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Is there anyway back for Labour?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Presumably your business is fairly recession proof Harty ? I mean it not like people put off dying until the economy perks up a bit.
No matter how grave the situation you'll never find yourself saying "You know what Mrs Harty ? business is dead.)

Funnily enough I have given out for quotes for funerals this year than in any other in my 21 years in the job.

People even shop around in death.......


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
The United Kingdom of Mile Oak
The trouble is for the Tories at the moment is that whilst the economy is in difficulty, many people aren't blaming the current government for what's happened. Instead, they're blaming big business, banks and utility companies. Therefore, for George Osborne and the Tory party to only be able to come out with "we'll freeze council tax" is a bit crap and also shows that his party still isn't in touch with modern day Britain.

The Tories plans to reward married couples is also completely flawed because all that'd happen is that people who would normally divorce would stay married to make sure they got more money off the state.

The difference between now and the recession in the 90's is that Interest Rates were used by the Tory government as a bargaining tool to win votes. Despite the scaremongering currently going on in the media over here, interest rates are still relatively low when compared to that when Clarke & Lamont were Chancellors.

I've said in previous threads that people generally still aren't convinced that Cameron is the best person to become PM (and Osborne Chancellor) and in today's climate, I do not think that the Tories would win an outright majority as people often have the view in times like this of better the devil you know, than the devil you don't!

As for the Lib Dems - we'll their conference went with a whimper and all they've elected as leader is a Cameron wannabe which is great if everyone liked Cameron, but they don't!


In London village.

Assuming this is accurate the Tories would win by 86 seats - which is down from a few months ago.

If I were Brown I would be aiming to reduce a potential Tory victory to a small enough majority to be able to win back power in 2014 or 2015.

Personaly I think we are f*cked if either Brown or Cameron are in power.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
The Tories will definitely win the next election, unless they somehow contrive to lose it.

Prior to the 97 election the people wanted the Tories out and Blair did what Cameron is pretty much doing now, say nothing, it is Cameron's to muck up, the present government of the day is not wanted by the people anymore.

These present problems are going to take years to sort out and it has only just started, lots of people are going to lose their jobs, I have seen some people "joking" about bankers losing their jobs in other threads, are they so dense as to not to realise this is going to effect all of us in work. Don't they realise their bosses get loans from similar banks to get their salaries paid on the due date! If banks can't make these loans how are they going to get paid?

Whether it is Brown's fault or not (which I predominately don't think this is, it is a US origianted problem which effects most of the Western world) the people won't care. Brown is finished, depending just how bad this is depends how long Labour are gone for.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
The United Kingdom of Mile Oak
Opinion polls are all very nice, but just ask Neil Kinnock in 1986 & 1992 how much notice you should take of them. They mean nothing, especially when the next general election could still another 2 & half years away.

This time last month, Gordon Brown's political career was the British public's opinion of him is shifting back to being slightly more popular than he was and this is during mid-term when all governments struggle for popularity.

The Tories have failed to capitalise on what was a weak PM two months ago and have let Brown start to become popular again. They've also offered nothing but gimmicks in their conference speeches and have failed to answer how and who will pay for them.

I really was thinking about voting Tory if there was an election this time last month, but now I'm not so sure and that'is the reason why I think the Tories will still struggle to win an overall majority at the next election.

It may be time for a hung parliament?

Don't get me started

One Nation under CCTV
Jul 24, 2007
This appeared on the Guardian Website in response to an article by John Cruddus sateing that Labour could get back in . I couldnt have put it better in a month of Sundays

Oh my, you just don't get it do you?

The only future I want to reconnect you lot with is the dole office. Let me give you a few reasons why, in no order of priority.

