come together and protest as one.
We'll all be making history.

*If it's a success, will there be similar events in the future?
Probably not at Brighton. However, if supporters of other clubs wish to organise
similar events, be it this season, next season or further in the future, we
would be more than happy to help or advise in any way we can.

*How do I get to the Goldstone Ground?
By Car:
>From the East (and Europe!): [FILL HERE]
>From the West: [FILL HERE]
>From the North: [FILL HERE]
Parking: [FILL HERE]

By train:
>From London: [FILL HERE]
Nearest station: Hove [FILL HERE]

*Who is organising Fans United?
ALL Brighton & Hove Albion-related supporters groups and fanzines are joining
together to ensure that the event is a success. However, the key players at this
time are Internet Seagulls, the Brighton & Hove Albion Supporter's Club and
Seaside Sega.

If you require more information please e-mail Warren Chrismas
(warren@e...) or Gary Crittenden (gjc@e...) with the
words 'Fans United Query' in the subject line. See you on Feb 8th!!!

/ Sent by the Seagulls list for fans of Brighton & Hove Albion /
/ For help send email to: seagulls-request@t... :with /
/ the word: info :eek:n a line on its own in your message's body. /
/ For human help email: rkh2@u... : World Wide Web sites: /
/ Seagulls Server:....... /
/ Albion Web: /


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Unfortunately i wasn't allowed in thanks to some twat... (we all know who)

I did watch from the gardens tho behind the East Terrace, i remember the atmosphere being great, so many colours of different teams, i remeber one Chelsea fan who seemed to be off his head! A marvellous day for football.

I think it was also the day i smooched Helen Chamberlain lol

Emily's Mum

New member
Jul 7, 2003
In the jungle, aka BFPO 11
I still get a shiver down my spine when I think of that day. My best friend died the day before & I didn't feel well enough to go to the game, but I did. I nearly didn't get in the ground as the turnstiles weren't built for ladies who were 6 months pregnant!

I stood on my old spot at the back of the North Stand & I can honestly say that I can't remember much of the match (fog & having to go the loo all the time!)

I cried at the end of the game, it was to be my last time ever standing in the North Stand. I met a group of Charlton fans who looked after me so well, what a top bunch of supporters :clap:

That game restored my faith in human nature somewhat. If all of those fans could travel to Brighton to help us, then I was going to do the same, I hardly missed another match that season. I think I was part of something unique & the memories will live on forever.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
The Large One said:
Shouldn't really laugh, but Attila the Stick brokers in the German translation was quite funny.

Should we have a Fans United day at the opening match at Falmer? It would be a great way of thanking those that supported us back in those dark days.

that thought had crossed my mind too. doncaster perhaps, or maybe even hartlepool just so they know it wasn't personal:lolol:

or, there's bound to be other clubs in trouble whenever (touch wood) falmer is built, so we should get one of them along

lovely stuff


The Glory Game
Jul 9, 2003
High up on the South Downs.
Sadly a lot of idealism and unity have gone. Following the Albion away now results in a lot of abuse about the fact that some gay people have made Brighton their home. Albion fans then abuse the locals ....and so on.

On a positive note the community trust idea of football ownership is a good thing.

The FA are still a shambles and were acquiescent in the more recent blatant asset stripping of York. Let's hope some of the unity of 96/97 might return. Strangely there was a large group of Tranmere fans alongside me on that day.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Lord Bracknell said:
That's an amazing archive, Wozza.

Complete with what I presume is the "original" message from Richard Vaughan:-

Richard Vaughan - ENGLAND - Wed, Dec 11, 1996 at 23:31:32

:clap: :clap: :clap:

What the hell was a 15 year old doing up at that hour - on a schoolday? :nono: No dobut trying to influence the minds of the diseased cretins. Looks like it worked.

Anyone know what he's doing now? Is he going to be at Withdean at the end of January for our match against PAFC? I am sure a few people would like to buy him a drink - although it would hardly be fair if EVERYONE did.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
mona said:
Sadly a lot of idealism and unity have gone. Following the Albion away now results in a lot of abuse about the fact that some gay people have made Brighton their home. Albion fans then abuse the locals ....and so on.

On a positive note the community trust idea of football ownership is a good thing.

That sort of stuff was going on back then as well...

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