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George Bush - UK Next Week

Albion Dan

Jul 8, 2003
Thats not true, I was 100% behind the interventions in Kosovo and also think we should have done alot more in Bosnia too where a tyrant was effectively carrying out genocide. We should also have gone into Rwanda.

In fact I dont remember any protests over our intervention in Kosovo. This is where your argument falls to pieces.
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Jul 5, 2003
Fair enough, i don't know you so shouldn't really have made that comment. Different people think differently and i'm gonna leave it at that and leave these threads well alone.

Ta ta.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Chapman - don't waste your time mate its not worth it. :yawn:


Jul 7, 2003
Tom Hark said:
Both invaded a sovereign state in clear contravention of international law - and both are war criminals.

Actually it was the new left that broke the sovereignty principle when Clinton/Blair used Nato to bomb the Serbs.

The protestors had the moral high ground before the unlawful invasion of Iraq - and they'll sure as hell have the moral high ground next week irrespective of whether the Met beat the shit out of them or not.

Moral High Ground? EH? could you explain this in detail. I think the Bible says Evil should be tackled to stop it spreading. Robin Cook preached an ethical foreign policy ref dodgy regimes, if you take that to its concluision it means getting Rid of EM.

HARKS You are full of shit, a moral degenerate and a gutless coward. Freedom needs to be defended, it isnt free and its usually paid for in human lives. No democracy has ever gone to war with another, all tyrants when they have crushed their people start to look further afeild. If you dont like it move to f***ing IRAN.


New member
Sep 14, 2003
Bare said:
Moslims and Jews have been at each other since their religions began, if the Bible is any record of History.

The Prophet Mohammed was born in the seventh century - not sure how the Bible can have any record of Islam in it.....

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern

looney's rattled, he's using big letters.

actually tom hark isn't full of shit cos

'...influential Pentagon hawk Richard Perle conceded that the invasion of Iraq had been illegal.
In a startling break with the official White House and Downing Street lines, Mr Perle told an audience in London: "I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing." ',2763,1089158,00.html

so it would seem he's (hark) right on the legality of the matter

the only other question is the morality of it. as perle says, a lot of people believe it was the moral thing to do. thing is, a hell of a lot of people disagree with that. a hell of a lot of people also believe this is just a hypocritical front. with good reason too.

you're trotting out the official line more and more every day loonster. the letters getting bigger in your post reminds me a bit of the incredible hulk (not as good looking though) going slightly mental

a passionate cry for freedom there, which i think, like many other people, shoots your argument square in the foot:

are some people less freer than others? is some peoples freedom worth defending more than others. by your argument we should be sizing up all the other tyrants out there....oh look! we're not

i don't expect an answer to that one, just the usual goal post moving response about how just cos there are other tyrants doesn't make it wrong to remove saddam, or perhaps a fascinating link....



Jul 7, 2003
Exactly, its the Koran that is full of hate and bile aimed at jews and to a lesser exstent christians. Hence the long term animosity.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
ChutneyStirrer said:
The Prophet Mohammed was born in the seventh century - not sure how the Bible can have any record of Islam in it.....

oh chutney, leave bare alone. he might not come back:nono:

blimey, looney is an avid and expert reader of the koran too!


Jul 7, 2003
"are some people less freer than others? is some peoples freedom worth defending more than others. by your argument we should be sizing up all the other tyrants out there....oh look! we're not"

I am sizing up all other tyrants out there as no doubt others are. Hope one day if you ever have grand children you'll tell them how you stood shoulder to shoulder with one tyrant after another. Hope they disown you.

I am not trotting out any line I have come to my own concluisions.

Which are........

1 We are at war.
2 it will last 20- 30 years
3 approx 8 states will be toppled in this period by one method or another. Invasion/ insurgency techniques etc.
4. The probability of WMD being used by terrorists is far greater than 50% including Nuclear wepeons
5. This is a moral war that involves the objectives of global democracy as well as National Security.

I reached these concluisions on the evening of sept 11 2001 and over the next couple of days. I stand by them. I would fight for them.


Jul 7, 2003
I have read a fair bit of the Koran as well as the bible as well as related books on sufism and other religous stuff.