- The wholesale rape of the private pensions industry to finance Gordon's support of the feckless and irresponsible. And let's not forget the pensions apartheid with the now bloated public sector - more council tax Vicar?
-The European Referendum promised in your 2005 Manifesto. I'm still waiting ....
- Just how many Diversity Co-ordinators and Bin Inspection Operatives do we need?
- MP's expenses. Presided over by one Michael Martin, the guy whose wife likes to bill us (the taxpayer) for her taxis. Nice.
- Balls. Yvette and Ed. I am still waiting to hear which of their taxpayer funded homes is their main residence.
- NHS Dentists. You tried finding one lately? About as common as a fully capitalised bank.
- Harriet Harperson. How such a raging feminist can be allowed to peddle her bile is beyond rational thinking.
- Immigration. How many more cheap jobs do you want to fill by importing labour rather than educate and train our own?
- 42 days. Magna Carta is not a dormat you know.
- 'NO MORE BOOM AND BUST!' Don't even get me going on that one.
- Vital infrastructure (power generation, water supply) now in the hands of the French, Spanish, Germans and Americans. Which incompetent idiot decided it was a good idea to do this in the name of globalisation?
- Whilst the financial world was falling about in ruins, Brown was preaching to the UN about African poverty. Nice to know where his priorities lie.
- Whilst pensioners freeze due to crippling price rises, Browm merrily gives away £800m to India, £75m to Bangladesh, £2m to Georgia - I could go on. Spare us the generosity abroad, look after those at home.
- And speaking of cripling energy price rises, why can the French cap theirs but we can't? The regulator could but, oh, wait on - the Government got rid of it !!
- Iraq.
- WMD's.
- Afghanistan - In it's heyday the British Empire couldn't conquer it, the Russians in their heyday couldn't either. What makes you think that 6000 poorly equipped British soldiers can?
- Why does an MOD employee get £400k for breaking a nail yet a soldier with arms & legs blown off in combat get £150k?
- The Gurkhas. Are you blind as well as deaf?
- 'TOUGH ON CRIME, TOUGH ON THE CAUSES OF CRIME'. Then why is knife crime soaring, gun crime as well, drug dealers still driving around in flash cars whilst all the police seem to do is sit by the road with speed cameras?There is always space in jail for an 80 year old council tax refusenik it seems but not for a mugger, rapist or burglar.
- Stealth taxes - how many in the last 11 years?
- Green taxes - just how much does your glorious leader intend to bleed us dry, but more importantly, where has it all gone? Oh yes, the benefit system that allows the feckless to make a career of not working.
- Labour's class warfare on a national scale. Did you really have nothing more to do with your time than to ban fox hunting? Like running a country perhaps? Or Ed Ball's crusade on dumbing down education and robbing the children of today of the education benefits that he had.
- Speaking of the Balls again, what about Yvette's crusade against the housing market with HIP's. Oh sorry, you can't get rid of them because the EU won't allow you too.
- NuLabour's crowning glory is that councils now can't even empty the refuse bins weekly.

I am sure that there are many, many more pinnicles of your 11 years in charge that I could name but can't think of right now, so please spare me your concern when you find that I have no intention of ever giving you my vote. For that matter, the Tories won't get it either as I remember it was their selling off of the utilities and the imposition of the Financial Services and Markets Act that has led to to where we are today. In fact, there is only one thing that I can think of where 11 years of NuLabour mismanagement has benefitted me, and that is the smoking ban. I just wish that I could find a traditional pub in which to enjoy my new-found nicotine smell-free existance.

So please, crawl back into your expense-laden pit that is Westminster. Make the most of your remaining 19 months or so of perks and pension benefits and do not be surprsed when you, and your party, are consigned to the dungheap of history where NuLabour belongs. I yearn for that moment, as do 75% of the electorate.

