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Do you believe in Ghosts and if so any ghoulish tales too tell?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 39.7%
  • No

    Votes: 39 50.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 8 10.3%

  • Total voters

Laughing Gravy

I'm a ****
Jan 8, 2010
In my bungalow
In the early 90s my wife and I lived at No 6a Bembridge St off Hartington Rd and we had some strange stuff happen in the 5 years that we were there. The first night that we stayed there was New yrs eve 90/91 and we were both woken by something scratching on the bedroom door. It sounded like a dog going for it with both paws. After a while it stopped and because we had both had a few, we nodded back off. Next morning when we got up I looked at the door and there were loads of scratches and you could see that they had been built up over many years (i knew they were there). I can only assume it was a dog that lived there years back, maybe trying to get into his masters bedroom.

Then we had a few things happen that scared the life out of me. One night I was woken by my wife really squeezing my arm. She had her face buried in my shoulder. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she had woken up and seen a figure starring in my face and its face was no more than an inch from mine (i was lying on my back). When she woke up and looked at it, it turned its head and starred at her, thats when she buried her face in my shoulder. She looked up again and it was still there. It only vanished when I moved. She said that it did not have a face, but it was wearing a hood. (no it wasnt a chav burglar)
Several times after this, she woke up in the night to see a similar figure standing at the bottom of the bed looking at us. The whole flat always had a strange atmosphere about it.

When we mentioned it to the folks that lived in the upstairs flat, they said that the previous owners had witnessed some strange goings on.

No I live in a lovely little bungalow but I still have to sleep with the hall light on.

Bobby's Gull

Jul 6, 2003
The pub where I work has a ghost called 'Bill', apparently. We had a psychic night and the medium told us that he walks around the pub knocking on the walls, apparently he's not very happy with all the renovating the new owners have done. My manager who lives upstairs has his kettle turned on and his toilet flushed, in the restaurant area the knives and forks get moved and the salt and pepper shakers get poured out all over the tables but we find the shakers standing upright. Someone else when locking up one evening described seeing two lights flashing through the pub. Sometimes I think I see someone standing at the bar or walk past out of the corner of my eye, but there is no one there. I've heard someone say f*** off (that was weird) when there's been no one there but never seen anything, thank god!


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I never believe on Ghost.
I think it is fake and not in real life.


Oct 20, 2003
Waikanae NZ
In the early 90s my wife and I lived at No 6a Bembridge St off Hartington Rd and we had some strange stuff happen in the 5 years that we were there. The first night that we stayed there was New yrs eve 90/91 and we were both woken by something scratching on the bedroom door. It sounded like a dog going for it with both paws. After a while it stopped and because we had both had a few, we nodded back off. Next morning when we got up I looked at the door and there were loads of scratches and you could see that they had been built up over many years (i knew they were there). I can only assume it was a dog that lived there years back, maybe trying to get into his masters bedroom.

Then we had a few things happen that scared the life out of me. One night I was woken by my wife really squeezing my arm. She had her face buried in my shoulder. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she had woken up and seen a figure starring in my face and its face was no more than an inch from mine (i was lying on my back). When she woke up and looked at it, it turned its head and starred at her, thats when she buried her face in my shoulder. She looked up again and it was still there. It only vanished when I moved. She said that it did not have a face, but it was wearing a hood. (no it wasnt a chav burglar)
Several times after this, she woke up in the night to see a similar figure standing at the bottom of the bed looking at us. The whole flat always had a strange atmosphere about it.

When we mentioned it to the folks that lived in the upstairs flat, they said that the previous owners had witnessed some strange goings on.

No I live in a lovely little bungalow but I still have to sleep with the hall light on.

:nono:f*** me , id be out that place like a shot


Oct 20, 2003
Waikanae NZ
i grew up in dulwich in south east london. we had an old victorian house. my mum tells me that when they bought it the boy of the outgoing family (aged 5) had told her that he saw a ghost in his bedroom. my mum asked his mum about it after we had moved in and she said yes her 5 year old had come running down the stairs saying he had seen a man dressed all in black materialise head first through his bedroom floor. i spoke to this boy a few years later and he told me the same thing . you could tell he wasnt lying.

growing up in this house , you sort of got used to weird things happening . things banging downstairs , plates falling on the floor etc. one thing i really remember about living in this house was about the recurring dreams i used to get about the cellar. i always dreamt that when i walked past the cellar door the door would bang open and i would get sucked in , it was pitch black. i found this very scary so usually woke up or woke myself up . when i was older (18) and living in this house on my own (more about this later) i again was dreaming about the cellar , i got sucked in , but thought to myself this is just a dream nothing can hurt me . so i was in the cellar , pitch black when i heard these really scary noises ., but again i told myself its just a dream it cant hurt me . then , out of the dark , came this face. now i know it was a dream etc but even typing this it sends shivers down my spines. it was the scariest thing ive ever seen . at 18 i had to sleep with the light on for about a year.