I am an athiest but I am intrested in religions.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
looney said:

I am sizing up all other tyrants out there as no doubt others are. Hope one day if you ever have grand children you'll tell them how you stood shoulder to shoulder with one tyrant after another. Hope they disown you.


glad you're sizing up all those tyrants looney. tell me though, how influential are you in us/uk policy making?

you are sounding a bit mental these days mate. slinging that mud for all your worth, but it ain't going to stick on me. like mud off a ,erm, extremely oily ducks back.never met a tyrant in my life and certainly wouldn't know what standing shoulder to shoulder with them would be like. what's it like to swallow bullshit though? i've often wondered



New member
Sep 14, 2003
looney said:
Exactly, its the Koran that is full of hate and bile aimed at jews and to a lesser exstent christians. Hence the long term animosity.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... and the New Testament is anti-semitic.....

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
actually, here's a picture of me telling my lovely future grandaughter of how i took tea with saddam and played golf with mugabe



New member
Sep 14, 2003
looney said:
[BThis is a moral war that involves the objectives of global democracy as well as National Security. [/B]

Which war is this, now?? The war on terrorism or the war on Iraq?? Or is it all the same thing??

Surley the interests of 'global democracy' are best served through the UN, or is that just when it suits you....

Whose National Security?? Ours or the United States?? I don't think the bombing of the UK Mission in Turkey and murder of its Consul General whilst the President of the USA is in this country is a coincidence.....


Jul 7, 2003
alan partridge said:
have you been reading this page looney? sure sounds like it

Nope sorry. That is a very simplistic and fundamentalist veiw of islam, its what the islamisists beleive not most muslims.

I could debate you on islam but I doubt you know enough, probably just the pc sanitized stuff not the tricky contravertial stuff so your prolly as much a blunder as the writer of that site.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
looney said:
Nope sorry. That is a very simplistic and fundamentalist veiw of islam, its what the islamisists beleive not most muslims.

I could debate you on islam but I doubt you know enough, probably just the pc sanitized stuff not the tricky contravertial stuff so your prolly as much a blunder as the writer of that site.

t'was a joke looney, a joke. i thought that guys opening line was hilarious
In creating this badly needed page on Islam, I drew very heavily from Robert Morey's excellent book on this subject, "The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World's Fastest Growing Religion" published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1992). I gleaned other information from my dealings with Muslims.

broad range of sources he took there don't you think

:lolol: :lolol:

anyway, i have studied a bit about islam but i know nothing about cleaning my pc


Jul 7, 2003
ChutneyStirrer said:
Which war is this, now?? The war on terrorism or the war on Iraq?? Or is it all the same thing??

The war on terrorism, but to an exstent they are the same thing.

Surley the interests of 'global democracy' are best served through the UN, or is that just when it suits you....

No UN is a collection of nations, it is not a democratic organisation in the sence that it does not promote democracy

Whose National Security?? Ours or the United States?? I don't think the bombing of the UK Mission in Turkey and murder of its Consul General whilst the President of the USA is in this country is a coincidence.....

You are a total f***ing idiot Who has missed the point of what I said, its not about nations per se(it maybe to you) its about the beleif in freedom and democracy, something you seem to feel is negotiable, to me it isn't.

Coincidence? Are you saying the bombs that slaughtered so many in istanbul are our fault? What did the British who were killed in the WTC do to deserve their deaths. You are scum.

to paraphase terminator, the islamisists cant be bought or negotiated with and they will not stop. There ultimate objective is Kaliphate and your conversion or death.

you are what lenin called a usefull idiot, I would say a nieve idiot myself.


Jul 7, 2003
alan partridge said:
t'was a joke looney, a joke. i thought that guys opening line was hilarious
In creating this badly needed page on Islam, I drew very heavily from Robert Morey's excellent book on this subject, "The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World's Fastest Growing Religion" published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1992). I gleaned other information from my dealings with Muslims.

broad range of sources he took there don't you think

:lolol: :lolol:

anyway, i have studied a bit about islam but i know nothing about cleaning my pc

Er..........worlds fastest growing religion? Maybe in breeding terms but not in conversion terms.

Remember the leftist BBC program about 5,000 british women convert to islam.

How many converted out? what about men both ways? Remind me again what religion is British? Do they mean white?

Racist mee thinks "Were da white women".
pffffffffft. there is lot of islamic propoganda peddled in the UK as well as stuff from othe religions, except the liberal left tend to swallow it hook line and sinker.

worlds fastest growing religion by conversion is Jesus Christ of latter day saints. = Mormons.
although all religions will claim net converts.

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