And stop this moralising claptrap - we are sick of it and just want rid of you.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
- The wholesale rape of the private pensions industry to finance Gordon's support of the feckless and irresponsible. And let's not forget the pensions apartheid with the now bloated public sector - more council tax Vicar?
-The European Referendum promised in your 2005 Manifesto. I'm still waiting .... No point arguing as the reasons why not are in the public domain whether you accept them or not
- Just how many Diversity Co-ordinators and Bin Inspection Operatives do we need?
- MP's expenses. Presided over by one Michael Martin, the guy whose wife likes to bill us (the taxpayer) for her taxis. Nice. There is corruption on both sides of the house, look at the Wintertons or Derek Conway
- Balls. Yvette and Ed. I am still waiting to hear which of their taxpayer funded homes is their main residence. Ditto
- NHS Dentists. You tried finding one lately? About as common as a fully capitalised bank.I live in Burgess Hill and got one no problem
- Harriet Harperson. How such a raging feminist can be allowed to peddle her bile is beyond rational thinking.just your opinion
- Immigration. How many more cheap jobs do you want to fill by importing labour rather than educate and train our own?How much training is needed to pick fruit? If our unemployed will not do then the farmers will use migrants.
- 42 days. Magna Carta is not a dormat you know.If that's the case, as David Davies would have you believe, why did he support 28 days then which is still contrary to Magna Carta etc. Two words, two faced
- 'NO MORE BOOM AND BUST!' Don't even get me going on that one.
- Vital infrastructure (power generation, water supply) now in the hands of the French, Spanish, Germans and Americans. Which incompetent idiot decided it was a good idea to do this in the name of globalisation?It's a free market so surely you have to ask who sold them off in the first place?
- Whilst the financial world was falling about in ruins, Brown was preaching to the UN about African poverty. Nice to know where his priorities lie.A bit harsh as they have done more than that. Let's not forget there are a large number of City Dealers who finance the Tories, especially the hedge funds. Do you honestly think the Tories would have introduced greater regulation to curb their activities before the meltdown?
- Whilst pensioners freeze due to crippling price rises, Browm merrily gives away £800m to India, £75m to Bangladesh, £2m to Georgia - I could go on. Spare us the generosity abroad, look after those at home.Agree that India doesn't really need it but that shouldn't stop us supporting other countries
- And speaking of cripling energy price rises, why can the French cap theirs but we can't? The regulator could but, oh, wait on - the Government got rid of it !!If they were still public utilities then they would be
- Iraq.Tories supported that one
- WMD' arguement to that
- Afghanistan - In it's heyday the British Empire couldn't conquer it, the Russians in their heyday couldn't either. What makes you think that 6000 poorly equipped British soldiers can?How distorted can you get. I didn't know that we were the only ones in Afghanistan, thought there was a multinational force there. Still, can't believe everything you read in the papers
- Why does an MOD employee get £400k for breaking a nail yet a soldier with arms & legs blown off in combat get £150k? know nothing of the payout and don't believe it. Can't find anything on Google. Can you post a link? Propably an urban myth. Besides, if it were true you need to know the difference between compensation scheme which the payout will be and a civil award by a court. The Mod don't control the courts or perhaps you would prefer it if they did.
- The Gurkhas. Are you blind as well as deaf? Can't argue with that, fight for this country should earn you the right to live in this country
- 'TOUGH ON CRIME, TOUGH ON THE CAUSES OF CRIME'. Then why is knife crime soaring, gun crime as well, drug dealers still driving around in flash cars whilst all the police seem to do is sit by the road with speed cameras?There is always space in jail for an 80 year old council tax refusenik it seems but not for a mugger, rapist or burglar.Where do you get these fabricated views from.
- Stealth taxes - how many in the last 11 years?How many in the previous 19 years. ITV last night highlighted that the biggest stealth tax was when the Tories increased VAT to 17.5%. It was estimated that to get rid of all the stealth taxes, ie taxes paid at the point of purchase or death, would add 7p to everyone's income tax.
- Green taxes - just how much does your glorious leader intend to bleed us dry, but more importantly, where has it all gone? Oh yes, the benefit system that allows the feckless to make a career of not working.Not going to bother arguing with a ' Daily Mail' generalisation
- Labour's class warfare on a national scale. Did you really have nothing more to do with your time than to ban fox hunting? Like running a country perhaps? Or Ed Ball's crusade on dumbing down education and robbing the children of today of the education benefits that he had.Every poll for the last few decades has shown the majority against fox hunting with hounds. What is wrong with one bill in parliament against it. Bit of a distortion to suggest the rest of government closed down for this bill. Just because a few idiots like to sit on horseback and charge around the countryside and watch animals killed doesn't make it right. Lets bring back badger baiting, cock fighting, dog fighting etc. There was a lot of crap spoken at the time but nobody gives two hoots about the likes of Nicholas Soames and hunting fraternity now
- Speaking of the Balls again, what about Yvette's crusade against the housing market with HIP's. Oh sorry, you can't get rid of them because the EU won't allow you too.HIPs hasn't killed the housing sector. It's the dumb US mortgage lenders that have led to the crash in confidence. If there were mortgages available then the market would start going up again and HIPs wouldn't be an issue
- NuLabour's crowning glory is that councils now can't even empty the refuse bins weekly.We have fortnightly collections, alternate for landfill and recycling and personally don't have a problem with it although I did have reservations at the start. Have the Tories confirmed they will reintroduce weekly collections? Oh no, they are going to freeze council tax so that means no more money. Perhaps to make ends meet, the councils will now go to monthly collections!

Let's not forget that on Cameron's CV is his role as political advisor to Norman Lamont at the time of Black Wednesday.

Neither party smells of roses but I fear for the country should DC get in.

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