anyway , that was all dreams but there was something just worng about that house. my mum dad and younger brother and sister moved to worcester but couldnt sell the house in london . as i was getting ready to go to uni in brighton i stayed in the house on my own. i had the room at the top of the house (3 floors , 4 inc the cellar). then there was no furniture in any of the rest of the house apart from a couple chairs and a table in the front room. it was pretty eerie to say the least and this in when all manor of weird shit started happening .

i heard a picture fall off the wall and smash , went running out but it was still on the wall.
played football one afternoon came back and being tired i had a little afternoon snooze on my bed , i was woken by one of pillows smacking me on the back of the head.
one of the worst incidents was during a really hot summer i woke in the middle of the night . i wasnt sure why , but when i was just drifting off i heard someone sprint (when i say sprint , i mean faster thean me or you could) up my stairs to right outside my door and suddenly stop . i absolutely shit myself.
the worst one of all was when i was in the front room watching tv llate at night with some bint from croydon id pulled . we heard some really loud banging coming from upstairs , turned the tv down and it stopped. thought nothing of it so turned it back up again . few minutes later the banging started, turned the tv dosn it stopped . this went on for about half hour. went to bed and then the same banging started downstairs but this time i didnt stop. we were both shitting it . i went to the top of the stairs and listened . to this day i heard someone downstairs . i heard distinctive sounds specific to this house . wooden steps were being walked on repeatedly, that tattly door handle was opened . i grabbed a little bar from my weights set , told her to call the police and went really quietly downstairs. i did the famous tread on a squeeky stair and all of a sudden the noises stopped. now i was really shitting it as i thougth theyd heard me and were hiding . cue me jumping through doors with my bar expecting a burglar there but no , no one. luckily she didnt call the police as when i went back upstairs she hadnt moved and was shaking like a leaf. she never came back to the house , which was a result because she was rough!!

sorry about the rambling and excessively long post . the question is do i believe in ghosts . well im not sure , i believe in something . what that is im unsure . what i do know is there was something wrong with that house . all those noises and weird stuff that i grew up with i always thought were 'the house' or 'the pipes' or 'all old houses make noises' . thing is ive never been scared anywhere else where ive lived . maybe it was my age i dont know . all my other family members have their own stories and we were all glad to get out when we did.


New member
Jul 8, 2003
United Kingdom
All these people that say recurring things happen in their houses, does it not occur to you to try and record it with audio equipment and cameras? i know i would if it happened to me.

otherwise i can't believe a single word of it. even all those episodes of most haunted or whatever have proved nothing.


Active member
Jul 22, 2003
My cousin used to be a lorry driver in Somerset: he's a very down to earth bloke. He says one night he was driving round a blind bend and as he came out of it a woman was walking across the road, right in front of him. He couldn't avoid her and went straight over her. Understandably shaken up, he stopped, got out of his truck and walked back. There was no-one there. When he told his company what had happened, he was told that an elderly woman was run down and killed by a lorry driver some 20 years before at that very spot.
Personally, I have never seen anything resembling a ghost but I would love to: though I would undoubtedly be s*** scared.

Ghost stories - tricks of the mind. People trying to interpret noises and occurances and settling on a lazy assumption of 'it was a ghost'. Ghosts are up there with god, healing crystals, homeopathy and seeing jesus on a piece of toast.

The arguments of the believers in any of this things is essesntially faith in something without a shred of actual evidence. 'Open your mind' etc, is an oxymoron as it is their very own minds closing out any other reason for occurances and narrowing to a 'it must be Ghosts/God/Fairies' etc.

Things that cannot be immediately explained do not have to go to the default position of beyond the realms of human understanding. We don't know everything through science, but we learn more all of the time. Irrational beliefs are a very human thing; but as we slowly learn more, the myths will start to disappear.


Oooh Matron, I'm an
NSC Patron
Jun 26, 2009

Perhaps surprisingly...

Eagle Slayer

Active member
Jul 15, 2007
Never seen a ghost but when my mum died just over two years ago sometimes when i was alone in the house within a couple of weeks of her death on many occasions i would get a sudden random "strong metal" taste in my mouth which would suddenly disappear after about 5 seconds. After this happening a number of times i asked if my sister or dad had experienced anything similar ... they said no . After i mentioned this i have never had this happen since, i never experienced it before my mum had died either ... just in the couple of weeks after her death which i still find odd. It always happened when i was alone.

Laughing Gravy

I'm a ****
Jan 8, 2010
In my bungalow
i grew up in dulwich in south east london. we had an old victorian house. my mum tells me that when they bought it the boy of the outgoing family (aged 5) had told her that he saw a ghost in his bedroom. my mum asked his mum about it after we had moved in and she said yes her 5 year old had come running down the stairs saying he had seen a man dressed all in black materialise head first through his bedroom floor. i spoke to this boy a few years later and he told me the same thing . you could tell he wasnt lying.

growing up in this house , you sort of got used to weird things happening . things banging downstairs , plates falling on the floor etc. one thing i really remember about living in this house was about the recurring dreams i used to get about the cellar. i always dreamt that when i walked past the cellar door the door would bang open and i would get sucked in , it was pitch black. i found this very scary so usually woke up or woke myself up . when i was older (18) and living in this house on my own (more about this later) i again was dreaming about the cellar , i got sucked in , but thought to myself this is just a dream nothing can hurt me . so i was in the cellar , pitch black when i heard these really scary noises ., but again i told myself its just a dream it cant hurt me . then , out of the dark , came this face. now i know it was a dream etc but even typing this it sends shivers down my spines. it was the scariest thing ive ever seen . at 18 i had to sleep with the light on for about a year.

anyway , that was all dreams but there was something just worng about that house. my mum dad and younger brother and sister moved to worcester but couldnt sell the house in london . as i was getting ready to go to uni in brighton i stayed in the house on my own. i had the room at the top of the house (3 floors , 4 inc the cellar). then there was no furniture in any of the rest of the house apart from a couple chairs and a table in the front room. it was pretty eerie to say the least and this in when all manor of weird shit started happening .

i heard a picture fall off the wall and smash , went running out but it was still on the wall.
played football one afternoon came back and being tired i had a little afternoon snooze on my bed , i was woken by one of pillows smacking me on the back of the head.
one of the worst incidents was during a really hot summer i woke in the middle of the night . i wasnt sure why , but when i was just drifting off i heard someone sprint (when i say sprint , i mean faster thean me or you could) up my stairs to right outside my door and suddenly stop . i absolutely shit myself.
the worst one of all was when i was in the front room watching tv llate at night with some bint from croydon id pulled . we heard some really loud banging coming from upstairs , turned the tv down and it stopped. thought nothing of it so turned it back up again . few minutes later the banging started, turned the tv dosn it stopped . this went on for about half hour. went to bed and then the same banging started downstairs but this time i didnt stop. we were both shitting it . i went to the top of the stairs and listened . to this day i heard someone downstairs . i heard distinctive sounds specific to this house . wooden steps were being walked on repeatedly, that tattly door handle was opened . i grabbed a little bar from my weights set , told her to call the police and went really quietly downstairs. i did the famous tread on a squeeky stair and all of a sudden the noises stopped. now i was really shitting it as i thougth theyd heard me and were hiding . cue me jumping through doors with my bar expecting a burglar there but no , no one. luckily she didnt call the police as when i went back upstairs she hadnt moved and was shaking like a leaf. she never came back to the house , which was a result because she was rough!!

sorry about the rambling and excessively long post . the question is do i believe in ghosts . well im not sure , i believe in something . what that is im unsure . what i do know is there was something wrong with that house . all those noises and weird stuff that i grew up with i always thought were 'the house' or 'the pipes' or 'all old houses make noises' . thing is ive never been scared anywhere else where ive lived . maybe it was my age i dont know . all my other family members have their own stories and we were all glad to get out when we did.

Great story


Jan 17, 2009
After a family bereavement, I was downstairs one night because I couldn't sleep, and was sitting on the sofa. I must have fallen asleep because at some point I woke up feeling freezing cold, and something was holding me as if a person was standing above me and was cuddling me. It frightened me so much that I tried to call out and couldn't and as I was being "held" tightly I felt I couldn't breathe. I am still unsure whether it was my relative trying to comfort me or my imagination. Logic told me that if it was my relative comforting me then they would wish me no harm but it really scared me at the time.

This happened to me just before my Dad died. He had a penchant for giving us boys a 'vampire kiss' at bedtime - a tight squeeze on the neck, usually resulting in barber's rash. I was in bed dozing when I felt a pressure on my neck and as I reacted to it, it became much tighter; just like Dad giving us a kiss.

I just think it stems from a hankering for our loved ones at a time of great grief and stress - don't believe in ghosts


New member
Mar 1, 2009
dont believe in ghosts - thought i had something living in the house im in atm (really old house from like 1600) where i dozed off in bed and was woken by my pillow hitting my head. but it was cos my arm was under the pillow it smacked me! :( scared me up proper til i thought about it tho.
i had sleep paralysis in my old house once before, scariest thing iv ever experienced, but another reason why i dont believe as i saw some f***ed up shit then, but it was all in the mind


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
Yes. I used to live in a house that was haunted. We had a poltergeist that got up to all manner of creepy things (typewriter keys going by themselves in the middle of the night, plugs flying out of sockets, cutlery moving about, being tapped on the back when walking down stairs when no one around).

My dad was vicar of the village we lived in and did a few exorcisms on other houses. But strangely, he never did the vicarage we lived in. One of the previous vicars before my dad drowned himself in local pond after running up gambling debts, apparently. Always presumed it was him doing the haunting.


We're going up.
Dec 18, 2003
This happened to me just before my Dad died. He had a penchant for giving us boys a 'vampire kiss' at bedtime - a tight squeeze on the neck, usually resulting in barber's rash. I was in bed dozing when I felt a pressure on my neck and as I reacted to it, it became much tighter; just like Dad giving us a kiss.

I just think it stems from a hankering for our loved ones at a time of great grief and stress - don't believe in ghosts

I think you are right and unsure that I do either. Would like to think that there is something after we have died though. There are certainly some people I would happily haunt given the chance!

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